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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2,Project,Making a happiness handbook,Discussion,1. What is happiness to you?,2. Do you think happiness lies in the past,or in the future?,T or F :,( )1. He thinks the happiest of his life were the college days in the countryside in England.,( )2. He was so eager to grow up that he had a lot to worry about when he was young.,F,F,Read the essay “Golden days” and answer.,school,still very happy,even,sometimes he felt in a rush to grow,up and be independent.,( )3. In the writers opinion, health plays an important role in a persons happy life.,( )4. He can stay cheerful because he can still play sport when he was getting old.,T,F,thinks it is hard to stay happy,and cheerful when you are ill or,old and your body aches.,1. What will guarantee peoples health,and happiness in the future?,Read the essay “My future happiness” and answer.,It is technology that will guarantee,peoples health and happiness in the,future.,2. In the future it will take less time to do,housework and we will be able to have,more time to enjoy staying together,with your family. Why?,Because there will be automatic,kitchens to cook instant meals for us in,the future.,3. What does she think an adult can do,while a teenager cant?,An adult can make his/her own decisions,and do things he/she enjoys. They can,have a job that they like and find,happiness in being successful at it.,Teenagers have to work hard at school,and should always be doing or learning,things, so they dont have time to relax.,4. Why does she think it is nice to think the happiest days are still ahead of them?,It gives her the motivation to work hard now.,Fill in the table.,Teenagers,Old people,Advantages,Advantages,Disadvantages,Disadvantages,Write an essay about your idea of happiness. Then make a happiness handbook together with your,classmates.,Writing,set goals,How to stay happy?,smile more,ready to help others,have a young heart,harmony with all kinds,have a good,sense of humor,get online during free time,maintain high confidence,finally, money,is not everything,1. My whole life was still,ahead of,me.,ahead of,1) (,时间、空间)在,前面,There is a bright future,ahead of,us.,2) 早于,I finished the work several days,ahead of,the deadline.,Language points,3)领先,She was always well,ahead of,the rest of the class,.,她总是遥遥领先于班上的同学。,Why?,2,. I,could have done,anything .,could have done,1),“,本来可以”,过去可以但未实现的事,e.g. You,could have made,greater progress.,(但事实上并没有取得更大的进步),2)“,可能已经” 用于表示对过去某事的猜测,Where,could he have gone,?,他能到哪儿去了呢?,3. All,I had to do,was go to school and spend a few hours studying when I came home.,All I had to do,was enjoy my adolescence.,这两句中的,I had to do,是定语从句,前省略了定语从句引导词,that,;,当主语中有,do,时,作表语的不定式可省略,to,。,因此,完整的句子是:,All (that I had to do )was to go to,All that I had to do was to enjoy,4. enjoying each others,company,company c,n,.,公司,u,n,.,陪伴,交往,e.g. to form a new company,We will be glad with your,company,.,in company (with),(,和,),一起,He came,in company with,a group of boys.,keep company (with),和,要好,伴随,e.g. Never,keep company with,dishonest,persons.,Ill,keep company with,you as far as,London Bridge.,拓展:,accompany,v.,陪伴,陪同,e.g. On the first day of the new term, his,father,accompanied,him to school.,companion,n.,同伴,伴侣,e.g.,a close,companion,难句解析,1. I have been happy about different,things at different times during my life,but my most vivid and happiest,memories are those of school days, so I,think that was the happiest time in my,life. (P30),分析, 1),句子结构分析,:此句为,but,连接的并列句。第一个并列分句,I have been happy about different things at different times during my life,是简单句。,第二个并列分句是复合句:,my most vivid and happiest memories are those of school days,是主句,,so I think that was the happiest time in my life,是结果状语从句;,在从句中,,I think,是主句,,that was the happiest time in my life,是,think,的宾语。,2,) 语言知识分析:,句子中的,those,为指示代词,指代本句前面的,memories,,意为“记忆”;同样宾语从句中的主语,that,也是指示代词,指代主句中的,school days,。,2. I imagine that the workday will be only four hours long, and everyone can work part-time jobs that are very interesting.(P31),分析, 1,) 句子结构分析,:在此句中,,I imagine,是主句;,that,引导的宾语从句为由,and,连接的两个并列句;第一个分句,the workday will be only four hours long,是简单句,,第二个分句,everyone can work part-time jobs that are very interesting,是一个含有定语从句的复合句,其中,everyone can work part-time jobs,是主句,,that are very interesting,是修饰,jobs,的定语从句。,2,)语言知识分析,:,imagine,是动词,意为“设想,想象”,后面常接,that,或疑问词引导的宾语从句。此外,,imagine,构成的常用结构还有:,(1) imagine (sb.) doing,sth,.,(2) imagine sb. (to be) +,adj. / n.,e.g.,She,imagined,walking into the office and telling everyone what she thought of them.,她想象自己走进办公室,对每个人都说出自己对他们的看法。,I,had imagined,her to be older than that.,在我的想象中,她要老一些。,Finish your happiness handbooks and present to us.,Homework,Thank you!,


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