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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Reading,Thinking,P37-40,新,人教选择性必修,Book 1,Unit 4 Body Language,Pre-reading,Look at the pictures:,Look at the pictures:,Pre-reading,Look and discuss,What might the people be doing in the photos?,What do you think they might be feeling?,When and how do you use body,language to convey meanings?,1,In the first photo,a girl is,covering her face with her hand.,A woman s,it,ting next to her is,lo,o,king at her.Maybe the f,i,rst,re,ceived,bad news.,I,n the second photo,two,men,are,c,lapping hands,and two,women are,laughing.I think,they did,well in a project,together.,In the third photo,two businessmen are shaking hands and bowing to each,other.I think they are making a,business deal.They are showing,respect.,In the fourth photo,a man is,hugging his daughter while,his wife is standing next to,him and watching them.I,guess the man is leaving for,some reason.,2 In the first photo,the girl might be feeling,depressed.The woman sitting next to her,looks worried.In the second photo,these,young people look happy and c,h,ee,r,ful.In the,t,h,ird photo,two businessmen might be,showing,r,espe,ct,to each oher.In the fourth,photo,the daughter mig,h,t be fe,e,ling,unw,il,ling to le,a,ve her,fa,t,h,er,.,Her fa,t,her,p,r,ob,a,bly fe,e,ls the s,a,me way.,3 When words can,t convey f,ul,ly w,h,a,t,I mean,I may adopt some,body language to help,show how,I,feel.,sad,Can you guess what they are trying to communicate?,happy,surprise,Goodbye,!,Come here,!,Read the,text,and predict what the text is about.,While-reading,Body language.,In,Bulgaria and southern Albania,shaking ones head means“no”,and nodding means“yes”._,Body language is used to express our thoughts,and opinions in our interactions with other people,as words._,Moving your hand in circles over your stomach means,“I am hungry”,._,In Japan,eye contact may demonstrate respect to look down when talking to an older person._,If we are feeling down or lonely,seeing the,smiling face of a good friend can make us happy._,F,T,F,T,T,True or False,ReadComplete,Make inferences,Sometimes a passage does,not say something directly.,However,you can figure it,out by looking at the clues,in the passage.,Body language/Gesture,Meaning,Country/Region,Eye contact between men,and women,Not polite,Middle East,Looking down when talking to someone,OK sign,Kissing on the cheek,Placing your hands together and resting them on the side of your head while closing your eyes,Moving your hand in circles over your stomach after a meal,A sign of respect,Japan,Japan,France,Brazil,Germany,A greeting,Money Zero,Not polite,France and Russia,Im sleepy,Im full,Most places,Most places,How is the body language mentioned in the text interpreted in China?,Some are the same in China.For example,the gesture,for putting hands together and resting them on the side,of your head means sleeping.,Can you think of an example of body language that is appropriate in China but might be misunderstood in another culture?,Avoiding eye contact and lowering ones head may,mean respect and being shy in China,whereas in some,other countries this body language may be interpreted,as being rude.,What advice on body language can you give a foreign friend on his/her first trip to China?,Please pay attention to the social distance,which is,different in China and in the West.,ReadDiscuss,Watch the video,Smile Trial,:,Post-reading,Group discussion,1 Smiles can be used to hide feelings like,anger,fear,or worry.Can you describe a,situation where you might smile when you,don,t mean it?,Sometimes,I,smile when,I,am impatient,but I know I shouldnt be.For example,if I am riding a train and a baby starts crying,I may try to smile,because even though the babys crying is annoying,I know that it is not the,babys fault and there is probably,nothing that can be done.,2 Apart from fake smiles,is there any other,kind of body language that can sometimes,be fake?,There are,“,crocodile tears,”,.This is when a person fakes feeling sad or sympathetic for another person.(The phrase comes from an old story that crocodiles cry while they are eating,asthough they feel sad for,their victim.),Group discussion,3,Which is a more reliable guide for,understanding someone,s feelings,their,body language or the words they speak?,Their body language is much more reliable than the words they say,because most people have trouble hiding their anger,disappointment,or,i,rr,i,tation.,Group discussion,Language points,P38-39,新,人教选择性必修,Book 1,Unit 4 Body Language,课文回,顾,Fill in the table with different forms of the words.,embarrassing,embarrassed,embarrassingly,Noun,Verb,Adjective,Adverb,differ,vary,rely,interact,approve,embarrass,difference,different,differently,variation,variable,variably,reliance,reliable,reliably,interaction,interactive,interactively,approval,approving,approvingly,embarrassment,embarrassing,embarrassed,embarrassingly,Work out the meanings of the underlined words in the sentences below.,1 I,rest


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