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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Music,Music,最新校长述职工作报告范文,校长述职报告怎么写?小编为大家提供一篇范文作为参考!,我的督导思考,前段时期,参加了教体局期末对学校的考核工作,每到一所学校,校长对全体教师和考核组成员进行述职报告都是必备程序,各个学校的校长都做了内容详实的述职报告,有的还辅助以多媒体课件加以诠释。但是倾听下来后,我感觉各学校校长的述职报告千篇一律,多是学校的工作总结,原先我记得是按德能勤绩四个方面来进行述职的,如今却变成了学校整体的工作总结汇报,听到的很多都是套话,观察下面的老师反应情况,听得并不是很认真,这样去述职,就流于形式了,也达不到考核的目的。,校长负责学校的整体工作,学校的全部整体工作说起来都是校长的工作,但是作为期末考核的个人述职,我想还是应该同学校工作总结是有所区别的。期末考核之时,正是学校期末考试大忙之时,学校一些老师,脱离岗位到会议室集中,时间紧迫,这就要求校长述职时精神饱满,言简意赅,内容精练,时间上不能超过10分钟,不然教师听讲注意就会分散。校长的述职是面向全体老师的,就是通过本学年的述职让教师了解校长和学校的工作情况,进而在下一个环节当中依据工作实情评议校长和领导班子,所以校长述职,Mothers Day,Mother is the most kindness and hardworking person in the world.She,gave life to,me,.It was,she,who bear pain and danger gave birth to,me,.And from then on,she,took it all,she,have to,me,.Even if sometimes,she,g,o,t angry because,of me,she still loves me forever,.,最新校长述职工作报告范文Mothers DayMother,Do you like music?Do you know how many kinds of music?And what are they?,Music style,Jazz,Classical Music,Folk Music,Rap,Rock n Roll,Country Music,Do you like music?Do you kno,Rap,RocknRoll,Country music,Folk music,Classical music,Jazz,Guess Game,RapRocknRollCountry musicFol,What famous bands do you know?,What famous bands do you know?,Zero point,Zero point,Westlife,Westlife,人教版高一英语必修二-Unit-5-Music-reading-课件(共28张PPT),The flowers,The flowers,The Beatles,The Beatles,Beyond,Beyond,人教版高一英语必修二-Unit-5-Music-reading-课件(共28张PPT),The Monkees,the most popular,band in the USA,in 1966 1968!,A big hit!,The Monkees A big hit!,The Monkees,The Monkees,Do you know anything about,“The Monkees”?,It is a band with 4-person that was very popular in the 1960s in America and as well as a TV show of the same name and it based on“The Beatles”.The band used instruments rarely seen on TV at that time.Now it is still popular in the world today.,Do you know anything about,The Band That Wasnt,Reading,The Band That WasntReading,1.Which two musical bands were mentioned in the passage?,2.When did“The Monkees”break up and when did it reunite?,3.When did The Monkees celebrate their time as a real band?,The Beatles and the Monkees,1970,mid-1980s,1996,1.Which two musical bands were,Reading:,Scan the passage again and look for the main idea of each paragraph,Para 1,Para 3,Para 2,Para 4,How“The Monkees”was formed.,The development of“The Monkees”.,Dreaming of being a famous,musician or singer.,How musicians form bands.,Reading:Scan the passage aga,one _ and three_,_to sing,after one year or so,became _about their work,(played and sang,_,became more _ and sold even more _,produced a new _for celebrating their time as _,reunited,TV show,musician,actors,pretended,serious,their own music,popular,records,record,a real band,broke up,(In 1970),_,_,(mid-1980s),Carful Reading:,started as a_,The Monkees,one _ and three_,Filling about para 3 and 4,advertisement,actors,formed,touring,Filling about para 3 and 4adv,jokes,broadcasts,other musicians,celebrated,broke up,reunited,jokesbroadcastsother musicians,1.The TV organizers had looked for five musicians who were lovely and who could make good music.,2.Each week the group that was called“The Beatles”would play a song or two written by other musician.,3.“The Monkees”broke up in about 1970,but reunited in the 1980s.,”T”or“F”exercises and correct,F,F,T,four,Monkees,1.The TV organizers had looked,1.How many musicians were there when the band was formed at the beginning?,Four B.Three C.Two D.One,2.When did the Monkees break up and when did it reunite?,1970;1996,B.1970;1990,C.1970;the mid-1980s,D.1968;1986,Comprehending,1.How many musicians were the,3.What does the title of the passage mean?,A.The band wasnt a famous one.,B.The band was formed in a different way.,C.The band didnt play their own music.,D.The band wasnt supported buy his fans.,3.What does the title of the,4.Which of the following is not correct about“The Monkees”?,A.At first,The Monkees copied the style of The Beatles.,B.They were more popular than The Beatles.,C.Their performances were really popular and attractive because of their jokes.,D.They were copied by other groups and supported by their fans.,4.Which of the following,“The Monkees”was formed in 1960s in the USA.It began as a TV show.The,m,_ of the band played,j,_ as well as played music.,In fact,it wasnt a,r,_ band at the very beginning.Most of the musicians were only,a,_ who,p,_ to sing the songs when they were on the stage.They became popular because of their attractive,p,_.After a year or so,they became more,s,_ about their work and started to play their own,m,_and write their own,s,_.However,the band,b,_ up in about 1970 and,r,_ in the mid-1980s.,Summary,usicians,okes,eal,ctors,retended,erious,usic,roke,eunited,erformances,ongs,“The Monkees”was formed in 19,Lets sing together!,Our Class Song,Lets sing together!Our Cla,Homework,1.Write a composition about your favorite band(80-100 words).,2.Do the exercises on the w


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