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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,最新人教版英语八年级下册,Units 6-10,语法复习,(附练习题及答案),制作:邓华,最新人教版英语八年级下册Units 6-10语法复习制作:邓,Unit6Anoldmantriedtomovethemountains,.,语法要点,状语从句,概念:,用一个句子作状语修饰谓语动词,说明谓语动作的,时间、地点、方式、条件、比较、程度、原因、目的、结果,等 情况,这个句子,就是,状语从句。,Unit6Anoldmantriedto,状语,从句分类,时间状语从句:表示时间,地点状语从句:表示地点,原因状语从句:表示原因,目的状语从句:表示目的,方式状语从句:表示方式,结果状语从句:表示结果,比较状语从句:表示比较,条件状语从句:表示条件,让步状语从句,:,表示让步,状语从句分类时间状语从句:表示时间,一、时间状语从句,时间状语从句表示时间,引导词有:,when, while, as, till, until,,,before, after, since, as soon as,以及,the moment, the minute, the first time.,等,名词性短语等,。,最新人教版英语八年级下册Units-6-10-语法复习(附练习题及答案),例如:,While,I was reading, mom was cooking.,2. Mother didnt go to bed,until,I returned home last night.,最新人教版英语八年级下册Units-6-10-语法复习(附练习题及答案),二、地点状语从句,表示地点、方位的状语从句叫地点状语从句。,地点状语从句引导词,:,where,,,wherever,everywhere,anywhere,二、地点状语从句,eg:,We shall go where people are kind.,Just stay where you are.,We received a warm welcome everywhere we arrived.,我们每到一个地方都受到了热烈的欢迎。,4.Where there is a will, there is a way.,有志者事竟成,.,where,在地点状语从句中,除指地点外,还可指处境等。,eg.,I feel happy where I am.,我对自己的处境很满意,.,eg:,三、原因状语从句,表示原因的状语从句,最常用的引导连词有,:,because,,,as,,,since,,,for,三、原因状语从句,because, as, since, for,用法区别,语气 位 置 意 义,because,最强 主句前或后,“原因”;表客观因果关系;,回答“,why,”,as,较强 主句前 “由于”;将众人所知的,事实当作理由,since,较弱 主句前,“既然”;就对方陈述的,事实作为理由,for,最弱 主句后,“理由”;对某一事实,进行推断的理由,because, as, since, for用法区别,EG:,1. He didnt come,because,he was ill.,2. As it is raining , we wont go shopping.,3. You couldnt see him,for,he wasnt,there.,(不可在句首),4.,Since,you are busy, I will go alone.,EG:,四、结果状语从句,:,表示结果,通常由,so that,,,so.that,,,such.that,引导,四、结果状语从句:表示结果,so that, sothat, suchthat,so that,“以便”,“结果”表目的和结果。,注意:在从句中有情态动词表目的,;,无情态动词表结果。,sothat,“,如此的,以致于”表结果。,该结构常见于:,1.so+,形副,that,2. so+,形,a(an),单数名词,that,3. so,many/much,复数名词(不可数名,词),+that,so that, sothat, suchthat,suchthat,“如此的,以致于”表结果。,该结构常见于:,1.such,a(an),形容词名词,that,2.such,形容词,复数名词,不可数名词,that,suchthat“如此的以致于”表结果。,eg :,He was so angry that he went out,without a word.,他很生气,一句话没说就出去了。,2.,He is such a nice boy that we all like him.,3.He is so nice that we all like him.,4.,He didnt study hard, so that He didnt,pass the exam.,eg : 2.He is such a nice boy,五、目的状语从句,:,表示目的,主要由,so that,,,in order that,,,引导,目的状语从句常常含有情态动词。,五、目的状语从句: 表示目的,eg,:,1. They are hurrying,so that / in order that,they may not miss the early bus.,他们为了赶上早班车而匆匆忙忙。,2. He studies hard,in order that / so,that,he can get better grades.,他为取得更好的成绩而努力学习。,eg :,六、条件状语从句:表示条件,常用的引导词有,:,if,,,if only,(,if,的强调式),unless (= if not),,,as long as,,,so long as,最新人教版英语八年级下册Units-6-10-语法复习(附练习题及答案),eg :,As long as,I am free, I shall go there.,You cant pass the exam,unless,you study hard.,If,you want to know ,I can tell you.,If only,he comes, Ill leave here.,5. Solongaswhat,youdoisright ,Illgoalongwithyou.,只要你们做得对,我都,依,着,你,。,eg :,七、让步状语从句:表示让步,主要引导词有,:,though,,,as,although,,,even if,,,even though,,,however,Whatever , whenever,等,最新人教版英语八年级下册Units-6-10-语法复习(附练习题及答案),though, although, as,though, although,在句首表“尽管”两者都可以用。但句后不能再用,but,。,下列情况只能用,though,:,as though (=as if);,even if (=even though),在句末表示“然而”,as,表示“尽管”,从句的表语、状语等成分要倒装。