An Introduction to Six Sigma3559

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,An Introduction to Six Sigma,ZHongHong Liu,To learn the systematic approach to Six Sigma problem solving,M,before,A,before,I,before,C,To understand some,M.A.I.C.,tool kit,To understand how you will be affected by Six Sigma methodology,Training Objective,Define,M,easure,A,nalyze,I,mprove and,C,ontrol,Define,KPIV,and,KPOV,Explain how process outputs are a function of the inputs,Explain the value of measurement,Training Objective,Why Implement Six Sigma Now?,“,Nothing New”,Most of the tools have been around for decades,Neglected due to difficulty and discipline,BUT,Worldwide competition,Makes neglect dangerous,Computing resources,Makes application possible,99%Good is Not Good Enough,5,000 incorrect surgical procedures each week,20,000 lost articles of mail each hour,No electricity for almost 7 hours each month,Unsafe drinking water for almost 15 minutes each day,Where Does Industry Stand?,7,Sigma Scale of Measure,1,000,000,100,000,10,000,1,000,100,10,1,PPM,Restaurant Bills,Doctor Prescription Writing,Payroll Processing,Order Write-up,Journal Vouchers,Wire Transfers,Airline Baggage Handling,Purchased Material,Lot Reject Rate,Domestic Airline Flight,Fatality Rate,(0.43 PPM),Best-in-Class,Average,Company,3,4,5,6,2,1,IRS-Tax Advice,(phone-in),(140,000 PPM),How Does Six Sigma Make the Difference?,Vision,Philosophy,Vehicle for:,Customer focus,Breakthrough improvement,Continuous improvement,People involvement,Aggressive goal,Metric(standard of measurement),Method,Six Sigma Vision,The Vision of Six Sigma,is to,delight,customers by delivering world-class quality products through the achievement of Six Sigma levels of performance in everything we do.,Six Sigma Philosophy,The Philosophy of Six Sigma,is to apply a structured,systematic approach to achieve breakthrough improvement across all areas of,our business.,Whats the Strategy?,Know whats important to the,Customer(CTQs),Reduce defects,Center around target,Reduce Variation,Six Sigma Goal,R,educe Defect Rate,Improve Product Yield,Improve Customer Satisfaction,Increase Product Profit,What problem we should focus on?,High Defect Rate,Low Product Yield,Long Cycle time,High Downtime,High Maintenance Cost,Bottleneck Step,Poor Process Capability,Unsatisfactory,Breakthrough Strategy,Quality Breakthrough,Time,Reject Rate,Special Variation,Historical Level(,0,),Optimum Level(,1,),Natural Variation under,0,Natural Variation under,1,(3,0,),(3,1,),Sigma is a statistical unit of measure that reflects process capability.The sigma scale of measure is perfectly correlated to such characteristics as defects-per-unit,parts-per-million defective,and the probability of a failure/error.,PPM,Process,Capability,Defects per,Million Opp.,Six Sigma-Aggressive Goal,3 Sigma,6 Sigma,5 Sigma,4 Sigma,93.32%,99.379%,99.9767%,99.99966%,Historical,Current,Intermediate,Long-Run,Sigma,Long-Term Yield,Standard,Six Sigma-Performance Target,What does a 6 sigma process looks like?,m,Average Deviation from Mean,1,s,T,USL,p(d),p(d),123456,s,This is a Six Sigma Process,99.99966%Good(6 Sigma),20,000 lost articles of mail per hour,Unsafe drinking water for almost 15 minutes each day,5,000 incorrect surgical operations per week,Two short or long landings at most major airports each day,200,000 wrong drug prescriptions each year,No electricity for almost seven hours each month,Seven articles lost per hour,One unsafe minute every seven months,1.7 incorrect operations per week,One short or long landing every five years,68 wrong prescriptions per year,One hour without electricity every 34 years,99%Good(3.8 Sigma),Six Sigma-Practical Meaning,Customer Focus:A Model For Success,Technology,Capability,Organization,People,Processes,Business survival is dependent upon how well we satisfy our customers,Customer satisfaction is a function of quality,price,and delivery,Quality,cost,and prompt delivery are dependent upon capability,Management,is responsible to help drive the total employee population to a higher level of problem solving proficiency,Identifies their best candidates for Black Belt appointment,Demonstrates high enthusiasm to keep Six Sigma moving forward,Provides the lead at getting Green Belts(including themselves)identified and through training,Asks the right questions to all employees to assure the discipline of Six Sigma and its tool kit are properly and fully exploited,Drives the broad use of Six Sigma methods and tools,including FMEA,DOE,SPC,etc,Owns day to day&career management of the Black Belt,including appropriate placement when Black Belts assignment concludes,Six Sigma System-,Management,4.,Control,3.,Improve,2.,Analyze,1.,Measure,Six Sigma,Basic Principle,Optimize Process,Data Study,Promote System Control,Data Collection,The Improvement Strategy(MAIC),Focus_,Vital Few,x,i,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,x,1,x,2,.,x,n,x,1,x,2,.,x,n,Vital Few,x,i,Vital Few,x,i,Vital Few,x,i,Vital Few,x,i,Phase_,M,easure,A,nalyze,I,mprove,C,ontrol,678,678,678,678,Select Product or Process Key Character


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