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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,A clear conscience,问心无愧,Lesson 45,A clear conscience,I lost a large sum of money.,What should we do when we lost money.,Someone must have,stolen,my money.,First watch the video and then answer the question.,How did Sam get his money back?,It was returned ,little by little ,by the villager who had found his wallet.,Listen and anwser:,1.This story is about _.,A.,Sam Benth,B.,Sam Benton,C.,Benth,2.Did he found his wallet outside his front door ?,A,.Yes ,he did,B.,No ,he didnt,3.How much money was sent to the owner in total ?,A,.100 per cent,B,.25 per cent,C,.75 per cent,More questions,1. What had been lost in the village .,2.Who lost the money?,3.,Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers, but was it returned to him?,4.How long did the money begin to return back ?,5.How much money was contained in the newspaper?,6.Was all the money returned back?,Words,1.clear adj. kli,adj.晴朗的, 清澈的;无愧的, 清白的;清楚的, 明白的;畅通的, 无阻的,eg:透明的玻璃_,山上清澈的湖水_,晴朗的天空,_ 洁净的脸_,有着明亮眼睛的孩子_,adj.易看清的或听清的 a clear sound,adj.易懂的,明白的 a clear meaning,2.conscience n.,knns,良心,道德心,Have a clear conscience问心无愧,have a guilty conscience,/have a bad conscience 有愧于心,have no conscience没良心,search ones heart,/search onee conscience,扪心自问,eg:不做亏心事,不怕半夜鬼敲门。,A clear conscience never fears midnight knocking.,3.wallet n. 钱包 purse 女士钱包 handbag 手提包,4.savings n. 存款,saving bank 储蓄银行,saving account 储蓄存款账户,He has small savings.他的存款很少。,eg: 他用存的钱买了这辆自行车。,He used his savings to buy the bike .,5. villager n. vilid村民,village,n.村,村庄(有教堂),hamlet n.小村庄(无教堂),adj.村庄的 a fishing village 渔村 village life乡村生活 the village村民(集合说法),eg.The whole village is going to welcome the foreigner.,-er通常指的是职业:reporter,reader,teacher,writer.,6. per cent psent百分之,seven percent,eg.More than 40percent of the students wear glasses.,a 20 percent discount打8折,a thirty percent increase,增加百分之三十,eg: 我百分之百同意。,I am 100 per cent in agreement .,pay back,(1)偿还:,All Sams money was paid back in this way.,萨姆全部的钱都用这样的方式还了回来。,Yesterday Sam borrowed some money from me and said that he would pay me back in a week.,昨天萨姆从我这里借了些钱,并说一周后还我。,pay back,(2)报答;向报复:,Youve been very kind to me. How can I pay you back?,你对我太好了。我如何报答你呢?,He embarrassed me at the party. Ill pay him back someday.,在晚会上他让我难堪了。总有一天我会报复他的。,steal与rob,steal指“偷盗”、“窃取”,其行为通常是偷偷地、不为别人所发觉;rob则指“抢夺”、“抢劫”,其行为通常是明目张胆的:,The man who stole my wallet took my address book as well.,偷走我钱包的那个人把我的通讯录也拿走了。,I lost my address book when that man robbed me of my bag.,当那人抢走我的包时,我的通讯录也没了。,They took the risk of being arrested and robbed the bank.,他们冒着被逮捕的危险抢劫了那家银行。,注意 steal和 rob与介词的不同搭配:steal(sth.) from(sb./ some place), rob(sb.) of(sth.)。,thief,小偷,pickpocket,扒手,bu,r,glar,夜盗,robber,强盗,highwayman(,旧时)拦路抢劫的强盗,steal sth from sb/ steal sth from sp,从某人/某处 偷来,eg:A thief broke into the building last night and stole some money from the safe.,rob sb of sth抢了某人的东西,eg:Two thieves attacked him last night and robbed him of all his money.,Language points,1The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost.,主从复合句,that引导宾语从句。,(1)village在这里为总称,指“村民”,the whole village指“全村的人”,后面通常跟单数动词(有时也可视为复数),eg:这消息使全村的人兴奋。,The whole village was excited by the news.,(,2)learn在句中的含义为“获悉”、“得知”:,我刚刚得知她病了。,Ive just learnt that she was ill.,3Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office.,简单句。while 引导的现在分词作伴随状语,while he was taking his savings to the post office。现在分词这样用的前提是两个动词的主语是同一个,并且这两个动作通常是同时发生的.,他一边打扫房间一边听音乐。