,Happy as they were, there was something missing.,尽管他们很快乐,但总缺 少点什么。,though, although, as,I wont mind even if (though) she doesnt help me.,Though it was raining heavily, he arrived here on tome.,Old as / though he is, he walks fast.,I wont mind even if (thoug,whatever, however, wherever, whenever,是,what, how, where, when,的,强势语气,。分别等于:,no matter what, no matter how,no matter where, no matter when,whatever, however, wherever, w,eg :,1. whether you like it or not ,were going.,不管你喜欢不喜欢,我们都要走了。,2. No matter who / whoever,comes here, I wont let him in.,3.You can take whatever you like.,eg :,八、方式状语从句:,表示方式,常由,(just) as(,像,),,,as if/though(,好像,),引导,表示动作的方式。,Do as I said.,按照,我,说的去做,。,He seems very happy as if / though he had passed the exam.,注,意,:在非正式美式英语中可用,like,代替,as,引导方式从句。,eg:,Nobody treats me like you do.,没有人像你这样对待我。,八、方式状语从句:表示方式,九、比较状语从句:,表示比较,通常由,than,,,as.as, the morethe more,引导,最新人教版英语八年级下册Units-6-10-语法复习(附练习题及答案),eg:,The more you eat, the fatter you are.,Tom is cleverer than Bob.,Jane is not so/as clever as her sister.,eg:,状语从句的时态使用:,根据主句和从句的动词动作三种时间关系,分为:,1.,主句和从句动作同时发生,2.,主句和从句动作都没有发生,3.,主句和从句动作一先一后发生,三类句型,每种句型分别对应不同的句式:,最新人教版英语八年级下册Units-6-10-语法复习(附练习题及答案),1,、主句、从句同时发生,2,、,主句、从句都没有发生,3,、主句、从句一先一后发生,I was studying,while mom was cooking,.,What,are,you,doing,when he com,es,?,I,would leave,if he,came,.,I,will leave,if he,comes,.,The train had been away when I arrived.,过去配过去,过去配过去,现在配现在,现在配现在,1、主句、从句同时发生2、主句、从句都没有发生3、主句、从句,三类时间,1,、主从句同时发生,2,、主从句都没有发生,3,、主从句一前一后发生,过去类:,.,过去进行,when /while,一般过去,/,过去进行,现在类:,现在进行, when,一般现在,过去类:过去将来,when,一般过去,现在类:一般将来,when,一般现在,过去完成,when,一般过去,三类时间1、主从句同时发生2、主从句都没有发生3、主从句一前,Unit7Whatsthehighestmountainintheworld?,语法要点,一,.,形容词和副词的比较级与最高级,1.,形容词比较级和最高级的构成,A.,规则变化,:,单音节词和少数双音节词,1),一般情况加, er,或, est,fast fast,er,fast,est,high high,er, high,est,clever clever,er, clever,est,Unit7Whatsthehighestmo,2),以字母,e,结尾加,r,或,st,fine fin,e,r, fin,e,st,late lat,e,r, lat,e,st,nice nic,e,r, nic,e,st,3),重读闭音节、末尾只有一个辅音,字母时,双写,加,er,或,est,fat fat,t,er, fat,t,est,big big,g,er, big,g,est,thin thin,n,er, thin,n,est,2) 以字母 e 结尾加 r 或 st 3) 重读,1,.,1,.,1,.,4),以辅音字母加,y,结尾变,y,为,i,加,er,或,est,early earl,i,er, earl,i,est,easy eas,i,er, eas,i,est,lucky luck,i,er, luck,i,est,1. 1. 1. 4) 以辅音字母加 y 结尾变 y,B.,规则变化,:,部分双音节和多音节词,在词前加,more,或,most,slowly -,more,slowly -,most,slowly,easily -,more,easily -,most,easily,carefully -,more,carefully,-,most,carefully,C.,不规则变化,:,good/well ,better,best,many/much ,more,most,little ,less,least,far ,farther,farthest,( far ,further,furthest,),bad/badly/ill ,worse,worst,C.不规则变化: good/well ,2.,形容词,和副词,比较级和最高级的用法,2.形容词和副词,1).,表示两者(人或事物)的比较时用比较级,通常用连词,than,引导,表示,“,较,”,或,“,更,一些,”,的意思,This cake is,more delicious,than,that one.,Li Lei jumped,farther than,Jim (did).,1).表示两者(人或事物)的比较时用比较级,通常用连词 th,2).,表示三者或三者以上(人或事物)的,比较用最高级,最高级的前面一般要,加定冠词,the,(,副词最高级前面有时可,省略),后面可带,of,(,in, among,),短语,来说明比较的范围,Shanghai is,the biggest,city,in,China.,Jane sings,(the) best of,all.,He is,the most careful among,us.,2).表示三者或三者以上(人或事物)的 Jane sing,3).,在表示,“,和,一样,”,和,“,不及,”,这类概念时,可以用,“,as+,原级,+as,”,和,“,not as,(,so,),+,原级,+as,”,的句型,Our teacher is,as,busy,as,before.,He does not run,so (as),fast,as,I.,3). 