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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,河套大学外语系,英语课程,Contemporary College English Book II Lesson One Another School Year- What for?,About the author John Ciardi ( 1916-1986 ): Look at Note 1 at Page 4.,Introduction :,1. What is the purpose of college education?,2. What is the difference between training and education?,1. 1). To understand the purpose, rules and regulations of the universities, and to learn how to use the facilities; to plan your studies; to handle relationships; to even budget for your expenses at college.,This essay points out that a universitys purpose is not only to give the students,sufficient training for a career,but also to put them in touch with,the best of what the human race has achieved,-both,the techniques,and,spiritual resources of mankind.,In this way they will become,specialists,and,civilized members of society,as well.,21st century is an age of information and globalization. In this age, we need people who will be able not to keep up with the latest,advances in science and technology,but also to,communicate with other people and other nations.,Therefore college student are expected to develop in an all-around way to meet the needs of the new century. The students should arm themselves with,the best of mankinds techniques and spiritual resources,and seize all opportunities to cultivate the spirit of,team work, the ability to,handle emergencies and to work under pressure.,2. 1)The writer seems to think that technical training schools dont have to expose their students to profound ideas. We dont think so. All schools, as well as technical training schools should aim at training out useful and civilized members of society.,2) a),Training,is preparation for a job or a career, such as the training in a certain skill.,Education,on the other hand, is learning to develop ones mental and moral powers.,The structure of the text :,How many parts can you divide the text into and why?,two parts: Prag.1-8; Prag.9-14,Part 1 describes his encounter / meeting with a student of his. He tried but failed to convince (,说服,)the student of pharmacy.,Part 2 shows 14 years later, he still believes the purpose of a university: putting its students in touch with the best civilizations the human race has created.,The style of the text:,colloquial and familiar style; direct speech, easy to feel the talk humorous and mildly sarcastic.,Details of the text:,Para. 1,disaster: unexpected event such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire, a drought or an earthquake that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage.,Here,:,informally it means “a complete failure”.,Why? Because I failed to convince a student (exaggerates the situation / humorously),fresh-fresh teacher / new,out of-from,Meaning of the sentence: I had just graduated from / completed my graduate(,研究生,)studies and began teaching at the University of Kansas City. (undergraduates:,大学毕业生,; graduate studentspostgraduates:,研究生,).,4. be fresh from-be fresh out of-come from / just had a particular experience.,e.g. 1) students fresh from college;,2) athletes fresh from their success at Olympics,5. student body-all the students of the university;,全体学生,body: a group of people who work or act together for an official purpose.,e.g. a law-making body,立法机构,the governing body of the university,管理机构,a legislative body, the governing body,the school body,,,public body,公务人员,*,body / faculty / staff,body,1). whole physical structure of a human being or an animal;,main part of a human body, dead body, a strong body,2). main part of,sth,the body of a ship, the body of the theater,主体,the main body of the book,Faculty,:,1). any of the power s of the body or mind,the faculty of the sight,,,mental faculties,2). department or group of related departments in a university,院、部、系,the Faculty of Law the Faculty of Science,3). the whole teaching staff in one of the departments or in the whole university,全体教师,The entire faculty of the university will attend the meeting.,Staff (usu. sing),1). group of assistants working together in a business, etc,responsible to a manager or a person in authority,e.g. the hotel staff the shop staff,We need more staff in the office.,I have a staff of ten,2). Those people doing administrative work,a head teacher and her staff (,校长及全体教师),E.g. The school staff are expected to supervise school meals.,6. part of the student body-one of the students,7. beanpole-a pole farmers use as a support in vegetable gardens.(,支撑豆角用的长杆,),Here:,It means a tall, thin person.,Question:,What does the sentence tell us?,Sentence explanation,:,It tells us what an unfavorable impression the student gave /left on the writer the first day he came to class. His manners irritated the writer: instead of listening attentively and taking notes, he behaved as if he paid to watch a show of some sort and was waiting to be entertained.,8. Hamlet-Shakespeare(1564-1616)s work,Look at Note 10. at Page 6 and Note 3 at Page 5.,His famous works, such as Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Othello, Richard III, Henry IV, Midsummer Nights Dream, Romeo and Juliet were ones during the renaissance.,9. came into my office (cultural notes):,1).an instructor has office hours during which students taking the course can go and ask questions or discuss papers with him / her.,2).Students are required to take a number of courses in areas / fields other than their major.,10. with his hands on his hips-absolute construction.,Question: What does the phrase show?,It shows the student wasnt carrying anything, and whats more, this business-minded young man came to challenge his instructor, like customers questioning about their goods or service that they have bought.,Para. 2,New as I was to the faculty:,Sentence explanation: Although I was new to the college-not yet familiar with it, because I have just arrived, I knew I could tell him what a university was for, but I didnt.,2. Specimen-he was typical of a type of students who came to a university just to get training for a career as if he were typical of a certain race of animals.,3. enroll -register, arrange to join a school / course.,E.g. There are 5oostudents enrolled in this subject.,4. mean to do,sth,.- intend to do,sth,.,5. reach for,sth,.