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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,小学英语She-goes-to-school-on-Mondays优质教学课件,小学英语She-goes-to-school-on-Mon,Module 5,Unit 1,She goes to school on Mondays.,舜王小学 孙墨龙,Module 5Unit 1 舜王小学 孙墨龙,Lets chant!,Football,football,Do you like football?,No,no,No,I dont,What,what,.,What do you like?,Basketball,basketball,I like basketball.,Lets chant!,Do you,play football,?,Yes,I do.,No,I dont.,Do you play football?Yes,I do,Does the dog play football?,Does the dog play football?,on Monday,周一,On Monday,s,每周一,on MondayOn Mondays,What do you do on Mondays?(,你在星期一干什么?),What do you do on Mondays?(你在,They go to school.,They go to school.,She is,at home,.(,在家),She is at home.(在家),What do they do on Mondays?,What do they do on Mondays?,看视频,.回答,问题,先看问题。,1、Is Amy at home?,A Yes,she is.B No,she isnt.,2、Is Sam at home?,A Yes,he is.B No,he isnt.,3.Is Tom at home?,A Yes,he is.B No,he isnt.,看视频.回答问题先看问题。,Listen again.Then think:,再听一遍,并思考:,Questions,:,1.What is Ms Smart doing?,(,Ms Smart,在,干什么呢?,),2.What does Amy do on Mondays,?,(,Amy,在周一干什么呢?,),3.What does Sam do on Mondays?,(,Sam,在周一干什么,呢?,),4.What about Tom?,(,Tom,呢?,),Listen again.Then think:再听一遍,1.What is Ms Smart doing?,(,Ms Smart,在,干什么呢?,),1.What is Ms Smart doing?,Ms Smart is,on the phone,with her,friend,.(,打电话,),(,朋友,),Ms Smart is on the phone with,friend,(朋友),good friend,s,Daming and Sam are good friend,s.,friend(朋友)good friendsDaming,2.What does Amy do on Mondays,?,(,Amy,在周一干什么呢?,),2.What does Amy do on Mondays?,She,(,Amy,),go,es,to school on Mondays.,She(Amy)goes to school on Mon,3.What does Sam do on Mondays,?,(,Sam,在周一干什么呢?,),3.What does Sam do on Mondays?,He,(,Sam,),go,es,to school.,He(Sam)goes to school.,Does Tom go to school on Mondays,?,Tom,周一上学吗?,Does Tom go to school on Mond,No,he doesnt.He is at home.,He is only,(仅仅),two years old.,No,he doesnt.He is at home,Read the text,(,跟读课文,注意语音语调),Read with your partner,.,(同桌分角色朗读课文),Read the textRead with your pa,Lets sing,She,goes,to school,He,goe,s,to school.,On Mondays,on Mondays.,Does,he go to school?,Does,he go to school?,No,he,doesnt,.Hes at home.,Lets sing She goes to school,I/We/You/They,.,play football,swim,skip,He/She/Sam/Amy.,play,s,football,swim,s,skip,s,当主语是,He,She,以及像,Amy,,,Sam,这样表示单个人时,需要在动词后面加上“,s,”或者“,es,”,I/We/You/They.He/She/Sam/Amy,Fangfang,play,s,football,at the weekend(,周末,),Dingding_at the weekend,Fangfang plays football at the,同学们:,今天你学到了什么?,同学们:,Homework,(家庭作业),1.Read and act out the text.,(,熟读课文,下节课请同学表演课文),2.Make a survey about your father and mothers activity at the weekend.,(,制作一张有关你爸爸妈妈在周末活动的调查表,下节课拿来和同学们交 流),Homework,Thank You!,Thank You!,感谢聆听,感谢聆听,


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