在表示 “和一样” 和 “不,4).,可用,much, still, a little, even, far, 5 years,等表示程度的状语来修饰比较级,Jane is,much,taller than Marria,.,Tim is,5 years,older than I.,This problem is,a little,more difficult than the other one.,4).可用much, still, a little, ev,5).,几种比较级的使用句型,(,1).,“,比较级,+ and +,比较级,”,表示,“,越来越,”,Your English is getting,better and,better.,你的英语越来越好了。,More and more,people are learning,Chinese.,学汉语的人越来越多了。,5).几种比较级的使用句型 Your English,(2).,“,the +,比较级,,the +,比较级,”,表示,“,越,就越,”,The harder,you study,the better,grades youll get,.,The smarter,you are,the more,mom likes.,(2). “ the + 比较级,the + 比较级”,(,3,),.,“,more (less) than,”,表示,“,不止,不到,”,He is,more,than fifty.,他五十多岁了。,The lightest weighs,less than,2,kilograms.,最轻的不到,2,公斤。,(3).“ more (less) than ”表示,(,4,),.,“,more or less,”,表示,“,差不多,,或多或少,”,My problem is,more or less,solved,.,我的问题差不多已经解决了。,Is it right?,More or less.,对吗?,差不多吧。,(4).“more or less”表示“差不多, My,注意:,a.,形容词最高级前一定要用定冠词,the,,副词最高级前可省略,b.,在比较级中为了避免重复,在,the,后常用,one,,,that,,,those,等词来替代前面提到过的名词,This pen is shorter than that,one,.,The weather here is colder than,that,of Guiyang.,注意:,c.,用,or,连接两项需作比较的内容时,用比较级;,若,or,连接三项或三项以上的内容时,则必须用最高级,。,Who is older, Jane,or,Mary?,Which is the biggest, the sun, the earth,or,the moon?,c.用or连接两项需作比较的内容时,用比较级;若or连接三,二,.,英语大的基数词的表达方法,三位数以上的数,从个位往前数,每三位数加一个逗号“,”,从后往前数的第一个逗号代表,thousand,第二个逗号代表,million,第三个逗号是,billion,,注意这几个词不能用复数形式,后也不能加,and,。,如:,26209225016,读作,:,Twenty-six billion,two hundred and nine million two hundred,and twenty-five thousand and sixteen,二. 英语大的基数词的表达方法 三位数以上的数,,表示具体、准确的数目时,,hundred, thousand, million,等数词后不能加,-,s,如,: five hundred, six thousand, seven million,等。,当,hundred, thousand,等数词与,of,连用,表示不具体、不准确的数目时,词尾须加,-s,。如:,thousands of students, millions of trees.,表示具体、准确的数目时,hundred, tho,Unit8HaveyoureadTreasureIsland,?,语法要点,现在完成时,1.,概念:过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。,Unit8HaveyoureadTreasur,1.,2.,3,.,2.,基本结构:,肯定式:主语,+ have,has,PP,(,V-ed,动词的过去分词),否定形式:主语,+ have,has,not,PP,(,V-ed,即动词的过去分词),一般疑问句:将,have,has,提前到句首即可。,1. 2. 3. 2. 基本结构: 肯定式:主语,I,have,already,finished,my homework,.,I,h,ave,nt,finished,my,homework,yet,?,H,ave,you,finished,your,homework,?,I have already finished my hom,3,.,标志词:,already, just, yet, ever, never,so,far(till now/up to now),recently, in the past 3 years,before,since,+,时间点,for,+,时间段,3. 标志词:,4,.,现在完成时和一般过去时的异同点,共同点:,动作都在,过去,。,不同点:和,现在,有无关系。,(,与现在有关的过去动作用现在完成,与现在无关的过去动作用一般过去。,),。,4.现在完成时和一般过去时的异同点 共同点:动作,Unit9Haveyoueverbeentoanamusementpark?,语法要点,现在完成时(二),Unit9Haveyoueverbeentoa,现在完成时的固定结构(易错点),have gone to,+,地点,表示“,去了,某地”。,(人已走,尚未回。只用于第三人称。),They have gone to,Guiyang,.,(They are not here.),I,have been to+,地点,表示,”,去过,某地,”,。,(,人已回来,),I have been to,Guiyang,.,(I am not in,Guiyang,now.),现在完成时的固定结构(易错点) have gone,have been in+,地点,+,时间段,表示“,在,/,来某地多久”。,I have been in,Guiyang,for,2,weeks.,(,I am now still in,Guiyang,.),since,+,时间点,for,+,时间段,I have studied English,since,2013.,I have studied English,for,6 years.,have been in+地点+时间段,表示“在/来某地,Unit10Ivehadthisbikeforthreeyears.,语法要点,现在完成时(三),1,.,与现在完成时连用的时间状语,already(,肯定句,),;,yet(,否定或疑问,),;,just,;,before,;,never,;,ever,;,recently,最近;,sofar,到目前为止;,表示次数的词,如:,once,twice,threetimes,Unit10Ivehadthisbikef,2.,瞬间动词和延续性动词转换,若句中出现时间段,则必须使用延续性动词。