-try to obtain,sth,.,6. read Bachelor of science-have Bachelor (master / doctors) of science written on the scroll-a certificate of an academic degree.,Question: What does the sentence mean?,Sentence explanation,:,I could have told him that he was now not getting training for a job in technical school but doing a B. S at a university.,7. certify-to state to declare formally,esp,in writing or on a printed document,(尤指书面证明),officially,e.g. He certified it was his wifes handwriting.,*,*testify / justify / verify,1).,testify,declare as a witness,esp,in court; give evidence,(提供证据,作证),e.g. Two witnesses testified against her and one in her favor.,2).,justify,show that,sth,/,sb,is right, reasonable or just,(表明或证明某人或某事是正当的,有理的或公正的),e.g. You shouldnt attempt to justify yourself,They found it hard to justify their sons giving up a secure well-paid job.,3).,verify,to check; to make sure,sth,is true or accurate,(证实,核查),e.g. The computer verified the data was loaded correctly.,8. specialize in-to limit all or most of ones study to a particular activity or subject, major in.,9.generate: to produce or create,sth,.,Sentence explanation,:,The B.S certificate would be an official proof that the holder had special knowledge of pharmacy, but it would also be a proof that he / she learned/ absorbed some profound ideas of the past.,10.both training and education-Education has a board meaning, not only the process of acquiring knowledge and developing skills, but also the process of improving the mind (according to the writer).,Para. 3,Question: What do the two “,it”s,mean?,the first “it”-introductory / anticipatory(,先行的,),the second “it” refers to “whether I told him all this”,2. be around-be present in a place, available,3. matter (to,sb,) -be important or have an important effect on,sb,.,e.g. 1). It doesnt matter. Does it matte? It matters a lot.,2). Does it matter if I write in pencil?,3). It doesnt matter whether you agree or not.,4. What does the sentence mean?,Sentence explanation: I didnt actually say all this to him, because I couldnt think he would stay at college very long, so it wouldnt be important whether or not he knew what university education was for.,Para. 4,Nevertheless-in spite of that, yet,What does the sentence mean?,Sentence explanation,:,Instead of telling him the importance of an all-around education, I tried to convince him from a very practical point of view.,3. put-express or say in a particular way,e.g. 1). Can you put it in another way?,2). I dont know how to put it.,4. average out to-(informal) to come to an average or ordinary lever or standard.,e.g. 1). Meals at the university average out to about 10 per day.,2).The couples income average out to 5,000 per month.,3).The restaurants monthly profits averaged out at 30%.,4). My taxes average out to a third of my income/last year.,5) on average- usually, typically,5. more or less-(1) approximately, about, to some extent, somewhat ,(2) basically, essentially, almost,e.g. 1) Ive more or less finished my composition.,2) Weve more or less reached an agreement on the matter.,6. What does the sentence mean?,Sentence explanation: to show whatever you are doing, time is passing, you are applying time, but try to hold good. They are all useful pursuits. You cant say pharmacy is useful while Shakespeares work is useless. They are equally important. One is skill, the other is moral or education or,sth,. else.,Para. 5,be employed in doing,sth,-spend time doing,sth,.,e.g. 1). The old mans days were employed in reading.,2). The old day was employed in knitting sweaters.,2. assume-suppose, imagine,3. go through-finish,4. see to it that-make sure that,e.g. 1). Can you see to it that all the invitations are delivered?,2). Ill see to it that everything is ready before the guests arrive,4. see to it that-make sure that,e.g. 1). Can you see to it that all the invitations are delivered?,2). Ill see to it that everything is ready before the guests arrive,5. go to the electric chair-electrocute, to be punished by being killed on the electric chair, that is, by passing electricity through the body,What does the sentence mean and what are the possible professions?,Sentence explanation: You have to take responsibility for the work you do. If you are a,pharmacist, you should make sure that as aspirin is not mixed with poisonous chemicals like cyanide; as an,engineer,you shouldnt get things out of control like a bull out of fence; If you become a,lawyer, you should make sure an innocent person is not sentenced to death because you lack adequate legal knowledge and skill to depend your client.,6. along with-in addition to/besides,Sentence explanation: I n addition to all other things ( such as satisfaction) these professions offer you, they provide you with a living so that you can support a family-wife and children.,May it always suffice-Hope it will be enough.,8. may-hope; suffice-enough/adequate,e.g. 1) May you succeed!,2) May they be happy!,3) May our country be prosperous and our people happy.,Para.6.,be exposed to-be given experience of it; or be introduced to it,e.g. 1). To learn more about the world we live in, we should exposed to different cultures.,2) Studying abroad, he was exposed to a new life .,2. Reasonably: to a degree that is fairly good but not very good,e.g. 1). she wants to find a place reasonably close to her university. ( not far from ),2). Our university is one of the top ten, but reasonably well known.,3. penetrating idea: one that requires the ability of understanding clearly and deeply,4. democratic intellect: the level of ideas possible in a society based on the belief that all people are equal politically or socially.,5. a book: a serious one, a descent one, not just a popular fiction,6. a painting: one that shows some taste on your part?,Para. 7,this particular pest: ( informal ) an annoying person or thing,Im out to make money: Im trying to get money.,be out to do,sth,: to be trying to get or do,sth,.,e.g. 1) The company is out to break into the European market.,2). These shops are out to trick you into buying what you dont need.,Para.9,1. new species of mechanized savage: new types of humans who are intellectually simple and not developed and who can only work machines,2. The push-button Neanderthal: an uneducated, ignorant person who can only use / operate machines by pushing the buttons.,Homework: 1. Prepare for the rest of the text.,2. Recite Para.9-12.,3. Do the exercises.,Homework:,1. Prepare for the rest of the text.,2. Recite Para.9-12. 3. Do the exercises.,


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