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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,外研版英语八年级下册-Module-1-Unit-3-课件-ppt,外研版英语八年级下册-Module-1-Unit-3-课件,Free talk,Think about words about feelings and make a dialogue with your partner,.,proud sad shy nervous,fine sorry afraid excited,Free talkThink about words abo,When do you feel proud?,When I win a game,I feel proud.,When do you feel _?,When I _,I feel _.,When do you feel proud?When I,Language practice,It,tastes good,.,You,look,very,pretty,.,It doesnt,smell fresh,.,I,feel nervous,when I speak Chinese.,句子中的,taste,,,look,,,smell,和,feel,都是感官系动词。,Language practiceIt tastes goo,感官系动词,感官系动词,看起来 look:look smart,听起来 sound:sound noisy,尝起来 taste:taste delicious,摸起来 feel:feel soft,闻起来 smell:smell sweet,感官系动词感官系动词看起来 look:look smart,It,sounds,quiet,.,They,taste,salty,.,That,smells,strong,.,Father,feels,angry,.,look,+,形容词,He,looks,busy,.,句型结构:主语,+,感官系动词,+,形容词,例如:,sound,taste,smell,feel,It sounds quiet.They taste sal,含有感官系动词的句子,在变为否定句或疑问句时,须,借助于助动词,do/does,。,e.g.He looks happy.,一般疑问句:,Does,he look happy?,He,doesnt,look happy.,否定句:,Yes,he does.,No,he doesnt.,含有感官系动词的句子,在变为否定句或疑问句时,须借助于助动词,Look at the picture.Complete the,sentences.,1,Look at the picture.Complete,The cookies _.,1.The bananas _.,2.The students _.,3.The flowers _.,4.The juice _.,5.The chairs _.,6.The music _.,taste delicious,smell good,look happy,smell sweet,tastes sour,sounds beautiful,feel comfortable,The cookies _.tast,Write sentences about yourself.Use the,words in the box to help you.,2,feel look smell sound taste,I like this dress very much.It feels comfortable.,Write sentences about yourself,I dont like,cheese,.It,smells very strong,.,I like,my teachers voice,.It,sounds nice,.,I like,pandas,.They,look funny and friendly,.,Possible,answers,I,love fruit,because it,tastes sweet and fresh,.,I dont like cheese.It smells,Put the words in the box into the correct columns.,3,beautiful dark fair friendly nice old pretty proud quiet short shy strict tall young,What does he/she look like?,What is he/she like?,beautiful,friendly,用来询问一个人的外貌,用来询问一个人的性格特点,Put the words in the box into,beautiful dark fair friendly nice old pretty proud quiet short shy strict tall young,What does he/she look like?,What is he/she like?,beautiful,dark fair old pretty short tall young,friendly,nice proud quiet shy strict,beautiful dark fair frie,Work in pairs.Use the table in Activity 3 to ask and answer questions about these people.,4,your,mum,A:,What does your,mum,look like?,B:Sh,e,s,tall and,beautiful,.,A:,What is your,mum,like?,B:Sh,e,s,friendly,.,Work in pairs.Use the table i,your dad,your maths/Chinese/music teacher,your uncle,your best friend,A:What does look like?,B:He/She is tall/handsome,A:What is like?,B:He/Shes friendly/nice/strict,your dadA:What does look l,Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in the box.You need to use some of the words more than once.,5,be look taste,Jane:Hi,Alex!How are you today?,Alex:Great!,Jane:You(1)_ very happy!,look,Complete the conversation with,Alex:Oh,yes.My mum made a cake for me.Here,have some.It really(2)_ delicious!,Jane:Thanks.It (3)_ very pretty too.Mm,you,re right.It,s nice.,Alex:And another good thing is,my friend Ben is,coming to stay.,Jane:Oh,really?What(4)_ he like?,tastes,looks,is,Alex:Oh,yes.My mum made a c,Alex:He,s really friendly and kind.,Jane:What(5)_ he look like?,Alex:Well,he,s tall and thin.He,s good at,sport.Would you like to meet him?,Jane:Yes,I,d like to.,does,Alex:Hes really friendly and,Complete the passage with the words in the box.,6,close friendly look meet noisy with,Americans usually shake hands with each other when they first(1)_.,When two Americans are talking,they do,n,o,t stand too(2)_ to each other.If they meet some,meet,close,Complete the passage with the,close friendly look meet noisy with,friends at a party while they are talking,(3)_ someone else,they usually bring their friends into the conversation.Americans(4)_ each other in the eye when they talk.They may be a bit(5)_ sometimes,but they are quite (6)_.,with,look,friendly,noisy,close friendly look,Write about how things feel,look,smell,sound or taste.Use the words in the box to help you.,7,beautiful comfortable delicious fresh,great hot nervous nice noisy quiet,round strong sweet,Flowers look beautiful.They smell nice.,Write about how things feel,l,The orange juice,tastes,so,fresh,.,The music,sounds noisy,.,The dress,feels comfortable,.It,looks nice,.,Possible,answers,The girl,looks nervous,.,The orange juice tastes so fre,Work in pairs.Describe a thing in the box to your partner.Your partner should guess what it is.Use the words in the box in Activity 7 to help you.,8,a basketball a bird a cat,a flower a hamburger a lantern,a plane grass the sun,Work in pairs.Describe a thin,A:It looks beautiful.,B:Is it a flower?,A:No,it isnt.Its round and hot.,B:Is it


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