单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,指导学生如何答好书面表达,一 了解书面表达的评分标准,(一)书面表达的评分标准,1,评分原则,(,1,)考生根据所提供的材料和话题做答,按四个等次给分。,(,2,)使用了真实姓名,地名和学校名,此题不给分。,(,3,)有下列情况之一降一个等次:脱离所提供的信息材料和话题;问题不符;次数不足,80,个。,(,4,)有下列情况之一在总分中扣,1,分:书写字迹潦草,以致影响交际;没拟标题或标题有误;严重语法错误(影响正确表达)每处扣,1,分,同以错误不重复扣分,最多不超过,3,分。,(,5,)文中出现拼写、大小写、词语搭配或措词不当等错误,13,个扣,1,分,,3,个以上扣,2,分,最多不超过,2,分。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。,2,评分要求,(,1,)评分时应先考虑文章结构及文章的可读性,其次考虑较为复杂的词语和句子结构的准确性。,(,2,)评分时要根据文章内容和语言初步确定其所属等次,再以该等次的要求来衡量,确定或调整等次,最后给分。,3, 给分范围,一等文:(,1215,分)文章结构严谨;叙事完整;语言丰富优美;语法准确;可读性强。,二等文:(,911,分)文章结构合理,但叙事不够完整;能用完整的句子,语言较流畅;有些语法错误,但不影响意思表达;可读性较好。,三等文(,68,分)文章结构不合理;叙事不具体;语言表达不够清楚;能用一些词勉强表达情感;语法、句式达不到准确完整。,四等文(,05,分)基本不成文。,二 熟知写作步骤,书面表达的写作步骤,1, 仔细审题,通过审题明确文章的体裁,记叙文、说明文、还有议论文。掌握题目的纲要,列出文章的提纲。,2, 在写作之前先打草稿。一般将文章分成三段写,开始部分(,Opening paragraph,),说出文章的要点、核心问题,提出自己的观点。,正文部分(,Body paragraphs,),围绕主题展开叙述、讨论和说明。,结尾部分(,Concluding paragraphs,),对全文的总结和概括,也可以提升或号召。,1 判断文体,判断文体,1.,记叙文,关键提示词:,的感受,讲述,,记述,,,的经历,,的故事,认识一下,,,的事情,举例:,(,1,)请结合此倡议谈谈你为你的家人或朋友所做的的一件表达你的感恩之情的,【,事情,】,以及你的感受。,(,2,)写一篇短文,记述初中生活中一次难忘的,【,经历,】,吧!,(,3,)为大家,【,讲述,】,一件你最有成就感的,【,事情,】,,和大家分享成功的喜悦。,2,议论文,关键提示词:谈谈你对,感想,是否应该,,是否有必要,,发表你的感想,应不应该,,,的理由,阐述,举例:,(,1,)请你说一说九年级毕业班的学生,【,是否应该,】,做家务。,(,2,)你认为中学生除学习外,,【,应不应该,】,发展业余爱好。,(,3,)请围绕该话题谈一谈你对此的看法并,【,阐明,】,同意或不同意的,【,理由,】,。,3, 说明文,关键提示词:介绍,,如何,,怎样才能,,介绍一下,举例:,(,1,)请你围绕初中生应该,【,如何,】,计划使用零用钱这一话题,展开思路谈谈你的感想。,(,2,)那么,,【,怎样才能,】,和同学友好相处呢?请以此为话题,写一篇短文。,(,3,)请你用学到的英语知识,【,介绍,】,下一我们美丽的家乡,哈尔滨。,2 命制题目,命制题目,1, 符合文体特征:即在题目中出现表示文体的单词。,记叙文,写人:直接以人物为标题,如“,My mother”,记事:可以表述为,The story about. The story between and The experience about a visit to,等,注意要体现出中心词。,议论文,提问式:题目以问句方式用“论”、“说”等词把问题直接提出来。如 “,Is money,Evrything,?” “Should Students Use mobile Phones at School?” “How to Make Good Use of the Time in College?” “On Knowledge” “About Moral Values” “My Views on”,等。,论点式:题目就是论点。如 “,Time Is More Important Than Money” “Advantages of” “The Benefits of” “The Value of Time” “Be harm of” “The Influence of” “The Importance of”,等。,并列式:题目将几种事物或现象并列提出来,表明论述的问题不只一方面,有两个或几个方面。如 “,Health and Life” “Air and Pollution”,等。,对照式:两种事物或两种观点对照、对比出现。如 “,Joy and Sorrow” “Good Manners and Bad Manners” “Live in the City or in the Country”,等。,说明文,题目上有标志:表示时间、地点、方位、空间、性质、制作程序、程度、范围、发展进程等。如 “,How to Make?” “The Way to My House” “The history of money” “Instructions” “The Invention of” “The Origin of”,等。,直接点明说明的对象:如 “,My Motherland” “My Pencil Box” “The Bicycle”,以设问句的形式出现:如 “,Do Animals Lie” “What Is Color”,等。,议论文,提问式:题目以问句方式用“论”、“说”等词把问题直接提出来。如 “,Is money Everything?” “Should Students Use mobile Phones at School?” “How to Make Good Use of the Time in College?” “On Knowledge” “About Moral Values” “My Views on”,等。,论点式:题目就是论点。