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,Click to edit master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,*,MHS.Strat,This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bains prior written consent.,BOS,Strategic Planning in the Private Sector,August 19,2003,Agenda,What successful companies do,Examples from the private sector,Applications to the MHS,2,Success is rare and few entities accomplish their goals,3,Keys to success,A well developed,differentiated strategy,A rigorous,fact based planning process to connect strategy with tactics,A well aligned,effective organization to execute,4,“,Strategy”defined:Bain perspective,A,dynamic plan,to,differentiate,a business from its competitors profitably and sustainably,A,proprietary set of actions,that create and capture value by,serving customers in a superior way,relative to competitors,Informs virtually,all decisions,Portfolio strategy:,Where to play?,Business unit strategy:,How to win?,5,Strategy is about making choices,Where we,will,and,wont,compete,Where we,will,and,wont,invest,Businesses,Customers,Geographies,Activities,Markets,6,Companies who succeed are focused and are the best at what they do,0,20,40,60,80,100%,Multi core,None,Regional focus,One business,Channel focus,Percent of companies,Customer focus,7,Keys to success,A well developed,differentiated strategy,A rigorous,fact based planning process to connect strategy with tactics,A well aligned,effective organization to execute,8,75%of U.S.organizations believe they need to upgrade their strategic planning process,“,Our strategic planning process is effective”,“,Our strategic planning process is fully developed”,9,Best demonstrated strategic planning process,Mission,Define the mission,Rarely,Portfolio Strategy,Decide what businesses and markets to compete in,Determine success metrics by business,Every 5 years,Business Unit Strategy,Develop differentiated offering,Identify changing dynamics,External,Internal,Identify key gaps,Every 2-3 years,Tactical Planning,Set targets and timelines,Design key initiatives,Develop implemen-tation plans,Realign organization,Annually,Execution and Tracking,Track performance against plans,Modify plans as necessary,On-going,10,Business unit strategy must be informed by the facts around the“3Cs”,Fact based diagnostic and value proposition,Customers,Competitors,Costs,What does our target customer value?,What can competitors offer and how can we beat this offering?,How can we provide our value proposition at minimum costs?,Market size,Market growth,Customer segments,Channel segments,Price experience,Cost experience,Product profitability,Channel profitability,Value chain economics,Systems cost,Cost position,Competitive position,Profitability,Strategy,Commitment,11,Strategic planning is often done without reference to facts,Actual average,market,growth,Forecast average,company,growth,Forecast average,company,earnings growth,12,Planning processes of best-in-class firms,Senior management,devotes significant time,Systematic,with clearly defined steps,Rigorous,fact-based,approach,and a,consistent view,of the future,Coordinated,across business units,Enables quick,decision making,and,course correction,Note:Examples include GE,Dell,Agilent,Abbott,Emerson Electric,Sun,13,Keys to success,A well developed,differentiated strategy,A rigorous,fact based planning process to connect strategy with tactics,A well aligned,effective organization to execute,14,A high performance organization aligns five elements,2.Drives effective decisions,3.Aligns the front line,with right jobs and right incentives,4.Right people,Leadership,Decisions,Processes,People,Culture,1.Provides sustained leadership,5.Creates a high performance culture,15,Agenda,What successful companies do,Examples from the private sector,Applications to the MHS,16,Successful strategic planning begins with a clear,focused mission,Force trade-offs between competing resource demands,Test soundness of a particular action,Set clear boundaries on what to do and what not to do,Make clear what“the core”is,Memorable distillation of strategy clearly understood by all,17,Examples of clear,focused,private sector missions:Dell and Southwest,Southwest Airlines,Dell Computer,“,Meet customers short-haul travel needs at fares competitive with the cost of taking a bus.,”,“,Be direct.,”,18,In 1993,Dell strayed from its mission and its core,Situation,Only in the direct channel(“core”),PC market was exploding,Wanted to capture a larger part of the growth,Complication,Expansion into retail channel,19,Dell:Back to the core mission,Dell withdrew from retail,20,Examples of clear,focused,private sector missions:Dell and Southwest,Southwest Airlines,Dell Computer,“,Meet customers short-haul travel needs at fares competitive with the cost of taking a bus.,”,“,Be direct.,”,21,Southwest translated its mission into clear,measurable goals,Superior,customer service,Achieve low,cost position,30%lower,Affordable travel,40%lower,22,Southwest researched


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