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,Click to edit Master title style,/,#,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Higher Cortical Function,Dr. Shira Markowitz,Ben Gurion University,Medical School for International Health,March, 19 2013,Memory,Episodic,Semantic,Procedural,Encoding-consolidation-retrieval,Amnesia,Anterograde v. Retrograde,Associative and source memory,Frontal lobe,Memory-Episodic,Memory of,past experiences,MTL and,hippocampus - dentate,gyrus, corners ammonis,(CA,) 1,2,3, post subiculum.,Extrahippocampal - entorhinal, perirhinal, para hippocampus,.,Mammillary body, fornix, anterior thalamic nucleus,Frontal lobe - difficulty with associative and source memory,.,Memory-Episodic,Causes of episodic memory loss,Trauma,Alzheimers,MTS,PCA stroke,Herpes Encephalitis,Limbic encephalitis.,Memory-Semantic,General knowledge, factual knowledge ( state capitals, presidents,. ),Inferior lateral temporal lobes, mostly left.,Lesions of MTL cannot form new semantic memories.,Affected in AD and primary progressive aphasia,Memory- Procedural,Ability to learn behavioral skills that operate,automatically or subconsciously,.,Riding a bike, playing an instrument,Basal ganglia, cerebellum, supplementary motor cortex.,Unaffected in early AD,Affected in early PD dementia, Huntingtons, BG strokes, depression ( BG dysfunction),Language Localization,Language Comprehension,Heschel Gyrus- primary auditory cortex,Calcarine cortex- Angular gyrus,Wernikes area - posterior superior temporal lobe. P- inferior MCA,Language Expression,Naming,Based on visual stimulus, sound, smell, description, tactile stimulus,Connection from stimulus to lexicon to motor output.,Articulation,requires Intact motor planning and programming of lips tongue, palate vocal cords, Respiratory muscles, and implementation of the movements,Paraphasia- only partial information retrieved and phonologically or semantically similar word is retrieved,Semantic error- cow instead of horse. Phonemic error- shirt instead of skirt,Language expression -brocas area, inferior frontal. Superior division of left Mca.,Repetition,Praxis/Apraxia,Praxis-,Process by which a skill or idea is enacted or realized,Apraxia,inability to realize/enact a skill or idea despite the intact function of the of the systems required to carry it out.,Normal comprehension, normal sensory and motor systems etc.,Apraxia,Ideomotor,postural errors, egocentric movement errors, allocentric errors. Trouble with pantomime actions, use fingers as a brush.,Inferior parietal lobe, premotor cortex, corpus collosum, sub cortical connection basal ganglia thalamus. ( right lesion affects left side),Ideational - unable to sequence a series to complete a task.,If given components bread, cheese lettuce etc. cannot make a sandwich,left prefrontal, occipital parietal,Conceptual- loss of mechanical knowledge,not sure which tool to use or how to use a,may may not recognize the problem that needs o be fixed,left temperoparital, in right handed),Apraxia cont,Dissociation/ conduction Apraxia,No problem with praxis but have trouble accessing/ activating,left sided lesion either affecting speech or vision causing dissociation,Limb kinetic,Loss of dexterity,coin rotation with thumb and index finger, pegboard test.,Premotor cortex,Right lesion causing problem in left hand.,Left lesion causes ipsilateral problem and contralateral,Executive function,Frontal Lobe, subcortical networks.,Working memory,maintaining information in and active state during processing to use for other purposes ( sentence, phone #),Serial 7s, world backward, digit span,Planning and Organizing,Clock draw,Executive Function,Inhibitory control,Inhibit inappropriate response, shift response,Trails B, go-no go, discordant colors,Attention,Preforntal Cortex, parietal cortex, limbic cortex, RAS,Allocation of neuroal resources to event etc. that has beocme relevant,Can be influenced by mood and motivation,Attention deficit disorder,Acute confusional state/delerium,Impairment in attention and usually arousal,Distractable, perseverative, impersistence,Visuospacial Processing,Neglect:,Spatial neglect, Anosognosia,Right parietal damage,Lince bisection, “A” cancelation,Balint syndrome,Optic ataxia, ocular apraxia, simultagnosia,Parieto-occipital damage,Common in AD due to posterior cortical atrophy,Disorders of Reading, Color and Object,Recognition,Alexia with agraphia,Right occipital and spenium of CC,Alexia ( alexia without agraphia),Left tempero-occipital,May recognize letter but cannot read words,No trouble writing,Color agnosia/achromatopsia,Fusiform and ligual gyri (medial occipital),Proposagnosia,Right medial occipital, bilateral anterior temporal,Shape and Visual form agnosia,Occipital damage,Parietal,Dysfunction,Left:,Gerstmann Syndrome-,Finger agnosia, Alexia,with agraphia,Acalculia, Right left Confusion,Right:,Cortical sensory function- Agraphasthsia, astereognosis, 2 point discrimination,Neglect,Contact me with questions etc.,dr.shira,My main reference: Continuum- Lifelong Learning in Neurology, Behavioral Neurology,Useful References for you:,Clinical Neuroanatomy Made Ridiculously Simple,Clinical Neurology: A Primer. Peter Gates,


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