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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,特殊句型“把”字句的翻译,特殊句型“把”字句的翻译,一、“把”字句的定义,二、“把”字句的使用条件,三、“把”字句的语法特点,四、“把”字句翻译赏析,五、“把”字句翻译练习,特殊句型“把”字句的翻译,一,、“把,”,字句定义,“把”字句是指谓语部分带有介词“把”构成的介词结构作状语的动词谓语句,(,刘月华等,,1983:465,;樊平,,1988:263),。,例如:他把自己的杯子弄破了。,特殊句型“把”字句的翻译,二,、“把”字句的使用条件,1),用于主动式,2)“,把”字句的作用是将宾语提前突出宾语,宾语之后的主要动词必须是及物动词,而且必须与宾语搭配得当。,3),既然宾语已经提前,主要动词不能再另带宾语,(,能带双宾语的动词除外,如:请把这件事情告诉他,),。,4),不能单独使用“把”字而没有别的动词与他接应。比如“把信寄出去”,特殊句型“把”字句的翻译,三、“把”字句的语法特点,1),表示“位置”或“影响”,(,人或物,),以及“位置”或“影响”,(,人或物而产生,),的结果。,原文,:,他,把,那把椅子搬到屋子外面去了。,译文:,He moved that chair out of the room.,2)“,把”字句中“把”的作用在于指明其所“位置”或“影响”的人或物,即宾语。,原文:他们把病人送到医院去没有?,译文:,Did they send the sick person to the hospital?,特殊句型“把”字句的翻译,3)“,把”字句中若有能愿动词、否定副词、时间状语等,它们一般放在“把”字之前。,原文:他,想,把生的希望让给别人,把死的危险留给自己。,译文:,He intended to run a risk of death upon himself and leave the hope of survival to others.,原文:他,没有,把那项任务很好地给我们完成。,译文:,He didnt fulfill the task to our satisfaction.,“把”字句翻译赏析,1.,原文:你最好月底之前,把这台机器修好,。,译文:,You had better,have this machine repaired,by the end of this month.,2.,原文:我是,把,那件事当做自己的事情来做的。,译文:,I,considered,the matter,as,my own business.,“把”字句翻译赏析,3.,原文:她把她的自行车借给了我。,译文:,She,lent me her bike,.,She,lent her bike to me,.,4.,原文:他们,把消息告诉了他们遇到的每一个人,。,译文:,They,told the news to everybody they met.,“把”字句翻译赏析,5.,原文:因此,经济学家指出,中国今年有 可能,把,通货膨胀率控制在确定的目标,(15%),之内,但不可能没有通货膨胀。,把,通货膨胀控制住,是非一日之功可以做到的。,译文:,Because of this,as many economists are pointing out,while China may be able to keep inflation within the 15%target,inflation is unavoidable.It will take much effort to bring it under control.,“把”字句翻译赏析,6.,原文:简单的说,市政府计划强化这一地区的综合功能,弱化居住功能。,把,这里建成一个现代化大都会。,译文:,In short,the district is going to be built into a modern,metropolitan downtown focused on urban functions rather than residence.,“把”字句翻译赏析,7.,原文:为了实现武汉长远发展战略目标,武汉市政府,把,科技放在首要位置,以提高科技水平,加强经济力量。,译文:,To fulfill the long-range strategic goal in the development of Wuhan,the municipal government puts science and technology in the first place in order to raise the scientific level and strengthen the economic power.,“把”字句翻译练习,1.,这些民歌,刻画生动,形式活泼,把革命的现实主义同革命的浪漫主义巧妙地结合了起来。,2.,住在着白色的小屋,好像把我住在帷幔中一般。,3.,那个人把刀在围裙上,在那块脏布上抹了一下,熟练地挥动着刀在切肉。,4.,血液把这种快乐传遍内脏,最后在脸颊上留下心满意足的红润。,5.,他讲了几句话,就说要走了,我不敢留他,不过我要他把他的住处告诉我,让我好去找他。,“把”字句翻译练习参考答案,1,.Vivid in imagery,catchy in tune and lively in form,the folk songs artistically combine revolutionary realism and revolutionary romanticism.,2.Staying in this tiny white room would be like living inside a tent.,3.The man there took up his knife,wiped it off on the filthy apron he was wearing,then began slicing some of the meat with exceptional skill and show.,“把”字句翻译练习参考答案,4.My blood would carry this happiness to my heart and then my cheeks would blossom a ruddy contentment.,5.He talked to me for a while,and then said he had to leave.I didnt dare to hold him back,but I wanted him to tell me where he was staying so I would know where to find him.,


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