如 “,Time Is More Important Than Money” “Advantages of” “The Benefits of” “The Value of Time” “Be harm of” “The Influence of” “The Importance of”,等。,并列式:题目将几种事物或现象并列提出来,表明论述的问题不只一方面,有两个或几个方面。如 “,Health and Life” “Air and Pollution”,等。,对照式:两种事物或两种观点对照、对比出现。如 “,Joy and Sorrow” “Good Manners and Bad Manners” “Live in the City or in the Country”,等。,3 大显身手 试一试,No.1,(,10-,市模),电视作为当代社会中一种重要的传媒,已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。看电视可以使人开阔视野、愉悦身心、放松心情,但是有人认为沉迷于电视会影响学业,浪费时间,损害健康,请围绕九年级学生要不要远离(,Keep away from,)电视这一话题展开思路谈谈你的感想。,体裁判断:,_,拟定题目:,_,No.2,(,10-,南岗一模),同学们,四年的初中生活即将过去了。这四年中,你每天与老师、同学朝夕相处,一定发生很多难忘的故事吧?下面,就请你讲述一件你和你们老师之间发生过的一件令人难忘(,unforgettable,)的事吧,并说出你的感觉。,体裁判断:,_,拟定题目:,_,No.3,(,10-,南岗二模),现在,肯德基、麦当劳等快餐食品深受中学生的欢迎。快餐食品美味诱人、节省时间、方便(,convenient,)携带。但有人认为吃这些快餐食品有很多坏处,它们品种单一、导致肥胖、危害健康、而且浪费金钱,请你围绕中学生该不该吃快餐(,fast food,)这一话题展开思路,谈谈你的感想。,体裁判断:,_,拟定题目:,_,No.4,(,10-,南岗三模),每个人都希望得到别人的肯定,一个满意的微笑、一段鼓励的掌声,都会给我们带来莫大的快乐。作为一名中学生,乐于助人的品质、努力学习的态度、永不放弃的精神,这些都可以得到别人对我们的认可。下面,就请你围绕“如何成为一个受欢迎的(,popular,)中学生”这一话题,展开思路谈谈你的感想。,体裁判断:,_,拟定题目:,_,No.5,(,09,真题),一杯水举一分钟很轻松,举一小时手臂要酸痛,举一天你就会,面对长时间的压力(,pressure,);是走出户外,呼吸新鲜空气?还是捧读书卷,感悟文字书香?是促膝交流,体会友谊温暖?还是,请你围绕面对学习压力如何放松自己这一话题,展开思路谈谈你的感想。,体裁判断:,_,拟定题目:,_,No.6,(,09,市模),理财是一个人得以生存的不可缺少的一种能力。培养理财意识、锻炼理财技能,对中学生今后的发展起着至关重要的作用。随着人们生活水平的提高、经济收入的增长,中学生的零花钱(,pocket money,)也在日渐增多。请你围绕初中生应该如何计划使用零用钱这一话题,展开思路谈谈你的感想。,体裁判断:,_,拟定题目:,_,No.7,(,09-,南岗一模),做家务可以使我们身体强健,身心放松,还可以让辛劳的父母得到休息,但是有些同学认为我们每天忙于学习,做家务会浪费我们宝贵的时间,影响我们的成绩,下面请你说一说,九年级毕业班的学生是否应该做家务。,体裁判断:,_,拟定题目:,_,No.8,(,09,道里一模),我们都生活在群体之中,总是避免不了与人相处。如果你与他人相处融洽,你会感到生活很快乐;反之,你会觉得很孤单寂寞。那么,你知道如何与人相处吗?请你围绕“如何与人相处”这一话题,写一篇短文。,体裁判断:,_,拟定题目:,_,4 段落布局,开篇,(1),开门见山,直接点题。,My name is Jiang Fang. I study in No.4 Middle School. I am in Class One, Grade Two,(2),设问开头,引人注意。,Do you know me? My name is Li Ming. My English name is Susan(“Myself”),(3),开头描述或解释主题,Computer is a wonderful machine. Its a great invention in many years. It develops very quickly(“Computer”),(4),开头点明时间或地点。,Yesterday, February 25, was a happy day for me(“A Happy Day”),段落布局,中间部分,1,加入过渡性词语使句子连贯,如:表列举:,for example,、,for instance,、,that is,、,that is to say,、,takefor example/instance,、,such as,等。,表解释说明:,namely,、,that is,、,in other work,、,thats to say,、,actually,、,in fact,等。,表顺序:,firstly,、,secondly,、,next,、,then,、,after that,、,finally,、,at last,等。,表补充:,besides,、,in addition,、,whats more,、,also,、,above all,、,moreover,等。,表对比:,on the one handon the other hand,、,while,、,in spite of,等。,表原因:,because of,、,thanks to,、,due to,、,owing to,、,now that,、,since,等。,表结果:,therefore,、,thus,、,as a result,、,sothat,、,suchthat,等。,段落布局,表结论:,to conclude,、,in a word,、,in brief,、,in all,、,then,、,to sum up,、,in short,、,on the whole,、,generally speaking,、,in my opinion,、,as far as I know,、,As we all know,、,as has been stated,、,as I have shown,、,finally,、,at last,、,in summary,、,in conclusion,等。