,He listened to music while cleaning the room.,如果是主语不一致则必须用从句:,我打扫房间时,他在听音乐,He listened to music while I was cleaning the room.,4Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers,must用于对过去已发生的事进行推测时,后面的动词要用完成式,我到这儿的时候他已不在了。他一定早走了。,When I arrived, he wasnt here. He must have left early.,find +n+adj,: 发现.为.,eg.I found my cat asleep in my bed.,eg.After a long search,we found the,boy,safe and sound.(安然无恙),find+n+adv /prep,eg.You find penguins in the,Antarctic.(南极的),eg.Cherry trees are found in the most parts of Japan.,find +n,Wrap,(1)v.包裹(wrapped,wrapped),eg.The girl wrapped up,t,he Christmas gift.,eg.He wrapped himself up in a blanket.,(,2)V.把.缠绕,把披在,eg.She wrapped a bath towel,around the baby.,Be wrapped up in,全神贯注于,eg.He was wrapped up in watching TV.,5,it contained half the money he had lost,我们既可以说 half the money,也可以说 half of the money,它们可以互相替代,但是money前都必须有the,因为是指特定的钱。再如:,这面包有一半已变质了。,Half the bread/ half of the bread was bad.,Half,(1)half,all ,boh均称为前限定词,位于其他限定词(my,her,these,those等)之前,这时of可省略。,eg.She spends half (of)her time traveling.,(,2)代词前始终用half of,eg.Only half of us could come last night.,6In time, all Sams money was paid back in this way.,含一般过去式的简单句。,(1)in time可以表示“经过一段时间”或“最终”、“迟早”:,我最终总有一天会把一切都告诉你的。,Ill tell you everything in time.,(2)in this way,表示“用这样的方式”:,eg:必须注意你的拼写,这样你才能最终成为一个,好秘书。,You must pay attention to your spelling. In this way, you can become a good secretary in time.,in a way,在某一方面来说;在某种意义上,eg:Youre correct in a way.,有点,有几分,wg:She is strange in a way.,Text,The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost.,Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office.,Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers, but it,was not returned,to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door.,It,had been wrapped up,in newspaper and,it contained half the money he had lost,together with a note which said: A thief, yes, but only 50 per cent a thief! Two months later, some more money,was sent to,Sam with another note: Only 25 per cent a thief now!,In time, all Sams money,was paid back,in this way,.,The last note said: I am 100 per cent honest now!,1),概念,:,英语动词有两种语态,即主动语态和被动语态,.,主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,2),结构,:,主语,+,助动词,be+,及物动词,的过去分词,+,其它,3),时态要求,:,助动词,be,必须与主语的,人称和数,一致,常用的时态有八种,.,4),用法,:,在不知道谁是动作的执行者,或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者,.,被动语态,Active voice,and,Passive voice,Many people,speak,English,.,English,is spoken,by,many people,.,S,V.,O.,动作执行者,动作,动作接受者,动作执行者,动作,动作接受者,1.,被动语态的构成,动作,接受者,am,is,are,+,及物动词,的过去分词,主语,+,+(by+,动作执行者),动作,执行者,动作,一般现在时的被动语态,被动语态,:,主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,宾,语是动作的承受者。,当动作的承受者作主语,时,就构成被动语态。,构成:,be+,动词的过去分词,1.,We,speak,English,.,English,is spoken,by,us.,2.,Mother,makes,some cakes,.,Some cakes,are made,by,mother.,(,主动语态,),(,被动语态,),2.,They,bought,ten computers,last term,Ten computers,were bought,(,by them,) last term.,一般过去时:,S+was/were +,过去分词,3,Amy,can take good care of,Gina,Gina,can be taken good care of,by Amy.,情态动词:,S+ can/may/must/should + be+,过去分词,4.,They,will,finish,the work,in ten days.,The work,will be finished,(,by them,),in ten days.,一般将来时:,S+ will+be+,过去分词,5.,Some workers,are painting,the rooms,now,The rooms,are being painted,by some workers,now.,现在进行时:,S+ am/is/are + being +,过去分词,6,We,have made,twenty more keys,Twenty more keys,have been made,by us,.,现在完成时:,S+ have/has + been+,过去分词,7,I,was doing,my homework,at 8:00 last night,My homework,was being done,(,by me,) at 8:00 last night.,过去进行时:,S+ was/were+being+,过去分词,那么,什么时候试用被动语态呢?,一般来说,被动语态用于一下几,种情况:,2.,被动语态的用法,2.,被动语态的用法,1,)要表达 “被,.”,、,“受,.”,、 “遭,.”,、 “让,.”,之类的语义。如:,教师很受人尊敬,。,Teachers are,well respected,.,这孩子很招人喜爱。