初中一年级英语下册第一课时课件 (2)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 45,Li Mings Favourite Festival,朱瑛,Preparation,(,预习,),New words,sweater n.,毛线衣,shake v.(shook/shaken),摇动,nervous adj.,紧张的,funny,adj.,滑稽的;好笑的,anyone pron.,任何一个,guess v.,猜,lantern,n.,灯笼,during prep.,在,期间,hang v.(hung/hung),吊;悬挂,Words-check,(,单词自测,),1.His hand is _(,颤抖,).,2.I have a red _(,毛衣,).,3.Can you _(,猜,)what it is?,4.There are many _(,灯笼,)on the street.,5.Im always _(,紧张的,).,6.This is a _(fun)story.,7.D _ Spring Festival,we h_ lanterns.,8.Is there _(,任何一个,)here?,shaking,sweater,guess,lanterns,nervous,funny,uring,ang,anyone,Phrases-study,(,短语自学,),1.,轮到某人做某事了,2.,紧张,3.,这很有趣,4.,把,.,握在,.,5.,给某人某物,6.,新年快乐(答语),7.,春节,8.,其它一些,9.,一个中国灯笼,10.,挂灯笼,11.,这个给你,12.,在,的第一天,13.,一张圣诞卡片,It is ones turn to do,sth,.,be nervous,This is funny,.,holdin,give sb.,sth,./give,sth,.to sb.,Happy New Year,!,Spring Festival,something else,a Chinese lantern,hang lantern,This one is for you.,on the first day of,a Christmas card,Phrases-check,(短语检测),1.Mr.Wood _(hold)a book in his hand.,2.I like _(China)lanterns.,3.Tom is very_(,紧张,).,4.Its Li Mings turn _(speak)English.,5.There isnt _(something)else to do.,6.How _(fun)it is!,7.This _(one)is for you.,8.Can anyone guess _(What this is/What is this)?,9.On _(one)day of New Year!We say”Happy New Year,!”,.,10.Please give me a book.(,同义句转换,),Please _ !,is holding,Chinese,nervous,to speak,anything,fun,one,what this is,the first,give a book to me,整体感知,1.Is Li Ming nervous?,2.What does he hold in his hand?,3.What does Li Ming give to Jenny?,Listen and answer,Yes,he is.,He holds a red envelope.,A Chinese lantern.,知识点探究,1.It is Li Mings,turn,to speak.,轮到李明发言了。,1)n.,顺序,。,例如:,Its ones turn to do,sth,.,轮到某人做某事,Take turns to do,sth,.,轮流做某事,Its Lucys turn to water flowers.,轮到露西浇花了。,We take turns to clean the blackboard.,我们轮流擦黑板。,e.g,该是你回答问题了,Its your turn _(answer)this question.,2,),v,转动,翻转。,例如:,The earth turns around itself.,地球自传。,He turned the key in the lock.,他把钥匙塞进锁里转动了一下。,to answer,2.Do you,need,some mittens?,你需要手套吗?,行为动词,意为“需要”,,常见结构,有,need,sth,.need to do,sth,.,need doing,sth,.(,表示,need,后的动作与主语有被动关系,),。例如:,We need another five men.,我们还需要,5,个人。,Im tired.I need to have a rest.,我累了,需要休息一下。,The trees need watering.,树需要浇水了。,作情态动词,常用于疑问句或否定句,无人称和数的变化,其后接动词原形。例如:,You neednt go home now.,你现在不需要回家。,Must I go now?,我现在必须去吗?,No,you neednt.,不,你不必。,3.Give me my red envelope.,给我个红包。,give,sth,.to sb.=give sb.,sth,.,给某人某物。例如:,Please give me a cup of tea.,=Please give a cup of tea to me.,请给我一杯茶。,注意:,当直接是代词时,只用,give,sth,.to sb.,这一结 构,判断正误:,把它给吉姆。,Give Jim it.(,F,),Give it to Jim.,(,T,),当堂检测,1.Is there _in todays newspaper?,A.interesting something,B.something interesting,C.interesting anything,D.anything interesting,2.He is _,his hand are shaking.,A.happy B.fun C.bad D.nervous,3.Its _turn to cook today.,A.my father B.father,C.my fathers D.me,4.Can you tell me _?,A.where is he B.where he is,C.how is he D.how he do,D,D,C,B,On _day of summer holiday,I went swimming.,A.one B.the one C.first D.the first,6.He _ a map on the wall yesterday.,A.hang B.hung C.hangs D.hanged,7.What does he need _ next?,A.to do B.do C.does D.doing,D,B,A,Homework,Write a short passage about Spring Festival.,


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