travel journal词汇课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3 Travel journal,语言点导练,transport,vt,.,运输,;,运送,n.,U,运送,;,运输,;,交通工具,transportation(,美,)=transport(,英,),prefer to do sth.,喜欢做某事,prefer sth. to sth.,喜欢,胜过,prefer doing sth. to doing sth.,喜欢做,胜过做,prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.,宁愿做,而不愿做,记一记,练一练,用适当的词填空或用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。,Coal is usually _ (transport) by rail., He preferred _(stay) at home rather than go with us., I prefer the town _ the country.,to,transported,to stay,读一读,朗读下列句子,体会,advantage,相关搭配的不同意义。,Tom,has an advantage over,you since he can speak German.,(,搭配,: _ ;,意义,: _),(,使某人,),在,方面有优势,have an advantage over sb, He,took advantage of,her good nature.,(,搭配,: _,;,意义,: _ ), More practice will be,to your advantage,.,(,搭配,: _,;,意义,: _ ),对,(,某人,),有利,take advantage of,利用机会、处境、强项等,to sbs advantage,练一练,用,advantage,相关搭配的适当形式填空。,Mary 1 _her holiday to go on a trip in France, but she couldnt speak French, which was a (,n,.) 2 _.,disadvantage,took advantage of,记一记,have an advantage over,胜过,;,优于,take (full) advantage of (,充分,),利用,to sbs advantage,对某人有利,disadvantage n.,劣势,;,不利,(,条件,),练一练,用,fare,或,fee,填空。,I had to leave because my family could not continue to pay the school 1 _and the bus 2 _.,fare,fee,记一记,fee,指支付某些团体性的费用,如“报名费”“会费”,或支付给自由职业者,(,如律师、医生、私立学校等,),的“费用”“酬金”。,fare,主要是车、船、飞机等票款。,美句仿写,Think about the fare for different kinds of transport and decide,how to get there,.,考虑一下不同交通方式的费用,再决定怎样去那儿。,(P17),句式,疑问词,+to do sth.,仿写,我实在不知道该写些什么。,(1)I really dont know what to write about.,问题是该把这台计算机放在哪儿。,(2)The problem is where to put this computer.,去哪里还是个问题。,(3)Where to go remains a problem.,同 步 作 业,1.,充分利用,_,2.,对,(,某人,),有利,_,3.,度假,_,4.,住在河边,_,一、短语互译,live beside a river,take (full) advantage of/,make (full) use of,to sbs advantage,be/go on holiday,5. to sbs disadvantage _,6. look at the map _,7. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.,_,8. have/give an advantage over,_,(,使某人,),在,方面有优势,对,(,某人,),不利,看地图,宁愿做,而不愿做,二、单词拼写,1. What is the bus,f,_from Nanjing to Shanghai?,2. The goods will be,t,_ to Tokyo by air.,ransported,are,3. He cut his finger deep and the blood _(,流出,)out.,4. If you dont speak good English, you will be at a big,d,_ when you try to get a job.,isadvantage,flew,三、短文填空,In Kates spare time, she 1_ (prefer)to stay alone. One day, when 2 _(invite)to a concert by,Westlife, she said that she 3 _(prefer) to stay at home rather than 4 _ (go) with her friends because she prefers light music 5 _ (,介词,)rock music.,prefers,invited,preferred,go,to,


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