Unit 10 Shipping letters

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Unit 10 Shipping letters_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 10 Shipping letters,介绍,对外贸易的装运是十分复杂的。卖方须按合同及相关文件的要求将货物运送到码头或将货物装在远洋货轮上。因此,丰富的装运知识和装运文件是完成交易与安全、准确、经济的装运所必须的。,Objectives,To learn the practices of making a shipment.,To learn useful terms and expressions for shipment.,To practice writing letters for shipment.,Categories,of,Terms,of,Shipment,Time,of,shipment,Time of shipment,Shipment during a,certain period of time,Immediate,shipment,Useful Information,Categories,of,Terms,of,Shipment,Partial,shipment,If possible,the seller may choose to make several partial shipments of the contracted goods at different times.,“Partial shipments allowed”,should be stated in the L/C as well as in the contract.,Useful Information,Categories,of,Terms,of,Shipment,Transshipment,If there is no steamer directly from the port of loading to the port of destination,transshipment is necessary.,In order to avoid dispute that might arise in the future,the seller should first get the buyers permission for transshipment and then,“Transshipment is allowed”,should be stated in the L/C as well as in the contract.,Useful Information,The seller should let the buyer know as soon as the shipment is effected,by sending the buyer the shipping advice together with a set of shipping documents.,About Shipping Advice,Useful Information,The date and number of Bill of Lading,The date and number of the Contract,the names of commodities and their quality and value,the name of the carrying vessel,the name of the shipping port/loading port,the estimated time of departure(ETD),the name of the destination port,the estimated time of arrival(ETA),.,Contents of a shipping advice,Useful Information,B/L,提单,一、提单的性质和作用,1,、定义:提单是由船长或船公司或其代理人签发的,证明已收到特定货物,允诺将货物运至特定目的地,并交付给收货人的凭证。,What is bill of lading?,It is the most important shipping document.,It is a contract between the shipper and the shipping company;,It is a receipt for the consignment;,It is a document of title.,About Bill of Lading,Useful Information,2,、提单的性质和作用:,(一)提单是承运人或代理人签发的货物收据。它证明已按提单所列内容收到货物。,(二)提单是一种货物所有权凭证。提单的合法持有人凭提单可以在目的港向船公司提取货物。也可以通过转让提单而转移货物所有权。,(三)提单是托运人和船公司间所订运输契约的证明。双方的权利和义务都列明在提单之内,因此提单是处理承运人与托运人在运输中权利和义务的依据,海运提单是装运的重要单证,有三个作用:,货物收据;,在某种条件下履行某种义务的契约;,所述货物所有权的证据。,二、提单的种类,1,、根据提单有无批注条款可分为“清洁提单(,clean B/L),和“不清洁提单”,(unclean B/L),。清洁提单是指货物在装船时表面状况良好,船公司在提单上未加任何有关货物受损或包装不良等批注的提单。不清洁提单是指船公司在提单上加注有货物受损或包装不良等批注的提单。例如:,2 packages in damaged condition-2,件损坏;,ironstrap,loose or missing-,铁条松失,2,、根据货物是否已装船分“已装船提单”(,on board B/L),和“备运提单”(,received for shipment B/L),。“已装船提单”是指轮船公司已将货物装上指定轮船后所签发的提单。“备运提单”是指轮船公司已收到托运货物等待装运期间所签发的提单。,3,、根据提单是否可以流通分“记名提单”(,straight B/L),和“指示提单”,(order B/L),。记名提单是指提单上的抬头人(即收货人)栏内填明特定的收货人名称,只能有特定的收货人提货,不能以背书的方式转让给第三者,因此记名提单不能流通。,指示提单是指提单上的抬头人一栏仅填“凭指定”(,to,order),或“凭某某人指定”,(to,sbs,order,或,to the order of,sb,),字样,这种提单经过背书后可转让给他人提货。,背书的方法,有“空白背书”和“记名背书”,前者指仅由背书人在提单的背面签字,而不注明被背书人的名称;后者是指背书人除在提单的背面签字外,还列明被背书人名称,On Board B/L,(,已装船提单,),Received B/L,(,备运,/,待装提单,),Clean B/L,(,清洁提单,),Foul B/L,(,不洁提单,),Straight B/L,(,直交提单,/,不转让提单,),Order B/L,(,指使提单,/,指定收货人提单,),Ocean B/L,(,远洋提单,),Local B/L,(,当地提单,),Stale B/L,(,陈旧提单,),Negotiable/non-negotiable B/L,(,可转让,/,不可转让提单,),Ocean B/L,(,远洋提单,),Some kinds of bills of lading,Useful Information,Reading,Sample letter 1,Exercises 1 and 2,=,写作规则,当装运货物时,第一步首先要明确运费率,然后应该是正式的海运提单。货物装运完后,卖方应该立即通知买方。,撰写装运信函通常有以下目的,:,1.,催促早日装运;,2.,修改装运条款;,3.,发出装船通知;,4.,寄送装船单据等。,在装船通知中,买方应该详细说明合同号码、装运日期、商品名称、货轮名称、离港与到达日期和所附单据。也可以回顾一下交易过程和表达进一步发展业务的愿望。,Points for attention,:Letters regarding shipment are usually written for the following purposes:,To urge an early shipment;,To amend shipping terms;,To give shipping advice;,To dispatch shipping documents.,Reading,Sample letters from 3-6 on the textbook,Sample letter 3,1 regarding:with regard to,2 We,would prefer that,the goods,be shipped,to Los Angels,3 advise our agents of the shipping lane,4 the scheduled arrival date,Sample letter 4,Acknowledge the receipt of your L/C,Be scheduled to sail from a certain port and due,Shipping documents in duplicate,Facilitate doing,sth,Everything is in order,Sample letter 5,Under the terms of the contract,Bring delivery forward to June 2006,We hope you will understand,In view of our longstanding,cordial commercial relationship,Sample letter 6,No space available,Comply with your request,Advance shipment,Exercise,When making a s,_,the first step is to ascertain the freight rate.,2.We trust that you will make all necessary arrangements to d,_,the goods on time.,3.As there are few direct s,_,to your port,we trust that partial shipment is satisfactory to make it easier for us to get the goods ready for shipment.,4.The duplicate shipping d,_,including bill of lading,invoice,packing list and inspection certificate were airmailed to you today.,5.We are disappointed to learn of the d,_,in shipment of our order.,5.Shipment:,Shipping documents including:,1.Invoice No.MC-00371,2.Packing List MC-872,3.Certificate of Origin No.58,4.Non-negotiable Bill of Lading No.KP-204,5.Insurance Certificate No.543,6.Inspection


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