,表转折:,however,、,nevertheless,、,yet,、,on the contrary,、,while,、,though,、,in contrast,、,despite,、,even though,、,on the other hand,、,in spite of except (for),、,after all,、,Instead,、,otherwise,等。,表并列:,or,、,and,、,also,、,too,、,not onlybut also,、,as well as,、,bothand,、,eitheror,、,neithernor,等。,表条件:,as (so) long as,、,on condition that,、,if,、,unless,等。,表让步,:though,、,although,、,as,、,even though,、,whetheror,、,however,、,whoever,、,whatever,、,whichever,、,wherever,、,whenever,、,no matter how (who,、,what,、,which,、,where,、,when,、,whom),等。,表比较:,be similar to,、,similarly,、,the same as,、,in contrast,、,compared with (to)just like,、,just as,等。,表目的:,for this reason,、,for this purpose,、,so that,、,in order to,、,so as to,等。,段落布局,2,表示罗列增加:,First, second, third,First, then/ next, after that/next, finally,For one thingfor another,On(the)one,hand on the other hand,Besides/whats more/in addition/ furthermore/ moreover/ another/ also,Especially/In particular,段落布局,3,表示时间顺序:,now, at present, recently,after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days,at first, in the beginning, to begin with,later, next finally, in the end, at last, by the end of,immediately, soon, suddenly, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment,from now on, from then on,at the same time, meanwhile,till, notuntil, before, after, when while, as, during,段落布局,4,不同长度的句子,in order to,为了,in order that,以便,sothat,如此,以至于,/,所以,suchthat,如此,以至于,/,所以,would rather dothan do,宁愿,而不,prefer doing to doing,宁愿,而不,enoughto,足够,能,tooto,太,而不能,not onlybut also,不仅,而且,eitheror,那么,要么;或者,或者,as well as,也,notuntil,直到,才,Onethe other,一个,另一个,Someothers,一些,其他,make+adj. / n. /v.,使,as if,似乎,好像),段落布局,It is no,use(good)doing,做,没用,/,没好处,It happened that,碰巧,find/ make/ think it+ adj. to do,发现,/,使得,/,认为,It is+ time since,自从,以来已有,It is+ time when,当,时是(时间),It is/ not+ time before,过一段时间才,/,过不了多久就,It is/wasthat,(强调句),It in+ n./ adj. +that/to do/doing,段落布局,结尾,(1),呼应开头。这样结尾和开头相互照应,可以使整篇文章结构更严谨、周密。,(开头),Yesterday, February 25, was a happy day for me,(结尾,) I was very happy all,day.(“A,Happy Day”),(2),总结全文。这种方法结尾一般适用于记叙文。,(开头),Li Mei is our English teacher.,(结尾),She teaches us well. We all love,her.(“My,English Teacher”),(3),提出结论。这种方法结尾一般适用于记叙文。,(开头),It was fine today. I went to the Great Wall with my classmates.,(结尾),We had a very nice time. We learned a,lot.(“An,Autumn Outing”,秋游,),段落布局,三 范文赏析,初四学习是紧张而繁忙的,有的学生感到很烦躁,学习起来不知道如何复习,有的学生平静的对待学习与考试,有条不紊的复习备考。请以“,是否应该,以平静的心态(,with a peaceful heart,)对待初四的学习”为题写一篇文章。