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动态动词与静态动词v动态动词:1. 表示持续动作,可用于进行、非进行体:talk, run, sleep, waitv2. 表示改变或方位移动,可用于进行、非进行体:come, go, arrive, leave, reach, turn, become, get, grow, changev3.表示短暂动作。但要注意,用于过去一般时,表示一次性短暂动作;用于过去进行时,表示该动作的重复 v 静态动词:v表示一种状态,通常用于非进行体;若用进行体,语义不同.v 1. be, havev 2. 含有be和have 意义的词,如 apply to, belong to, differ from, cost, weight, measure, fit, hold, lack, resemblev 3. 表示感觉的动词:feel, hear, see, smell, tastev 4. 表心理或情感状态的动词:believe, assume, consider, detest, fear, know, like, love, mean, mind, notice, prefer, remember v静态动词用于进行体时,则成了动态动词,意义有所不同:Hes being polite today.vThey were having a party.vHe is resembling his father.vThe chef is tasting the soup. vPlease be quiet. Im thinking.vIm hoping you can make an exception to the children. 动词的时、体、态v1. 两种时间:现在和过去v2.两种体:进行体和完成体v3. 结合:v 现在:一般,进行,完成,完成进行v 过去:一般,进行,完成,完成进行v4. 语态:主动和被动; be型被动态和get型被动态 一般现在时v 1. 表示不受时限的客观存在(真理、格言、科学事实等)v 2. 表示习惯性经常性的动作v 3. 表示现时的状态和现在瞬间动作:Whats the matter with you? You look pale. / What do you think?v常用于体育的现场报道、戏法表演、操作演示的解说词中(见教材)v也用于一些习惯性的用法中:I declare the conference open. / I wish you all the best. v 4. 用于将来时间:v 1) I hope / I bet 后的分句中:I hope you have a good time (=I hope you will have a good time). / I bet it rains tomorrow (=I bet it will rain tomorrow). v 2) see to it / make sure / make certain 后的分句中:Make sure that the equipment is disconnected from the power.v 3) If it rains tomorrow, Ill v 5. 表示过去时间:这类动词有hear, learn, tell, say, gather 等:I hear that a big shot is coming to our university.v She tells me youre entering for the competition / examination.v历史现在时:p. 127 一般过去时v 1. 表示过去一次性或习惯性动作:p. 128v 2. 表示现在和将来:v 1)want, hope, think , wonder等几个动词用于过去时可表示委婉语气:I wondered if you could spare me a few minutes. / I hoped you could come here. Suppose we lunched on porridge made with lean meat and preserved egg?v 2) 用于某些固定结构中:I wish the Campus were not so far away from GZ. / Its high time that you went to bed. / If only I had enough money now./ He looks as if he was ill. / He treats the children as if they were his own. 现在进行体v 1. 表说话时正在进行的动作: The policeman is disinterring the body. v 2. 表示现阶段正在进行的动作:Im preparing for the examination these days. v Note: 进行体与always, constantly, continually, for ever等 频度状语连用,则表示说话人的一种厌烦、赞美等感情:v Youre always asking for money. / She is constantly helping his fellow students. (当然也可以不带感情色彩)v 3. 表示按计划安排近期内即将发生的动作:The plane is taking off in ten minutes. / The rescue team are leaving for Qinghai tonight. v 4. 表示刚刚过去的动作:I dont know what youre talking about.v 5. 表示委婉的语气:Im hoping that you can come. / Im wondering if I can be away for a while. 过去进行体v 1. 过去某时点或某时段正在进行的动作:They were sauntering in the woods, enjoying the serenity, a change from the hustle and bustle in the city. Suddenly, a dead body came into their view.v 2. 表示过去暂时性习惯的动作:In those days, George used to get up at nine, but that week he was getting up at five every day. v 3.与always, constantly, continually, for ever等 频度状语连用,则表示说话人的一种厌烦的情绪(也可以不表示):He was always disturbing me when I was studying. v 3. 表示过去按计划安排即将发生的事:They were arriving a few days later.v 4. hope, want, wonder 等用于过去进行时可表示委婉语气:v I was wondering if you could lend me some money.v I was hoping you could send me your mail order catalogue.v 5. I wish we were going / we left now.v Its time you were going / went to bed. 现在完成体、现在完成进行体、过去进行体的比较vHe has done his homework.vHe has been doing his homework.vHe was doing his homework yesterday. v1.注意下列非正式场合的用法:1). Ive waited here (for) two hours.v2). He (has) lost ten pounds since he started the game.v3). Ive had such impressions since I can remember. v2. 注意下列用法:1) Its ok since I had it fixed.v2) Things are much worse since you left. 3) I feel / am feeling much better since I took the medicine. v4) My health is much improved since I gave up smoking. vShe contacted me on line last week, but vanished from the surface of the earth since.vHe has been improving his English since he came to Guangzhou / since three years ago / since 2008. vIts 3 weeks since he fell ill.vIts 3 weeks since he was ill. vHe has been improving his English since he lived in Guangzhou / since he was in Guangzhou. vGreat changes have taken place since China was open to the outside world. vHe has been improving his English since he has lived in Guangzhou / since he has been living in Guangzhou. 过去完成体v 1. If only you had told me the truth yesterday.v 2. He speaks as if he had been to the Maldives. (cf. He speaks as if he were my father.)v 3. I wish I hadnt gone to the party yesterday. (cf. I wish I were 10 years younger.)v 4. I had wanted (intended )to come see you, but+ vIts the first / second time that I have visited this city. vIt will be the first / the third time that I have given him money.vIt was the first / the second time that he had turned on his father. 动词:宾语的种类v A. beat the drum / a boy; beat a retreat / beat time / beat the record / beat ones brains. v B. 动词与宾语的关系:v 1. 受动宾语:wash the car / paint the wallv 2. 结果宾语:dig a hole / paint a cat / write an essayv 3. 使役宾语:dance the baby on her knees / stand the child against the wall v 4. 转喻宾语: smoke a pipe / wipe off the table v 5. 动作内容:ask a question v 6. 动作终极:reach adulthoodv 7. 表示方式:nod ones approval / laugh ones thanks / look ones gratitude v 8. 表示地点:walk the street / walk the rest of the journey / 同源宾语v1. dream a dream / smile a sweet smile / whistle a meditative whistle / live a lonely life / die a heroic death v2. run a race / sleep a wink v比较: He died a martyr. / He ran a mile at one breath. 无意义的宾语: itv 1. Go it while youre youngv 2. Youll catch it if your father knows.v 3. Stick it out a few years more.v 4. As ill luck would have it, v 5. Im afraid weve had it, they have turned us down.v 6. Never lord it over the weak.v 7. Lets bus it / leg it / tram it. v 8. You can hotel it, inn it or pub it.


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