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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Something that you say is not true,Not to be punished for something,Uncooked,The strong wish to know about something,Someone who buys things or services from a shop, company, etc,A particular quality that gives someone or something an advantage,lie,get away it,raw,curiosity,customer,benefit,Answer key for exercise 1 on page 12,Discovering useful words and expressions,Julie wanted to,become thinner,. She knew she _ eat more vegetables and fruit but little meat. However, as she was so afraid of,being laughed at by her friends, she did not consult a doctor but lived on a _ of rice, _ vegetables, bananas and lemons. Three weeks later, she found she weighed as much as ever.,balanced diet raw slim ought to energetic,lose weight lose heart lose interest lose face,ought to,diet,raw,Answer key for exercise 2 on page 12,She,felt so sad and hopeless about herself,and her,behaviour,changed. She didnt dare to face her boyfriend and she was,unwilling to visit,her friends,any more,. Luckily, her best friend Fred came to see her and encouraged her to exercise, eat a _ diet and enjoy life again. Soon Julie became amazingly _ and _! She felt very happy.,balanced,energetic,slim,become thinner,-lose weight,Being laughed at by her friends,- losing face,felt so sad and hopeless about yourself,- lost heart,Was unwilling to visit any more,- lost interest in visiting,1 pear; cream,( fat and all the others are fruit ),2,sugar ;,mutton,(meat and all the others are energy giving food),3 bacon ; cabbage,(vegetable and all the others are meat ),4 strawberry ; eggplant,(vegetable and all the others are fruit ),Answer key for exercise 3 on page 12,Answer key for exercise 1 on page 49,curiosity; curious,Sugary; sugar,balanced; balance,limit; limited,marry; married,weak; weakness,digestion; digest,Using words and expressions,Answer key for exercise 2 on page 54,combined,diet, put on weight, digest,sighed,Before long,cutting down, benefit,Flavours,and tastes:,sweet, salty, crispy,tastless,sugary, spicy, sour,Ways of cooking:,fry, roast, boil, barbecue,Vegetables:,eggplant, carrot, pea, cabbage, radish, turnip, cucumber, mushroom,Fruits:,grape, peach, plum, mango, melon, lemon, pineapple,Suggested answers to Exercise 3:,Meat:,mutton, beef, kebab, bacon,Seafood:,shrimp, crab, lobster,Dairy food:,cheese, cream, milk,Seasoning:,mustard, pepper, garlic, sugar, vinegar,Staple food:,noodle, spaghetti, bread, rice, corn,Drink:,coffee, mineral water, tea, juice, wine, cola,Answer key for exercise 4,tell,ask,say,speak,tell,talk,discuss,tell,say,这一饮食的缺点是包含了太多的脂肪和糖分,优点是有很多能提供能量的食品。(,diet; strength; weakness,),那个商店老板试图通过打折来赢回顾客。(,win back; discount,),如果你不为自己的错误道歉的话,他们是不会放过你的。(,get away with,),The,weakness,of this,diet,is that it has too much fat and sugar; its,strength,is that it has plenty of energy-giving food.,The shopkeeper is trying to win his customers,back,with a,discount,.,If you dont say sorry for your mistake, they wont let you,get away with,it.,他已经负债很久了。对于他来说,如何谋生成了大问题。(,in debt; earn ones living,),就在我等朋友时,突然发现有个男人在离我不远处正瞪眼看着我。(,spy; glare at,),我不想对你说谎,但是我不得不告诉你他的智力有限。(,lie; limited,),He has been,in debt,for a long time. How to,earn his living,is a big problem.,When I was waiting for my friend, I suddenly,spied,a man not far away,glaring at,me.,I dont want to,lie,to you, but I have to say that his intelligence is,limited,.,专家说吃萝卜对眼睛很有好处。(,benefit; carrot,),我吃饺子时通常都会加点醋, 因为醋有助于消化食物。(,vinegar; digest,),Experts say eating,carrots,benefits,your eyes.,I usually eat dumplings with a little,vinegar, which I believe helps me,digest,the food.,Answer key for exercise 1 on page 13,Then usually by lunchtime they would all be sold.,(,possibility,),What could have happened ? (,possibility,),Nothing could be better ” (,possibility,),something terrible must have happened if .(,Guessing,),He could not believe his eyes .(,Ability,s,),Discovering useful structures,Perhaps he should go to the library and find out . (,Duty,),He could not have Yong,Hui,getting away with telling people lies! (,Intention,),He had better do some research ! (,Duty,),Even though her customers might get thin after eating Yong,Huis,food .(,possibility),They would become tired very quickly (,Intention,),he could win his customers back (,Ability,),SAM: How can I grow thinner, Mum?,MUM: Well, you _ eat food with plenty of,fibre,that helps you digest better. And you _ stop drinking cola or eating sweet food.,SAM: Does it mean I _ eat my,favourite,fried chicken any more?,MUM: Not exactly, if you love fried chicken, you _ give it up. Just eat it less often. You _ worry too much: a little fried chicken _ do you good!,have to,should,shouldnt,neednt,will,dont have to /neednt /shouldnt,DOCTOR: You are sick because youve eaten poisonous mushrooms. Where did you get them?,LUCY: I picked them in the forest. I know we _ eat fresh vegetables.,DOCTOR: Oh, but you _ eat them until youre sure they are not poisonous.,LUCY: Thank you, doctor. Ill be more careful next time.,have to,mustnt,CHARLES: I wish I could see things clearly in the dark.,TOM: Eating carrots _ help you see better. You _ eat some every day.,ought to,should,Answer key for exercise 1 on page 50,have to; should; need to,ought to; should,mustnt; would,have to; need to,cant; cant,Using structures,


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