,STUDY WITH A PEACEFUL HEART,Studying in grade Nine is very hard. We,should study with a peaceful heart,and deal with all the things in peace.,First, being calm in your heart is good for your study. In this ways, you will have a peaceful mind. You will follow your steps to study well.,Second, people like making friends with someone who is more peaceful and more patient. For if so, you will study with your friends together. You can help each other.,If you can be in the middle of the noisy environment, and yet be calm in your heart, then,you will have true peace in your heart and you will success.,议论文标 标题每个字母大写 开门见山,表明论点,论据一 论据二 重申论点,人生的路就像登山一样,每向上攀登一步,都是人生的一次进步。人们之所以能够成是他们勇敢的战胜自己,面对失败,永不放弃的精神。请你通过一件事,来描写一下你战胜困难的,经历,(,experience,)。,AN UNFORGETBAL EXPERIENCE,In my four years middle school life, there are many things I cant forget. They are like bright stars in darkness which give me encouragement all the time.,Among them, the most unforgettable is to learn to ride a bike.,Last year, my father,gave,me a new bike as my birthday gift. But I cant ride it, and I must learn to ride it by myself. The bike was too high for me to ride on it.,One day, I practiced riding on the playground. Suddenly, I fell down from the bike and hurt my legs. I said to my father, “I cant do it”. My eyes were practicing, I found that I could ride by myself.,I,think,if I give it up, I wont feel the happiness of success.,As time goes by, many things have lost their colors, but I still remember this experience.,记叙文标志 标题大写 主题句 记叙文的时间状语,记叙文一般用过去时态记叙文的时间状语 感悟或教训等 结尾点题,态度决定一切。有的人一丝不苟的做每一件事,他成功了;有的人不认真的对待任何人和事,他失败了。他们的不同之处是他们的态度。请你以 “,Develop a good attitude”,为题目,来谈谈,如何,用好态度来对待我们的学习。,DEVELOP A GOOD ATTITUDE,Many people say, “,Attitude decides everything.,” So lets develop a good attitude to our studying. However,how to develop a good attitude?,First,listen to the teacher carefully all the time in class. Dont pay attention to the teacher for a while. Wed better concentrate on the teacher for the whole class.,Second, be honest, not cheat. To be honest to everything is the most important thing. If you cheat students or the teacher, you are cheating yourself.,Third, dont complain about studying. We should be calm when you have lots of homework to do. If you always complain, you will lose your balance in your heart.,Lets have a good attitude to our study, and we will succeed in the end.,说明文标志名言主题句第一方面第二方面第三方面结尾点题,题目陈述:,体育锻炼可以陶冶情操,保持健康的心态,充分发挥个体的积极性、创造性和主动性,从而提高自行新和价值观,是个性在融洽的气氛中获得健康、和谐的发展。少年是人生中身心发育趋向成熟的重要转折时期,这时你会惊异的发现,在生理和心理方面出现许多前所未有的变化,并明显的感到,“我长大了”。随着人民生活水平和文化素质的提高,“爱美之心,人皆有之”,我们要在体育运动中茁长成长、在运动中保持健美。但有人认为初四的学生参加体育锻炼会感到疲劳,浪费时间,耽误学习。请围绕初四的学生要不要参加体育锻炼这一话题,展开思路谈谈你的感想。,思路引导:,-,体裁判断,从“围绕初四的学生要不要参加体育锻炼这一话题,展开思路谈谈你的感想”这一句话,可以判断出此作文应写成议论文。,-,注意事项,1.,这个话题容易误写成说明文。,2.,论题为体育锻炼对健康的影响,侧重运动。,3.,准备三个论据,每提出一个论据,要进行解释说明。,-,段落布局,Paragraph 1,:提出论点,即:应该参加体育锻炼;,Paragraph 2,:从三方面论述“为什么” ;,Paragraph 3,:重申论点,扣题,提出呼吁。