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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,第十讲 八年级,(,上,)Units 11,12,类别,新课标要求,重,点,词,汇,拓,展,1.meetn.,会议;集会,meeting,2.hate(,反义词,)v.love,3.borrow(,反义词,)v,借给;借出,lend,4.inviten.,邀请,invitation,5.talentadj.,有天赋的;天才的,talented,6.with(,反义词,)prep.without,7.loveadj.,可爱的,lovelyadj,.,充满爱的,loving,8.southadj.,南方的;在南方的,southern,9.far(,最高级,)farthest,重,点,短,语,记,忆,1.do the dishes,洗餐具,2.take out,取出,3.make one,s bed(,或,make the bed),整理床铺,4.work on,从事;忙于,5.do chores,处理琐事;干家务,6.do the laundry,洗衣服,7.take care of,照看;照顾,8.close to,靠近;接近,9.talent show,才艺表演,重,点,句,型,整,理,1.Could you please clean your room,?,2.Could I use the car,?,3.What,s the best movie theater,?,4.Town Cinema is the cheapest.,5.The price of a hotel room is about 320,yuan,a night.,1,borrow some money,借一些钱,(Unit 11),【,辨析,】borrow,与,lend,borrow,指借入,,lend,指借出;表示,“,还给,”,用,return,sth.to,sb./give,sth.back,to sb.,。,borrow,是终止性动词,与一段时间连用时用,keep,代替,borrow,。如:,Jack wants to borrow a bike from Dave,,,but Dave has lent his bike to Tom.,杰克想借戴维的自行车,但戴维已经把车子借给汤姆了。,Tony has kept my dictionary for a week.,托尼借用我的字典已有一周了。,2,Could I,invite,my friends to a party?,我可以邀请我的朋友们去参加晚会吗?,(Unit 11),invite,意为,“,邀请,”,,意同,ask,,但,invite,更正式,,invite,常用于以下两种结构:,invite sb.to do,sth,.,邀请某人做某事。如:,They invited me to join their club.,他们邀请我加入他们的俱乐部。,invite sb.to,sth,.,邀请某人参加,。如:,Jack invited his friends to his birthday party yesterday.,昨天杰克邀请他的朋友们参加他的生日聚会。,invite,的名词形式是,invitation,。如:,Thank you for your invitation.,谢谢你的邀请。,3,Thanks for,taking,_,care,_,of,my dog.,谢谢你照顾我的狗。,(Unit 11),【,辨析,】take care of,与,look after,take care of,与,look after,都有,“,照顾;照料,”,的意思,可以互相转换。如:,She stayed at home and took care of her mother yesterday.,She stayed at home and looked after her mother yesterday.,昨天她待在家里照顾她母亲了。,take good care of,和,look after.well,意义相同,都是,“,好好照料;好好照顾,”,的意思。,take care of,有,“,保管;保护,”,的意思,而,look after,没有这一含义。如:,The teacher told the students to take care of the new books.,老师告诉学生要保护好新书。,4,Sanya,is,_,in,Hainan Province,in,southern China.,三亚市位于中国南部的海南省。,(Unit 12),句中,be,可替换为,lie,,表示,“,位于,”,。,(in,境内;,on,接壤;,to,不接壤,),说明:,B is in the east of A.,C is on the east of A.,D is to the east of A.,(,简记:包含用,in,,相切用,on,,相离用,to,。,),China lies in the east of Asia and on the south of Mongolia.,中国地处亚洲东部,北邻蒙古。,Australia is to the south of the equator.,澳大利亚位于赤道以南。,5,About 200,yuan,a night is,enough,.,每晚大约,200,元钱就足够了。,(Unit 12),名前形副后,,enough,足够。如:,We have enough time for the work.,我们有充足的时间完成任务。,I think his picture is beautiful enough,,,but he said he didn,t draw it carefully enough.,我觉得他的画够美的了,但他说他画得不够细致。,八年级上,(11,12,单元,),(,训练时间:,60,分钟分值:,100,分,),基础知识过关,一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词,(5,分,),1,Did you go to the c_ to see the American movie last Sunday?,2,If you work hard,,,you will achieve s_.,3,The movie theater has the most c_ seats.,4,Which is the f_ place from your home,,,the theater,,,the store or your school?,5,Do you often listen to the news on the r_?,二、根据句意和所给单词的汉语提示完成句子,(7,分,),inema,uccess,omfortable,arthest,adio,1,They will travel in the _(,北方的,)cities.,2,This little boy went to school _(,没有,)breakfast.,3,The bed was,_ _,(,舒适的,)and I slept well.,4,We _,(,邀请,)some foreign friends to the show.,5,It is Tuesday that I,_,(,打扫,)the floor every week.,6,Is it because we are _(,近的,)to the sun in summer than we are in winter?,7,There are few fine _(,电影院,)in the city.,8,I tried to find him in the crowd,but had no _(,成功,),northern,without,comfortable,invited,sweep,closer,cinemas,success,三、翻译句子,(16,分,),1,露西,请你把垃圾带出去好吗?,_ _ _ _ _,2,周末你喜欢做家务活吗?,_,3,当我忘记打扫房间时,妈妈变得真的很生气。,_.,4,谢谢你能照顾我的狗。,_ _ _ _.,Lucy,could you please take out the trash?,Do you like to do chores on weekends?,My mom gets really angry when I forget to clean my room.,Thanks for taking care of my dog,5,我们才艺表演需要再多两个演员。,_ _ _ _ _ _,6,我打算先做我的英语作业,然后去见我朋友。,_,_.,7,我度假时你照顾下我的狗好吗?,_,8,年轻人觉得城镇里的地方怎么样?,_,We need two more actors for the talent show.,I am going to work on my English homework and then meet,my friends.,Could you please take care of my dog when I am on vacation?,What do young people think about places in town?,综合能力提高,一、单项选择,(10,分,),1,Could you please do the dishes,Lana?Im cleaning the room.,_.,A,Yes,sure B,Yes,you can,C,No,thanks D,No,you cant,【,解析,】,考查情景交际。句意为,“,拉娜,你能把餐具洗一洗吗?我在收拾房间。,”“,好的,当然可以。,”,故选,A,。,【,答案,】A,2,Paris is one of _ cities in the world.,A,more beautiful,B,more beautifully,C,the most beautifully,D,the most beautiful,【,解析,】,考查形容词最高级的用法。形容词最高级前面需要加,the,,修饰,cities,需要用形容词,beautiful,,故选择,D,。,【,答案,】D,3,Mummy,,,can I _ my bike to my friend?,Sure,if you like.,A,lend B,keep,C,return D,borrow,【,解析,】,考查固定短语的用法。,lend.to.,表示,“,把,借给,”,,故选,A,。,【,答案,】A,4,Which of those radios sounds _,?,The smallest one.,A,good B,well,C,better D,best,【,解析,】,考查形容词最高级的用法。由答语,“,最小的那个,”,可知,问句需要用最高级,best,,故选,D,。,【,答案,】D,5,(2011,广安,),David,,,can you _ yourself?,Of course,,,I can.,A,dress,B,put on,C,wear,【,解析,】,动词辨析。,dress sb.,给某人穿衣服;,put on,是穿上,衣服;,wear,是穿着衣服,表状态。根据句意,“,戴维,你能自己穿衣服吗?,”,知选,A,。,【,答案,】A,6,(2011,沈阳,)Jack is a famous writer._ new book is very popular.,A,My B,Your,C,Her D,His,【,解析,】,考查形容词性物主代词的用法。句意为,“,杰克是一位


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