,The child,is,well,loved,by people.,2,)强调动作接受者。如:,他远近闻名。,He,is known,far and wide.,3,)不知道或者没有必要之处动作,的执行者。如:,房子每天有人打扫。,The room,is cleaned,every day.,各种时态的被动语态构成,一般现在时:,一般过去时:,情态动词:,一般将来时:,现在进行时:,现在完成时:,过去进行时:,S+am/is /are +P.P,(过去分词),S+was/were +P.P.,S+ can/may/must/should + be+ P.P.,S+ will+be+ P.P.,S+ am/is/are + being + P.P.,S+ have/has + been+ P.P.,S+ was/were+being+ P.P.,课堂练习,(一)改写句子,1. We plant trees in spring every year.,_ by us in spring every year.,2. She posted the letter yesterday.,_ by her yesterday.,3. Mr Turner gave me a birthday present.,_a birthday present by Mr Turner.,4. He is drawing a picture.,_ by him.,5. You may hand in your homework tomorrow.,_ by you tomorrow.,6. She is going to write a letter.,_ by her.,Trees are planted,The letter was posted,I was given,A picture is being drawn,Your homework may be handed in,A letter is going to be written,7. I have given you the new book.,_ to you.,8. Her bag cannot be found by her.,_ her bag.,9. Do you often hear her sing Russian songs?,_Russian songs by you?,10. She doesnt let her son swim in the river.,_ in the river by her.,11. The bridge was being built by them at this time,last year.,_ the bridge at this time last year.,12. Does she often sing the song?,_ by her?,The new book has been given,She cannot find,Is she often heard to sing,Her son isnt let to swim,They were building,Is the song often sung,中考英语被动语态专项练习题,1.,The ne,w,computers_ to the village school as presents last month.,A. are given B. gave C. given D. were given,2.,When _ this kind of computer_?-Last year.,A. did;use B. was;used C. is;used D. are;used,3 This English song_ by the girls after class.,A. often sings B. often sang,C. is often sang D. is often sung,4,The broken bike_ here by Mr Smith.,A. can mend,B. can mended,C. can be mend D. can be mended,5,The papers _ to them.,A. were shown B. show C. shown D. have shown,6,What time _ the door _ every day?,A. does; closed B. does; close C. is; closed D. /; close,1. Last year vegetables _ (grow) in the garden by Tom and he _,(sell) them himself.,2,. She _ (help)him with his homework tomorrow evening.,3,. How many magazines _ ( can borrow )in your library every week ?,答案:were grown soldwill helpcan be borrowed,5,. Who _ (save) her father,yesterday,?,He _ (save) by that policeman.,6,. The doctor _ (send for) because his grandpa was ill.,答案:saved /was saved/was sent for,一、系动词 taste, smell, feel, sound, prove,等可用主动形式表达被动意义。如:,1这些花闻起来很香。,2那听起来很有道理。,3那食物尝起来很可口。,These flowers smell sweet.,That sounds very reasonable.,The food tastes delicious.,二、某些与 cant wont 等连用的不及物动,词,如move, lock, shut, open 等可用主动,形式表达被动意义。如:,1盒子不能移动。,2门不会关。,The box cant move.,The door wont shut.,三、某些可用来表示主语内在品质或性能,的不及物动词,如 sell, write, wash, clean,last(耐久), wear(耐穿), 等可用主动形式表,达被动意义. 如:,This kind of food sells well.,这种食物畅销。,This cloth washes well and lasts long.,这布料经洗、耐穿。,The floor doesnt clean easily.,这地板不容易弄干净。,五、形容词 worth 后面要用动名词的主,动形式表示被动意义。如:,1小说值得一读。,2事情值得做。,The novel is worth reading.,The thing is worth doing.,四、在动词 require, need, want 等动词之,后,可用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。,1树需要浇水。,2孩子需要照顾。,3电视机需要修理。,The trees need watering.,Children want looking after.,The TV needs mending.,六、动词不定式的主动形式表示被动意义:,不定式作定语与被修饰的名词或代词构成,动宾关系时,如:,我有许多事情要做。,他有几项任务要完成。,I have a lot of things to do.,He has several tasks to complete.,2. 在“系动词+形容词+不定式”结构中,,常见句型有:,n. +be + too + adj. + to do,The plane is too high to see.,2) n. +be + adj. + enough + to do,The book is cheap enough for me to buy.,3) n. + be + adj. + to do,The question is not easy to answer.,


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