,学生范文:,TAKING PHYSICAL EXERCISE,It is reported that 60% of the students in Grade Four think they should take exercise,Every day, while other 40% of the students believe taking physical exercise is a waste of time and it is tiring. They should spend most of the time paying attention to their lessons. In my opinion, taking physical exercise is very important in peoples life, for the students in Grade Four.,First, exercise builds ones body It is important for the students to be healthy.,EitherStudy,or work is based on strong body. We cant study well without healthy body. Second, taking physical exercise reduces diseases. Just as the saying goes, “exercise one hour a day, keep illness away!” If we dont take any exercise, we may feel tired and get sick easily. Third, also the most important, taking physical exercise helps the students keep energetic. It can let our brains have a rest so that our study can be more effective.,Above all, I think taking exercise is good for us, especially to our Junior Four students. Lets go outside to breathe fresh air. Lets make ourselves stronger and stronger.,题目陈述:,健康是福,无论工作还是学习,都离不开健康的身体,健康是我们做好一切事情的前提。随着生活节奏的加快,一些成年人在生活中整日为工作忙碌,而忽略了自己的身体健康;一些孩子为学习而忙碌,也无暇考虑身体健康。请结合自身实际谈谈,作为学生的我们应该怎样保持健康。,思路引导:,-,体裁判断,从“应该怎样保持健康”这一句话,可以判断出此作文应写成说明文。,-,注意事项,1.,这个话题容易误写成议论文。,2.,从三方面说明如何保持健康。,-,段落布局,Paragraph 1,:点题,从健康的重要性入手;,Paragraph 2,:从运动、饮食、心情三方面说明“怎么保持康” ;,Paragraph 3,:扣题,升华主题,重在坚持。,学生范文:,HOW TO KEEP HEALEHY,What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health, especially for us students. Well, how can we stay healthy? Here is some advice for you.,First of all, taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping us healthy. Second, we should have a good eating habit. Its necessary to eat enough fish and vegetables, because they contain many kinds of vitamin we need every day. Dont eat too much fat. And it is wrong of some students to eat only what they like. Whats more, I think friends are an important part of ones health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who dont. I always feel better when I am with fiends than when I an alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends.,These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage then. I think a strong will is necessary is we want to keep healthy.,题目陈述,中学的生活是丰富多彩的,学校为了满足学生的求知欲望,开设了很多不同的学科。但受到大多数中学生兴趣的爱好和影响,不同的学科受到不同的学生欢迎。作为中学生的你,是否也对某医学科有着特别的喜爱,下面就请你介绍胰腺癌你最喜欢的一门学科及原因。,思路导引,体裁判断,文体,事物性说明文;判断依据:根据所给语境和题眼(题眼为话题语境最后一句),就是要求把你的最喜欢的学科讲给别人,是对客观实物的说明与介绍。通过解说事物,阐明事理,给别人以知识的文章,此为说明文,其中标志词为“介绍”。,-,注意事项,仔细审题,确定主题。文章的目的、内容、结构层次以及语言的运用,都是要围绕主题进行。,根据情景提示和主题,安排文章的结构层次,一般是三段式结构。,要准确使用过渡词,可以使行文连贯。,首段和尾段要体现文章体裁的句子。中间段落每一观点要说明,how,或,why.,。,-,段落布局,Paragraph 1:,学校有很多学科,英语是我最喜欢的学科。