瞬间动词和延续性动词转换关系,2.瞬间动词和延续性动词转换 若句中出现时间段,则必须使用延,begin/start-be on,leave-be away,die-be dead,borrow -keep,buyhave,go there-be there,get home-be home,open-be open,close-be closed,get to know-know,come here-be here,join-be in / be a member of,begin/start-be on,The film began 5 minutes ago.,The film_ _ _ for 5 minutes.,They left an hour ago.,They_ _ _for an hour.,The,old,man died a,year,ago.,The,old,man_ _ _ for a,year,.,has been on,have been away,has been dead,The film began 5 minutes ago.,Practice,Practice,一、,根据句意合所给单词首字母或汉语提示填空,1.,Lets make a _(,决定,) who can go,to Beijing with the officer.,2.,Eight is a l_ number in China.,3.,I was s_ to hear the news.,decision,ucky,urprised,一、根据句意合所给单词首字母或汉语提示填空 1. Let,4.,Do you mind _ ( close) the window,?,5.We are supposed _ (hand) in our,homework on time.,6. Mary is good at _ (drive) cars.,closing,to hand,driving,7.,I _(have) breakfast already.,have,had,8.,He,(die),for years,.,H,a,s been,dea,d,4.Do you mind _ ( close),9.,We don,t know if it _,(rain),tomorrow,.,10.,You _(,pass),the exam,if,you s,tudy hard,.,11,.,Half of these bananas _(be) bad.,will,rain,will,pass,12,.,Half of the boys _(like),foo,tball.,are,l,i,ke,9.We dont know if it _,二、单项选择:,1. -Have you _ any wine ?,-Yes, I _ a little just now.,A.,drunk, drank B. drank , drank,C. drunk, drunk D. drink , drank,2,. I have _ the dictionary since,two years ago.,A. buy B. bought C. had D. buying,.,二、单项选择: 1. -Have you _,3.,The room is _ dirty and wed,better clean it at once.,A. much too B. too much,C. many too D. too many,4.,There are _ people in the shop.,A. Much B. much too,C. too much D. too many,3. The room is _ dirty a,5.,Did it _ two hours for you _ finish,doing your homework yesterday?,A. spendon B. taketo,C. payfor D. takesto,6. His,money _. He wants to borrow,some from me.,A. have run out B. have run out of,C. has run out D. has run out of,5. Did it _ two hours for y,7,.There is going to,a football,match next week.,A. have B. be C. is D. has,8.,-How soon will Tom come back?,-_ two weeks.,A. Since B. In C. After D. For,7.There is going to,9. We _ like playing football.,A. also B. too C. either D. neither,10.,The _he works, the _ money,he will make.,A. harder , more B. more , harder,C. less, more D. harder, less,9. We _ like playing footb,11.,The problem is,difficult for,me,work out.,A. too to B. so that,C. not enough to D. such that,11. The problem is,12. The story is so _ and Im _,in it .,A. interesting , interesting,B. interested , interested,C. interest, interests,D. interesting, interested,13. Zunyi is not far away from Guiyang , it only takes us an hour,there by high-speed train.,A. getting B. to get C. got D. get,s,12. The story is so _ and,14., Must I clean my room, mom?,- No, you _.,A. dont B. neednt,C. arent D. mustnt,15.,I practice _ English every day.,A. speaking B. to speak,C. to say D. saying,14. Must I clean my room,THE END !,THANK YOU!,THE END ! THANK YOU!,


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