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,高中英语课件,(,madeofdingshangtuwen,),If winter comes,can spring be far behind?,Shelley-,Ode to the west wind,(,西风颂,),Unit2 Poems,Words and Expressions,1.,poetry,poem,诗歌,poet,诗人,n.,诗歌(总称),2.,rhyme,n.,韵,压韵的词,v.,压韵,This nursery rhyme is very familiar to me.,我对这首摇篮曲很熟悉。,The last two lines of this poem dont rhyme properly.,这首诗后两句不怎么压韵。,注意,rhythm,rhythmic,n,.,节奏,adj.,有节奏的,3.,tick,Each,tick,of the clock was bringing the fatal hour nearer.,He put a,tick,beside each word in the glossary that he had learned by heart.,Ill be with you in a,tick,.,The clock,ticked,louder and louder in a quiet room.,The clock,ticked,the minutes.,Please,tick,off the topic sentence,.David,ticked,me off for being late.,n.(,钟,表等的,),滴答声,n.,记号,勾号,n.【,口,】,一瞬,片刻,vi.,发滴答声,vt.,在滴答声中度过,(,或报知,)(+away),Vt.,给,.,标记号,勾去,(+off),vt【,口,】,责备,斥责,(+off),3.,convey vt.,I cant convey my feelings in words.,Your luggage will be conveyed to the hotel by taxi.,Some e-mails convey different viruses to your computer.,1),传达,表达(感情,意见,思想等),convey sth to sb.,向某人传达,表达(感情,意见,思想等),2),传送,运送(可与,from, to,连用),3),传播(信息,空气,病毒等),4.,emotion,n.,情感,情绪,emotionally,adv.,emotional,adj.,情绪的,5.,nursery,n.,托儿所,nurse,n.,护士,v.,看护,nursery rhyme,童谣,6.,contradictory,adj.,互相矛盾的,好反驳的,contradict v.,与,相矛盾,contradiction n.,矛盾,反驳,Your statements today,are in contradiction with,what you said yesterday.,与,互相矛盾,a terrible tease,一个特别爱开玩笑的人,7.,tease,v.,取笑;戏弄;有意激怒,Dont take it seriously he was only,teasing.,Stop teasing the cat .,n.,爱开玩笑的人,8.,transform,v.,转变,改变,A steam-engine,transform,s heat,into,energy.,把,转变成,transformable,adj.,可变化的,transformation,n.,变化,转变,9.,appropriate,adj.,适当的 恰当的,vt.,挪用 占用 盗用 拨出,(+to/for),appropriately,adv.,appropriation,n. u,挪用 盗用,; c,挪用之物,Sports clothes,are,not,appropriate for,a formal wedding.,This speech,is appropriate to,the occasion.,10.,exchange,n.,交换,交流,互换,I gave her a sweater,in exchange for,a skirt.,与,交换,调换,v.,交换,交流,exchange sth with sb,exchange A for B,与某人交换某物,以,A,换,B,The government has,appropriated,a large sum of money for building hospitals.,11.,darkness,n.,黑,黑暗,Darkness was falling fast.,黑暗很快来临,在黑暗中,in the dark,in the darkness,Cats can see in the dark(ness).,猫在黑暗中能够看见。,1),in the dark,还表示“对,一无所知或被蒙在鼓里”,注意,He didnt tell me his plan, so I was completely in the dark.,2),dark,还可以表示“黄昏”、“傍晚”、“黑夜”等,at dark,before dark,黄昏时,天黑以前,12.,take it /things easy,不要紧张,不着急,Just take it easy and tell us exactly what happened.,强调心理上放松,别担心,take ones time,慢慢来,不急,Theres no hurry; take your time.,表时间还早,没必要匆忙,13.,run out of,(,某人,),用完了,(,某物,),表示主动含义,主语一般是人,后接宾语,We are running out of fuel.,run out,(,某物,),用完,The petrol is running out.,为不及物动词动词短语,= become used up,其主语通常是时间、金钱、食物等无生命名词,14.,be made up of,由,组成,The committee is made up of seven members.,(,多用于被动语态,没有进行时态,=consist of ),be made of,be made from,be made into,be made in,make up sth/make up for sth,Quiz in Chinese traditional poems,Can you recite the Chinese traditional poems according to their English translation?,Lets have competition.,If you would ask me how my sorrow has increased, Just see the over-brimming river flowing east!,问,君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。,李煜,Translated by Xu Yuanchong,虞美人,How long will the bright moon appear? Wine-cup,in hand, I ask the sky. I do not know what time of year, It would be tonight in the palace on high.,水调歌头,明月几时有?把酒问青天。 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年?,苏轼,Translated by Xu Yuanchong,I look for her,in vain,.,When all at once I turn my head,I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.,Translated by Xu Yuanchong,众里寻他千百度, 蓦然回首, 那人却在, 灯火阑珊处。,青玉案,.,元夕,-,辛弃疾,Till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moon, To bring me my shadow and make us three.,举杯邀明月,对影成三人。,Wildfire never quite consumes them - They are tall,once more,in the spring wind.,野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。