提出文章想要的阐述、说明的内容;,Paragraph 2:,可以用罗列法,举例法等来阐述喜欢英语的原因,来说明你为什么喜欢英语;,Paragraph 3:,总结说明英语很重要,现在开始就应努力学习。,学生范文,MY FABORITE SUBJECT,We are busy working hard at many different kinds of subjects at school. But not all of the subjects are popular with us. Everyone has favorite subject. My favorite subject is English.,I like English best because it is a widely used language. It is spoken by more than half of the people in the world. If you want to do business with foreigners or travel to other countries, you must learn English well, for most of them speak English and most books are printed in English. With the development of our being open to the outside world, we need to understand much more about the other countries and need to be understood by them as well. English is more important to us than it used to be.,No matter what you do in the future, English will always be important. So we should study English well to solve the problems well come across. If you agree with me, lets start to learn English together from now on!,题目陈述,丰富多彩的课外活动可以减轻学习压力,充实校园生活。但是有些同学认为参加课外活动会浪费时间、分散精力;特别是活动后容易感到疲劳,从而影响学习。请你围绕中学生该不该参加课外活动这一话题,展开思路谈谈你的感想。,思路导引,-,体裁判断,文体,辩题式议论文;判断依据:根据所给语境和题眼(题眼为话题语境最后一句),其中标志词为“该不该”。,-,注意事项,作者的观点必须鲜明,不能模棱两可。,论证自己的观点是议论文最关键的部分。论证手段与英语说明文中的一些写作手法相同,常用罗列法、举例法、因果法等。,根据情景提示和主题,安排文章的结构层次,一般是三段式结构。,首段和尾段要有体现文章体裁的句子。,-,段落布局,Paragraph 1:,提出自己论述的观点:应该参加课外活动;,Paragraph 2:,从三个方面论证自己的论点(可以用罗列法或举例法来论证自己的观点):第一,参加课外活动对身体健康有好处;第二,参加课外活动可以减缓学习压力;第三,参加课外活动可以促进友谊或交到新朋友;,Paragraph 3:,重申自己的论点,并提出自己的希望。,学生范文,AFTER-CLASS AVTIVITIES ARE NECESSARY,After-class activities can make us relax. It can also make our school life more colorful, but some students think after-class activities are a waste of time. They will have little time to study. But I dont think so. I think we should take part in after-class activities.,On one hand, some after-class activities are good for our health. For example, if you are a member of the school basketball team, you can practice playing basketball. It makes you stronger than others. On the other hand, after-class activities can reduce the pressure of study. We can relax ourselves and forget the pressure from the study during the after-class activities. Furthermore, we can learn how to cooperate with others in some after-class activities. Cooperation is important for everyone.,Taking part after-class activities is necessary for us. We shouldnt quit our after-class activities. We should deal with the relationship between study and after-class activities. We do our best to study, and we relax ourselves through out after-class activities.,题目陈述,四年的初中生涯即将结束,你的母校承载了你四年来的笑容与泪水,成功与失败。回首往事历历在目,在你和同学、老师相处的四年生活中,有的事令你忧伤,有的事给你难忘的启迪,下面请你根据自己的经历,回忆一段最令你难忘的一件事,与大家分享。,思路导引,-,注意事项,仔细审题,确定主题。