教育专题:Unit1 (6)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,初三 (上册),Module 1,Unit 1,What is a wonder of the world?,The Pyramids of Egypt,埃及金字塔,Wonders of the world,1,The Statue of Zeus,宙斯神像,2,The Colossus of Rhodes,罗德港巨人雕像,3,The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus,摩索拉斯陵墓,4,阿提密斯神殿,The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus,5,The Hanging Gardens of Babylon,巴比伦空中花园,6,The Pharos of Alexandria,亚历山大灯塔,7,The Great Wall,万里长城,8,Listening and vocabulary,Talk about the picture. You can use the words in the box to help you.,ancient band club composition,concert grade pyramid,pupil review wonder,School Dance,Wonderful World,“,One of Beijings best new bands”,Book review,Now read the answers and think of the,questions.,Wonderful World.,Whats the name of the band?,1,Friday.,2,Dance club.,3,About 4,500 years ago.,4,Australia.,5,300 words.,Listen and check the words you,hear.,Listen and read,Choose the best answer.,1. What are they mainly talking,about at the meeting?,a) The school concert.,b) The school magazine.,c) The television interview,with Becky Wang.,2. What is,Daming,doing when the others,arrive?,a) Writing a composition.,b) Doing some reviews.,c) Watching TV.,3. What was Becky Wang?,a) A singer with the band Crazy Feet.,b) A pupil at their school.,c),Linglings,favourite singer.,4. What does Betty suggest including in the,school magazine?,a) Homework Help.,b) A school diary.,c) Music reviews.,5. What is,Damings,homework?,a) Writing ideas on how to get good grades.,b) Reading a book.,c) Writing a composition.,Answer the questions.,1. What was your last,composition,about?,2. What is the most,ancient,Chinese,wonder of the world?,3. What bands or movies would you like,to write a,review,about?,4. What were your best,grades,in English,last year?,5. What,clubs,do you go to or would you,like to go to?,1.,Thats news to me.,我一点都不知道。,(,口语,),表示“没听说过的事”。,Theres no class tomorrow?,Thats,news to me!,明天不上课?,我一点儿都不知道!,Language points,提醒:,news-,新闻(不可数),paper -,纸,(,不可数,),newspaper -,报纸(可数),a piece of news-,一条新闻,2. Well write a,diary,of school events.,diary,-,记事簿,日记簿,e.g. According to my,diary, Ive got two meetings on Monday.,3. Ill,do some reviews about,our,favourite,bands and movies!,do some reviews about ,评论,e.g. Students often,do reviews about,their teachers.,4. And Ill,do an interview with,Becky Wang.,do an interview with,采访,e.g. The reporter is,doing an interview,with,the company boss.,5.,How about,“Homework Help”?,“,家庭作业小助手”怎么样?,How about.?,意思是“,怎么样,/,好吗?”,在口语中较为常见。,about,是介词,其后可接名词、代词,(,宾格,),或,v,-ing,形式。在多数情况下可以与,What about .?,换用。,它主要有以下两种用法:,(1),表示请求或建议。,如:,What about,helping me with my English?,帮我学习英语怎么样?,How about,having some noodles?,吃一些面条好吗?,(2),表示询问。如:,The boys play football.,What about,the girls?,男生踢球,女生呢?,My mother is very well.,How about,your mother?,我母亲身体很好。你母亲呢?,6. Yes, some ideas on,how to get good grades,.,特殊疑问词,+,动词不定式做,on/ about,等介词的宾语,e.g. We should think about,what to do next,.,特殊疑问词,+,动词不定式做,think, know, learn, decide, understand,等动词的宾语,e.g. He couldnt decide,when to leave,.,特殊疑问词,+,动词不定式在句中做主语,e.g.,How to go there,is a problem.,特殊疑问词,+,动词不定式在句中做表语,e.g. The problem is,where to find the key,.,7. I think thats a,fantastic,idea,fantastic,常用在口语中,表示“了不起的;极好的”。,e.g. You passed your test?,Fantastic,!,Exercises,请从括号内选择适当的介词填空。,1. Ill do an interview _ the new manager of the company. (with, to),2. Im keeping a diary _ what I learn every day. (at, of),with,of,3. Would you mind telling us _ the school concert? (about, with),4. She has got some ideas _ where to spend her holiday. (in, on),on,about,请根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,(,每,空词数不限,),。,1. She _ (,创办,) a company two years ago.,2. _ (,注意听,), everyone! Well move to the new teaching building.,3. You should _ (,写下,) what you are thinking about.,started,Listen up,write down,4. Which is your _ (,最喜爱的乐队,), Crazy Feet or Blue Sky?,5. Theres no class tomorrow? _ !,(,我一点儿都不知道,)!,6. May I ask you a question?,Of course. _?,(,是关于什么的,)?,Whats it about,favourite,band,Thats news to me,Wb,. Ex. 1,2 , 3,&,4,Homework,Thank you for listening!,


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