机械工程专业英语教程第2版Lesson 2

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Lesson 2 Forces and Their Effects,Terminology,Text tour,10/1/2024,1,机械工程专业英语教程,Terminology,10/1/2024,2,机械工程专业英语教程,Compressive,Serving to or able to compress,压缩的:起压缩作用或能够压缩的,Turning,The shaping of metal or wood on a lathe,车削:用车床将金属或木材加工成型的过程,Lathe,车床,机械工程专业英语教程,10/1/2024,Rectilinear,Moving in,consisting of,bounded by,or characterized by a straight line or lines:,直线的:以直线运动的,向直线组成的,以直线为边的,具有直线之特点的,micromete,r,千分尺,3,10/1/2024,4,机械工程专业英语教程,Thread,A helical or spiral ridge on a screw,nut,or bolt,螺纹:螺钉、螺母或螺栓上螺旋型的凸棱,Shaper,牛头刨床,A study of any machine or mechanism shows that each is made up of a number of movable parts.These parts transform a given motion to a desired motion.In other words,these machines perform work.Work is done when motion results from the application of force.Thus,a study of mechanics and machines deals with forces and the effects of forces on bodies.,机械工程专业英语教程,10/1/2024,Text tour,5,The turning of a part in a lathe is another example of several forces in action(as shown in Figure 1).,1,1.turning of a part,这里指“对一个零件进行车削加工”。全句译为,几个力同时作用的另外的一个例子是在车床上对零件进行车削,加工(如图,1,所示)。,机械工程专业英语教程,10/1/2024,Fig.1 The turning of a part in a lathe,6,As the work revolves and the cutting tool moves into the work,the wedging action of the cutting edge produces a shear force.This force causes the metal to seem to flow off the,work in the form of chips.,2,2.chip,这里指“切屑”。,work,这里指“工件,即,workpiece,”,。,全句可译为:,这个力使得金属看起来像以切屑的形式从工件上流出来一,样。,If this,workpiece,is held between the centers of the lathe,the,centers exert a compressive force against the work.,3,3.centers of the lathe,意为“车床的两个顶尖”。全句可译为:,如果一个工件被安装在车床的两个顶尖之间,顶尖对工件施加一个压力。,机械工程专业英语教程,10/1/2024,7,Rotary Motion,.The motion that is commonly transmitted is rotary motion.This type of motion may be produced with hand tools or power tools.Rotary motion is required to drill holes,turn parts in a lathe,mill surfaces,or drive a generator,or fan belt.,4,4.rotary motion,意为“回转运动”。全句可译为:,钻孔、在车床上车削零件、铣平面、驱动发电机或风扇的带等都需要回转运动。,机械工程专业英语教程,10/1/2024,8,Rectilinear Motion.,The feed of a tool on a lathe,the cutting of steel on a power saw,or the shaping of materials are all situations in which rectilinear or straight line motion produces work.In each of these situations a part or mechanism is used to change rotary motion to straight line motion.The screw of a micrometer and the threads in a nut are still other applications where the direction of motion is changed from,rotary to rectilinear.,5,5.the screw of a micrometer,意为“千分尺中的螺杆”全句可译为:,千分尺中的螺杆和螺母中的螺纹是把运动方向从转动变为直线的另外一些应用实例。,机械工程专业英语教程,10/1/2024,9,Harmonic and Intermittent Motion,.,6,Any simple vibration,such as the regular back-and-forth movement of the end of a,pendulum,is simple harmonic,motion.,7,6.harmonic and intermittent motion,意为谐和运动和间歇运动”。,7.simple harmonic motion,意为“简谐运动”。全句可译为:,任何简单的振动,例如摆的下端有规律的往复运动是简,谐运动。,机械工程专业英语教程,10/1/2024,10,


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