文章的目的、内容、结构层次以及语言的运用,都是要围绕主题进行。,根据情景提示和主题,安排文章的结构层次,一般是三段式结构。,句子的时态要与表达内容一致,要准确使用过渡词,使行文连贯。,首段和尾段要有体现文章体裁的句子。,-,段落布局,Paragraph 1:,在同学或与老师之间发生的一件难忘的事情;,Paragraph 2:,叙述事件的经过。注意记叙文的写作要素;,Paragraph 3:,事件给你的启示。,学生范文,AN UNFORGETTABLE THING,Everyone has an experience they would never forget. Some are embarrassing, some are moving, and some teach us a lesson. So do I. I cant remember many things that were past. But I can remember one thing that happened when I was a first-year student.,One day I had a big fight with a boy. I was so angry that I cried. Our monitor, Li Lei, stood up and stopped the fight. He said to me: “Dont cry. I can help you. Lets be friends.” I felt a touch of something warm in my heart and nodded. My life began to change with the new friend. When I got a bad mark, he said: “No one is really stupid. Work hard and you can make it.” As the days went by, my school grades improved. I am a top student in my class now.,Three years has passed since this thing was in my mind. From this, I understand that it is friends that encourage me to overcome difficulties. I hope everyone should make new friends. Do you agree with me? Can you tell me something about yourself?,题目陈述:,46,亿年前,有一颗蔚蓝色的星球诞生在浩瀚的宇宙中,那就是我们的母亲,地球。然而在今天,地球的环境不断受到破坏,自然灾害频发。请你围绕作为中学生,怎样做才能保护环境这一话题,展开思路谈谈你的感想。,思路引导:,-,体裁判断,文体,事理性说明文;判断依据:标志词“如何,怎样”,-,注意事项,1.,准确命题,题目要体现文体。,2.,根据以上内容写一篇短文,不要逐句翻译。,3.,首段和尾段要有体现文章体裁的句子。中间段落每一观点要说明,how,。,4.,注意是从学生的角度来写,要体现,as students,(作为学生)。,-,段落布局,Paragraph 1,:确定环保的重要性,并引出话题:,HOW TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT,Paragraph 2,:分三条阐述如何保护环境,按照由浅入深的原则排列,最好有解释性的语句,是文章充实。第一点:见到垃圾要捡起。第二点:保护植物。第三点:乘公共汽车或骑自行车上学;,Paragraph 3,:结尾要用概括性的语言对全文加以总结并升华。,学生范文:,HOW TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT,With the development of the society, the problem of the environment is becoming more and more serious. We cant imagine what the word will be like is we dont pay attention to it. However, as students, what can we do to help?,First, we should pick up the litter wherever we see it instead of leaving it there. If everyone can do such little things, we may have comfortable living environment. Second, its good for us to care about trees, flowers and grass. The more plants we have, the better environment will become. Third, to reduce using private cars cause bad air pollution, so we should take a bus or just ride a bike to school.,All in all, protecting the environment is very important, and we must try our best to make a contribution to it. Im sure the world will be more and more beautiful.,题目陈述:,46,亿年前,有一颗蔚蓝色的星球诞生在浩瀚的宇宙中,那就是我们的母亲,地球。然而在今天,地球的环境不断受到破坏,自然灾害频发。请你围绕我们是不是应该保护地球环境这一话题,展开思路谈谈你的感想。,思路引导:,-,体裁判断,文体,辩题式议论文;判断依据:标志词“应不应该”,-,注意事项,1.,准确命题,题目要体现文体。,2.,语言的过渡要自然,恰当的使用关联词。,3.,首段