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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3,Teenage problems,Reading I,deal,deal with,choice,but,stay up,awake,hardly,vi.,处理,处理,对付,n.,选择,conj. & prep.,除,.,外;,只有,熬夜,adj.,醒着的,adv.,几乎不,Words & phrases review,imagine,doubt,worth,be worth doing sth,suggestion,cause,strict,be strict with sb,vt. & vi.,想象,设想,vt.,怀疑,adj.,值得;值,.,钱,值得做某事,n.,建议,n.,原因,adj.,严格的,严厉的,对某人要求严格,Words & phrases review,stay out,schoolwork,valuable,friendship,list,work out,according to,待在户外;,(,晚上,),不回家,n.,课业,adj.,宝贵的;贵重的,n.,友谊,n.,清单,算出;解决,prep.,根据,Words & phrases review,Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.,(P38),B1,1 choice,2 stay up,3 imagine,4 doubt,5 cause,6 strict,7 develop,8 valuable,a reason,b be not sure if something is true,c making sure that rules are obeyed,d very useful or important,e the right to decide which thing,you want,f start to have a skill, ability, etc.,g go to bed later than usual,h form a picture in your mind of,someone or something,Revision,Pair work:,What problem does sb. have?,What should he/she do?,Millie,Simon,Kitty,Daniel,Amy,Sandy,Do you have any hobbies?,Do you have enough time for your hobbies?,Free talk,Read and answer,1.What is Millies aim to write this letter?,2.What problem does Millie have?,She has a lot of homework every day and often stays up late. She hardly has any spare time for her hobbies.,She has a problem and wants to know how to deal with it.,Read and answer,3.Why Millie feels sleepy the next,day?,4.What does she doubt?,5.What does she dream of?,Because she has to stay up late to finish,all her homework on time.,She doubts whether it is worth spending so much time on homework.,She dreams of a long holiday.,( ) 1.Millie has much homework every day.,( ),2.Millie finds it easy to stay awake the next day.,( ),3.Millie has enough spare time for her hobbies.,( ),4.Millie finds it is worth spending so much time on homework.,( ),5.Millie dreams of a long holiday in order to have more time for her hobbies.,T,hard,F,F,hardly has any,F,doubts if,T,Millie,Problems,Friendship _,Lots of homework _,Low marks _,Not enough time for hobbies _,Staying up late _,Strict parents _,Weight _,Mr Friend is replying to Millies letter. Help him complete the sentences with the words in the box.,stay up,homework,spare,hobbies,volleyball,worth,To Millie,plan her day carefully,make a list of all the homework she has,work out how much time she needs,choose her hobby according to the time she has,Millies problem,Language points:,1.,I do not know how I should,deal with,it.,我不知道我该如何处理它。,deal,vi,.,对付,处理,deal-,dealt-dealt,deal with sth,.,处理某事物,how to deal with,意为“如何处理”,,与,what to do with,意思相近,我不知道如何处理这些垃圾。,e.g.,I dont know,the rubbish.,=,I dont know,the,rubbish.,how to deal with,what to do with,2.Millie has no choice but to do her homework.,have no choice but to do sth.,别无选择,只能,因为起晚了,他别无选择,只能乘出租车上班。,Because he got up late,he,take a taxi to work.,had no choice but to,3. I often have to,stay up late,.,我经常不得不熬夜到很迟。,stay up,熬夜,stay up late,熬夜到很迟,e.g. I,last night, so I am very tired now.,我昨天晚上熬夜了,所以现在很,累。,stay away from,不要靠近;避开,stay out,待在户外;,(,晚上,),不回家,stayed up,4.,Then I sometimes find it hard to stay,awake,the next day.,然后我有时发现第二天保持清醒很困难。,awake,adj,.,醒着的,stay awake,保持清醒,通常用在系动词后面作表语,。,e.g. My grandfather,all,night.,我祖父整晚都醒着。,was,awake,wake,是动词,意为“叫醒”,,通常与,up,连用,。,wake sb up,e.g.,妈妈,明天早上六点前叫醒我。,Mum, please,before six oclock tomorrow morning.,午餐时间到了。去叫醒你爸爸。,Its time for lunch. Go and,wake up,your father,.,wake me up,请用,wake,或,awake,填空。,1. When Mum came back last night, I was still _.,2. Dont _ up your father. He has just fallen asleep.,3. Mr King asked his wife if the baby was _.,awake,wake,awake,5. I,hardly,have any spare time for my,hobbies like volleyball and music.,hardly,adv,.,几乎不,表示,否定,意义。它,常和,can, could,等连,用,在句中位于动词,be,、情态动词或助,动词之后、行为动词之前,。,e.g.,我太累了,几乎不能走了。,Im so tired and I,walk.,She can hardly speak English, _?,can hardly,can she,6. I cannot,imagine,my life without hobbies.,imagine,vt,.,vi,.,想象;设想,imagine sth.,表示“想象某事”,。,imagine doing sth.,表示“想象做某事”,。,e.g.,我难以想象一路走到北京。,I cant,imagine,_(walk) all the way to Beijing.,imagine +,从句,e.g. Dont,imagine that,I can lend you money,every time you need it.,不要想每回你需要钱的时候和我借。,walking,7.She often,doubts,whether it is worth,spending,so much time on homework.,doubt,在肯定句中一般接“,if/whether,”,引导的从句;,doubt,在否定句中一般接”,that,”,引导的从句。,I doubt,he will come.,I dont doubt,he will win.,if,that,eg. 1.,这本书值得一读。,The book,.,2.,这部电影值得再看。,The film,again.,is worth reading,is worth seeing,8. I,dream of,a long holiday so that I could have more time for my hobbies.,我梦想有个长假好让我有更多的时间从事我的爱好。,短语,dream of/about (doing) something,意思是“,梦想,想象,”。,e.g.,她梦想进入一所世界一流大学。,She,one of the,top universities in the world.,dreamt of,entering,9. Can you offer me some,suggestions,?,你能给我些建议吗?,suggestion,n,.,建议 用作可数名词,advice,也意为“建议”,,常用作,不可数名,词,,“,一条建议,”需用,a piece of advice,来表达。,1.,处理,2.,别无选择,只能,3.,熬夜到很晚,4.,保持清醒,5.,准时,6.,有时间顾及爱好,7.,值得一做,8.,花如此多的时间在,家庭作业上,9.,梦想,10.,给我提供一些建议,deal/do with,have no choice but to do ,stay up late,stay awake,on time,have time for hobbies, be worth doing,spend so much time on homework,dream of/about,offer me some suggestions/advice,Find out the key phrases,


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