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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,欢迎大家!,欢迎大家!,Subject,C,lause,主语从句,Subject Clause 主语从句,Deal with Learning Plan,导学案课前单,1.,Jane is good at playing the piano.,2.,She went out in a hurry.,3.,To see is to believe.,4.,Smoking is bad for health.,5.,What he has said is true.,结论:(,1,)主语是句子说明的人或事物,一般放在,_.,(,2,)在句子中充当,_,的从句就是主语从句。,.,(名词),(代词),(不定式),(动名词),(从句),句首,主语,Deal with Learning Plan导学案课前单1,Deal with Learning Plan,导学案课前单,That he will pass the exam is certain.,Whether he will pass the exam is uncertain.,Who will go makes no difference.,What we need is more time.,Which book I shall choose hasnt been decided.,找出下列句子中的主语从句,Deal with Learning Plan导学案课前单T,Deal with Learning Plan,导学案课前单,Whoever breaks the law will be punished.,When we will leave hasnt been decided.,Where the meeting will be held is not known.,Why he cries is not clear.,How she keeps healthy is a secret.,找出下列句子中的主语从句,结论:,主语从句的语序要用_语序。,陈述,Deal with Learning Plan导学案课前单W,主语从句考点归纳,主语从句连接词的使用,主谓一致,形式主语结构,主语从句的语序,主语从句考点归纳 主语从句连接词的使用 主谓一致 形式主语结,That,he will pass the exam is certain.,Whether,he will pass the exam is uncertain.,_,不做成分,无意义,.,whether,不做成分,译为,“,_,”,。,合作探究,导学案课中单,结论:,that,是否,That he will pass the exam is,Who,will go makes no difference.,What,we need is more time.,Which,book I shall choose hasnt been decided.,Whoever,breaks the law will be punished.,合作探究,导学案课中单,who在主语从句中充当_,译为,“,_,”,。,what在主语从句中充当_,译为,“,_,”,。,which在主语从句中充当_,译为,“,_,”,。,whoever在主语从句中充当_,译为,“,_,”,。,结论:,主语,谁,宾语,东西,定语,哪一本,主语,无论谁,Who will go makes no differenc,When,we will leave hasnt been decided.,Where,the meeting will be held is not known.,Why,he cries is not clear.,How,she keeps healthy is a secret.,when在主语从句中充当_,译为,“,_,”,。,where在主语从句中充当_,译为,“,_,”,。,why在主语从句中充当_,译为,“,_,”,。,how在主语从句中充当_,译为,“,_,”,。,导学案课中单,合作探究,结论:,状语,何时,状语,何地,状语,为什么,状语,怎样,When we will leave hasnt been,Usage of the C,onjunctions,缺什么补什么,Usage of the Conjunctions缺什么补,That he will pass the exam is certain.,Which book I shall choose hasnt been decided.,How she keeps healthy is a secret.,当一个句子的主语是从句时,该句子的谓语用_。,合作探究,导学案课中单,结论:,单数,That he will pass the exam is,注意,What I want,is,the book.,What I want,are,some books.,结论:,what 引导的从句做主语时,谓语的单复数取决它的_.,观察下列两个句子的谓语,,并尝试得出结论,表语,注意What I want is the book.结论:w,That we cant go to see the movie,is a pity.,It,is a pity,that we cant go to see the movie,.,形式主语,拓展,That we cant go to see the mo,It+be+名词 that从句,It is a pity that,很遗憾,It is a fact that,事实是,形式主语常用句型,It+be+形容词 that从句,It is obvious that 显然.,It is important that.重要的是,It+be+过去分词 that从句,It is said that.据说.,It is known that 众所周知,It+be+名词 that从句形式主语常用句型I,1._ is needed for success is your hard work.,2._ can join in the sport meet is decided by the teacher.,3._ he will join us or not makes no difference.,随堂自测,语法填空,What,Who,Whether,1._ is needed for suc,1.When the meeting will be held have not been known yet.,2.That he said made me very angry,3.That is said that Tom never eats meat.,随堂自测,单句改错,has,What,It,1.When the meeting will be he,1._ leaves the room last ought to turn off the light.,A.Anyone B.The person,C.Whoever D.Which,随堂自测,1._ leaves the room last,2._ life began on the earth is one of the biggest puzzles to scientists.,A.How B.What,C.Where D.That,随堂自测,2._ life began on the ea,3._ he wants to visit most is the Pyramid.,A.That B.What,C.Where D.Which,随堂自测,3._ he wants to visit mo,Pick out,one number and finish the task in it.,1,6,7,8,10,11,12,14,13,15,16,9,2,3,4,5,Game,Time,Pick out one number and finish,Where he comes from are a mystery.,单句改错,is,1 point,Where he comes from are a mys,1_ they are most interested in is how they can produce more and better cars.,A.That B.Who C.What D.When,单项选择,2 points,1_ they are most intere,是否他是我的孩子,仍然是个问题。,_ remains a question.,Whether he is my child,3 points,完成句子,是否他是我的孩子仍然是个问题。_,That is obvious that he didnt pass the exam.,单句改错,It,1 point,That is obvious that he didn,众所周知,,雨天要穿雨鞋,。,_,we wear rain shoes on rainy days.,It is known that,完成句子,3 points,众所周知,雨天要穿雨鞋。_we,_,_,_is rest.,我需要的,就是休息。,What I need,3 points,完成句子,_is rest.我需要的就是休息,If,she will come or not is still a question.,单句改错,Whether,1 point,If she will come or not is st,W,hat,will,be our monitor,has not been decided.,单句改错,Who,1 point,What will be our monitor has,That he wants to visit is the Great Wall.,单句改错,What,1 point,That he wants to visit is the,_is attracted by her.,无论谁见到这个女孩,都被她吸引。,Whoever sees th,e,girl,3 points,完成句子,_is attra,1._ the boy didnt take medicine made his mother angry.,A.That B.What C.How D.Which,单项选择,2 points,1._ the boy didnt ta,1.That we go swimming every day _ us a lot of good.,A.do B.doing C.does D.done,单项选择,2 points,1.That we go swimming every,_,Yao Ming got the highest points in the match.,据报道,,姚明在这场比赛中得了最高分。,It is reported that,3 points,完成句子,_Yao Ming got,1,._ they can solve the question is still,unknown.,A.If,B.Which,C.Whether,D.What,单项选择,2 points,1._ they can solve the,_ is your,hairstyle,.,我最喜欢的,是你的发型。,What I like most,3 points,完成句子,_ is your hairsty,1,._ is a fact that English is accepted as an,internatio


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