Unit 9 Period 2

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 9,Have you ever been to,an amusement park?,Period 2,现在,完成,时,1.,基本结构,:,2.,基本定义,:,have/has,+,动词过去分词,表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的,影响,或,结果,。,定义,1,already,已经,,yet,已经,还,仍然,,ever,曾经,never,未曾,just,刚刚,等。,标志词,:,定义,2,表示过去已经开始,持续到现在,也许还会继续持续下去的动作或状态。,标志词,:,for+,时间段,since+,时间点,例,:,I,have lived,here _ twenty years.,My aunt,has worked,there_ 10,years ago/2000.,for,since,考点一:,already,和,yet,的区别,already,已经,常常用于,肯定句,yet,已经;仍,还,(,没,),用于,否定和疑问句句尾,例,:Tom _ his homework yet,so he wont,go out with his classmates.,A.done B.has done,C.doesnt do D.hasnt done,3.,基本考点,:,而一般过去时,强调,的是,动作,。,而一般过去时的标志词是,:yesterday,last week,ago,in 1990,just now,1.,现在完成时,强调,的是,影响,。,2.,现在完成时的标志词是,:,already,yet,ever,never,just,考点二:,现在完成时,和,一般过去时,的区别,1.Excuse me,_ you _ him yet?,-Yes,I _ him last night.,(09,广东),A.have seen;saw B.did see;have seen,C.have seen;have seen D.did see;saw,Exercise,2,Have you ever_ to Haikou,?,Yes,,,I_ there with my family last August,A,gone,;,went B,been,;,went,C,been,;,went to D,been,;,was in,考点三:,have been to&,have gone to,have been to+,地点,(,去过某地,人已经回来,),have gone to+,地点,(,已经到某地去了或在去某地的路上,人还没有回来,),1.-Hi,John,Shall we go to Australia for the long holiday?,-Sorry.I _ there twice.,A.have gone B.was C.have been,2.Where is,Mr.White,?,-He isnt in.He _ Paris.,A.has gone to B.goes to,C.has been to D.was in,have gone to,经常用于第,三,人称,.,巧记,10,个瞬间性动词的转换,“,开始,离,去,借,来,还,出生,入,死,买,到,家”,类似的转换还有,:,become,be,fall asleep,be asleep,open,be open,close,be closed,瞬间性动词,延续性动词,1.begin,be on,2.leave,be away from,3.go,be off,4.borrow,keep,e,be here,6.return,be back,8.die,be dead,9.buy,have,10.arrive,be here,7.join,be in,be a member of,考点四:,Hurry up!The film _ for ten,minutes.,A.has been on,B.began,C.had begun,D.has begun,当瞬间性动词与表示一段时间的状语连用时,一定要改为延续性动词,.,我从来没有读过这本书,.,他们已经回来了,.,他从来没有告诉过我这件事,.,你曾经去过水族馆了吗?,我去过动物园了。,I,have,never,read,this book.,They,have,already,come,back.,He,has,never,told,me this thing.,Have,you ever,been to,an aquarium?,I,have been to,the zoo.,Disney Characters,Disney Movies,Disney Cruise,Disney Cruise,In Disneyland,you can find Disney,Characters all over the park.,In Disneyland,you can find Disney,Characters all over the park.,Have you ever been to Disneyland?,Disneyland ,dznlnd,迪斯尼乐园,Mickey Mouse ,miki,米老鼠,Donald Duck ,dnld,唐老鸭,character ,krikt,n.,人物;角色,theme ,i:m,n.,主题,attraction ,trkn,n.,有吸引力的事物(人),roller coaster ,rul,kst,过山车,cruise ,kru:z,n.,巡游;巡航,board ,b:d,n.,甲板,route ,ru:t,n.,路线,island ,ailnd,n.,岛;岛屿,especially ,ispeli,adv.,特别;尤其,Which Disney characters are mentioned in Paragraph?,Mickey Mouse B.Donald Duck,C.Donkey D.Tidy Bear,2.We can find different Disneyland parks_.,In western countries B.In Hong Kong,C.All over the world D.In America,Paragraph 1,Can you find out these expressions(,表达,)?,1.,大多数,2.,听说,3.,事实上,4.,几个,5.,全世界,Most of us have probably heard of Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck,and many other famous Disney characters.Perhaps we have even seen them in movies.But have you ever been to Disneyland?In fact,there are now several different Disneyland amusement parks around the world.,Disneyland is called_.,An Amusement park B.An Animal Park,C.A Theme park D.Both A and C,2.The theme of Disneyland is_.,Disney Movie B.Disney characters,C.Roller Coaster D.Disney movie and characters,3.We cant _in the Disneyland.,watch Disney movies B.Buy Disney gifts,C.Watch a concert D.see Disney characters,Paragraph 2,Disneyland is an amusement park,but we can also,call it a theme park,.It has,all the normal attractions,that,you can find at an amusement park,but it also had a theme.The theme,of course,is Disney movies and Disney characters.,For example,you can find a roller coaster in most amusement parks,but in Disneyland,the roller coaster is themed with Disney characters.This,means,that you can find Disney characters all over the roller coaster.You can also watch Disney movies,eat in Disney restaurants,and buy Disney gifts.And you can,see,Disney characters,walking,around Disneyland,all the time,!,它拥有你在游乐园能找到的所有,常见的,吸引人的东西,see,sb,.doing,sth,.,看见某人正在做某事,意味着,You cant _ on the Disney boats.,sleep and eat B.take a ride,C.go to parties D.go swimming,2.Are there any attractions like Disneyland on Disney boat?,Yes,there are.B.No,there arent.,3.All the boats arrive in _.,A.different places B.the same place,Paragraph 3,Have you ever heard of a,Disney Cruise,?These are,huge,boats that also have the Disney theme.You can,take a ride,on the boat for several days,and you can sleep and eat,on board,.There are also many attractions,on board,just like any other Disneyland.You can shop,go to Disney parties,and eat dinner with Mickey Mouse!The boat,take different routes,but they all,end up,in the same place.That is Disneys own island.,It is just so much fun in Disneyland!,迪士尼巡游,乘车,/,船兜风,在船上,走不同的路线,结束,/,意外到达,迪士尼乐园真是其乐无穷,.,游乐园,1.an amusement park,2.a theme park,主题公园,3.most of,大多数,4.hear of/about,听说,5.in fact,事实上,6.for example,例如,7.take a ride,乘车兜风,such as,在船上,8.on board,9.end up,结束,/,意外到达,10.all the time,一直,总是,11.Disneyland characters,迪


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