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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Negotiation Style Comparative Analyses,谈判风格对比浅析,Comparison of Object,比较对象,The people of Hong Kong negotiations style,香港人的谈判风格,The Taiwanese negotiations style,台湾人的谈判风格,Hong Kong,香港是世界上为数不多的购物者天堂,,经济发展很好,人们生活水平高,人均收入早已达到发达国家水平。香港以金融,航运,电子,旅游等为经济支柱,城市综合实力很强,Hong Kong is one of the few shoppers paradise in the world,Economic development is very good,people life level is high,the per capita income has reached the level of developed countries.Hong Kong to finance,shipping,electronics,tourism as the economic pillar,urban comprehensive strength is very strong.,Taboos,禁忌,Taboos,1,.,Dont say ominous words.Just opened heard Fried word is very unlucky.,不吉利的话不要乱说。刚开市就听到“炒”字声是很不吉利的。,Dont call:“lengpencaizhushe”.,不要直呼:“冷盆菜猪舌,”,.,And the book and loser unisonant,do not same with the enterprises to win victory psychology.,还有“书”与“输”同音,与企业求赢胜心理不符,.,2,Hobby,喜好,1.Like to call the pig tongue for the“zhuli”or“porfit”,喜称“猪舌”为“猪利”或“盈利”,2,2,6,8,9 the three figures were very welcome,local called 6 lu,called 8 for the,fa,said 9 for the,jiu,对“,6,、,8,、,9”,这三个数字则很欢迎,当地称“,6”,为“禄”,称“,8”,为“发”,称“,9”,为“久,”,3,Hong Kong traders enjoy such“facai”,“rice cake”goods.Because“fa”by local mean into a“rich”.,香港商人对“发菜”、“年糕”等商品最喜欢。因为发在当地意味着发财。,And“rice cake”is called“niangao”.,“年糕”则被称为“年高”。,Hong Kong businessman negotiating style,香港商人的谈判风格,Honesty and wisdom are very good at doing business,诚实智慧很善于经商,Exquisite hospitality etiquette,热情好客讲究礼节,Pay attention to negotiation status,注重谈判对方身份地,Good at bargaining,善于讨价还价,Business knowledge is abundant,商务知识比较丰富,Love said geely,爱说吉利话,香港是国际贸易和金融中心之一,作为国际性的都市,香港深受世界各国文化的影响。中国文化是源泉,但现代西方的文化意识在香港人身上有很强的反映。香港人一方面保留了中华民族的一些好传统,如勤劳、智慧、诚实等;另一方而经商性极强。,Hongkong is one of the,international trading and financial center,as an international metropolis,Hongkong is deeply influenced by the culture of countries all over the world.Chinese culture is the source,but the modern western culture consciousness in the Hongkong people have to reflect the strong body.Hongkong hand retained some good tradition of the Chinese nation,such as diligence,wisdom,honesty and so on;the other party and business is very strong,在商业交易中,常与对方拉关系、套近乎。很多时候会变相地,“,行贿,”,。因此作为洽谈人员要抵制物质诱惑,保证企业的利益不受损害。,.,In commercial transactions,often with each other relations,close.A lot of time will be disguised bribery.So as to discuss personnel to resist material temptation,ensure the enterprise interests will not be harmed,.,香港公司多如牛毛,很多是资本少、实力小的公司,因此要注意资信调查,谨防上当受骗。,Hongkong company is numberless as the sand,a lot less capital,the strength of small companies,so pay attention to credit investigation,beware of cheated,香港商人缺少长远打算,注意眼前利益,一有风吹草动就会发生变化,因此要仔细地认真地制定合同中每一个条款,以确保合同能得到确实执行。,The merchant of Hongkong lack the long-term plan,pay attention to immediate interests,there is a sign of trouble will change,so must carefully carefully make every clause in the contract,to ensure that the contract can be fully enforced,With Hong Kong businessmen to negotiate,与香港商人的谈判技巧,Pay attention to the title,注重称谓,Pay attention to communication skills,establish a good relationship,讲究交往技巧,建立良好关系,Pay attention to etiquette,注重有关礼仪,Pay attention to the quotation and technical details and claim clause,注意报价和技术细节以及索赔条款等问题,Taiwanese Culture,Negotiation Styles and Taboos,台湾文化、谈判风格与禁忌,台湾的历史文化,台湾自古就是中国的领土。,19,世纪末在帝国主义向外扩张的浪潮下,台湾成为日本殖民地。,1945,年随着第二次世界大战结束,日本殖民统治结束。因为丰富多元的历史背景,造就了多彩多姿的台湾文化。,Taiwan is Chinese territory since ancient times.When the outward expansion of imperialism in the end of 19,th,century,Taiwan became a Japanese colony.In 1945,with the end of the World War II,the Japanese colonial rule ended.Because the rich and diverse historical background creating a colorful Taiwanese culture.,The Taiwanese style of negotiations,台湾人的谈判风格,P,atience and,S,tubbornness,忍耐和固执,务实,重利轻义,pragmatic and value material gains above justice,做起事情来埋头苦干,务实台湾人比较务实,在生意场上,他们比较敬业,敢于向外开拓,台湾的远洋渔业、国际贸易和国际航运都有非常卓越的成就。,Things start to,work with quiet hard application,pragmatic Taiwanese more pragmatic,in the business field,their dedication,dare to open up,Taiwan ocean fisheries,international trade and shipping are very outstanding achievement.,由于太务实,台湾人在价值观中重利轻义,实用主义成分过重,使得台湾人之重实利却缺乏理想的群体人格。,Because it is too pragmatic,Taiwanese in the values of materialistic meaning,pragmatic components of heavy weight,making the utilitarian Taiwanese but lack the desired group personality,Blunt,but easy to impulse,耿直,但容易冲动,耿直,但容易冲动,台湾人淳朴,个性通常是耿直。总的来说,他们遇到事情欠考虑,容易冲动,通常提出要求、要答案无法满足时,怒火当即发作,而且他们还可能会不顾一切,采取冒险行动。在商界,他们一般很难从长远的商业利益来考虑问题,多短促行为,Upright,but impetuous,台湾人淳朴,个性通常是耿直。总的来说,他们遇到事情欠考虑,容易冲动,通常提出要求、要答案无法满足时,怒火当即发作,而且他们还可能会不顾一切,采取冒险行动。在商界,他们一般很难从长远的商业利益来考虑问题,多短促行为,Taiwanese,simplicity,personality is usually straightforward.In general,they encounter things under consideration,impulsive,often require,to answer can not satisfy the present,anger immediately attack,but they may also be desperate,take action adventure.In business,they are generally very difficult to consider the question from the long-term b


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