,Why do people write poems?,to tell a story,to express feelings,to recall an enjoyable or unpleasant incident,to make others laugh,to tell the life or friendship,to delight the kids,to describe the seasons or scenes,for entertainment,as the lyrics of a song,Reading,A Few Simple Forms of English Poems,Scanning: Scan the poems and fill in the following form.,Which poem,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,Describes a person?,Tells a story,Describes an aspect of a season?,Is about sport?,Is about things that dont make sense?,Which poem,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,Is recited to a baby?,Describes a river scene?,Has rhyming words at the end of lines?,Repeats words or phases?,Fast reading,The text discusses _ kinds of poems. What are they?,Five kinds of poems,Nursery rhymes,Cinquain,List poems,Haiku,Tang poems,five,?,Main idea of each para,Para 2: Nursery rhymes,Para 3: List poems,Para 4: Cinquain poems,Para 5: Haiku poems,Para 6: Tang poems,Para 1: Brief introduction,Forms of Poems,Characteristics,_,_,Have strong _,_,Have a lot of repetition,Easy to learn and to,_,Read the text carefully and find out the,Characteristics of each form,Nursery,rhymes,rhythmandrhyme,recite,A,Nursery rhyme:,Hush, little baby, dont say a word,Papas going to buy you a mockingbird.,If that mockingbird wont sing,Papas going to buy you a diamond ring.,If that diamond ring turns to brass,Papas going to buy you a looking glass.,If that looking-glass gets broke,Papas going to buy you a billy-goat,If that billy-goat runs away,Papa is going to buy you another today.,_,Easy to write,Repeat _ and,some rhyme while other do,not,Cinquain,Easy to write,Made up of _,Conveys a _,picture in just a few words,Listpoems,phrases,fivelines,strong,B,C,.,A Japanese form of poetry,Made up of _,Easy to write,Gives a _ picture,Creates a special feeling in just,a few words,.Tang Poems,The _ have a free form,.,translations,17syllables,clear,Haiku,D,E,Where she awaits her husband,On and on the river flows,Never looking back,Transformed into stone.,Day by day upon the mountain top,wind and rain revolve.,Should the journeyer return,this stone would utter speech.,(by Wang Jian),1. Whats the title ?,A.,蝶恋花,B.,竹枝词,C.,望夫石,D.,一剪梅,望夫石,王健,望夫处,江悠悠。,化为石,不回头。,山头日日风复雨,,行人归来石应语,。,H,Answer questions,All the following make small children like,nursery rhymes EXCEPT:,A. strong rhyme,B. strong rhythm,C. much meaning,D. a lot of repetition,2. What kinds of poems can be written by the students themselves easily?,A. List poems and cinquain.,B. Tang poetry and cinquain.,C. Haiku and nursery rhymes.,D. Cinquain and nursery rhymes.,3. Children who learn and recite nursery rhymes can easily _,A. form the ability of writing poems,B. learn about their language,C. make progress in studies,D. produce love to their parents,4. Which of the following are English speakers interested in copying?,A. Chinese and Japanese poems,B. Chinese and French poems,C. Japanese and American poems,D. Japanese and Russian poems,Enjoy more poems,Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky.,轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来;,我轻轻的招手,作别西天的云彩。,Say Goodbye to Cambridge Again,A SPRING MORNING,I awake light-hearted this morning of spring,Everywhere round me the singing of birds,But now I remember the night, the storm,And I wonder how many blossoms were broken.,春晓,春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟,夜来风雨声,花落知多少,Tang Poem,In the quiet night,So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed-,Could there have been a frost already?,Lifting myself to look, I found that it was moonlight.,Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of my home.,By Li Bai,静夜思,床前明月光,,疑是地上霜。,举头望明月,,低头思故乡。,COMINGHOME,I left home young , I return old.,Speaking as then, but with hair grow thin; and my children,meeting me, do not know me.,They smile and say:,Stranger, where do you come from?,Homework,1.,2.,3.,


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