Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Click to edit Master title style,Presentation name-,*,CIEH,Foundation Certificate In Food Hygiene,LEGISLATION,CIEH Foundation Certificate In,Expected Outcomes,Basic understanding of:-,The Food Safety Act 1990(as amended),The General Food Regulations 2004,The Food Hygiene(England)Regulations 2006,EC regulations,178,852,853,854,Expected OutcomesBasic underst,Expected Outcomes,Powers of officers to control the sale of unfit food,prosecute,and to close premises where there is a risk to health,Enforcement,Penalties,Expected OutcomesPowers of off,The Food Safety Act 1990&amendment regulations 2004The General Food Regulations 2004,Implements,Regulation(EC)no 178/2002 of the European Parliament,laying down the general principles and requirements of food law establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety,The Food Safety Act 1990&ame,Definitions within 178/2002,Food(article 2),any substance or product whether processed,partially processed,or unprocessed intended to be ingested by humans.,Includes,drink,chewing gum and any substance including water,intentionally included into food.,But not,feed,live animals(unless eaten live),plants prior to harvesting,medicines,cosmetics,tobacco,narcotics,residues or contaminates,Definitions within 178/2002 F,Further definitions 178/2002,Food business,any undertaking,whether for profit or not whether public,or private,Food business operator,natural or legal persons responsible for ensuring the,requirements of food law are met within the food,business under their control,Further definitions 178/2002,Further definitions 178/2002,Placing on the market,holding of food for the purpose of sale,and offering for sale.,This may be free of charge.,Further definitions 178/2002Pl,178/2002 General Requirements,Food safety requirements(article 14),Food shall not be placed on market if unsafe,Food is unsafe if it is considered:-,Injurious to health.,Regard is had to any immediate/short term effects and longer term/cumulative effects,Unfit,Regard is had to the acceptability for human consumption,contamination,deterioration or decay,178/2002 General RequirementsF,General Requirements,Traceability(article 18),Food operators must be able to identify any person who has supplied them with food,and in return be able to identify those persons who they have supplied food,Operators should put in place systems and procedures to allow for this information to be made available to competent authorities on demand.,Traceability(article 18),Food Hygiene(England)Regulations 2006,Powers of entry,Ability to inspect food and take samples,Ability to serve legal notices,Contains offences and penalties,Food Hygiene(England)Regula,Food Hygiene(England)Regulations 2006,Fault of another person,where an offence is due to the act or default of another person that other person may also(if identified)be guilty of the offence,Defence of due diligence,took all reasonable precautions,exercised all due diligence to avoid the commission of the offence,Food Hygiene(England)Regulat,Food Safety Act 1990,Majority of this Act now under Food Hygiene England Regulations 2005,Section 9 remains:-,power to detain and seize food,condemnation of food,Food Safety Act 1990Majority o,Regulation(EC)852/2004,General Requirements(Annex II,Chapter 1),Clean and in good repair and condition,Layout,design,construction,siting and size,permit maintenance,cleaning,disinfection,minimise air borne contamination and provide adequate space,protect against accumulation of dirt,contact with toxic material,shedding of particles and formation of moulds,permit good hygiene practices particularly pest control,provide suitable temperature control and allow those temperature to be monitored and recorded,Regulation(EC)852/2004Gene,初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析课件,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Wash basins and lavatories,Ventilation,Lighting,Drainage,Changing facilities,Cleaning agents and disinfectants not be stored in areas where food is handled,Regulation(EC)852/2004Wash,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Specific Requirements for food rooms,Annex II,Chapter II,Floors,Walls,Ceilings,Windows,Doors,Surfaces,Facilities for cleaning and disinfection of tools and equipment,Facilities for washing food,Regulation(EC)852/2004Spec,初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析课件,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Requirements for moveable/temporary premises,Annex II,Chapter III,Requirements for transport,Annex II,Chapter IV,Requirements for equipment,Annex II,Chapter V,Covers cleaning,construction,repair of equipment,Regulation(EC)852/2004Requ,初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析课件,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Food Waste,Annex II,Chapter VI,Water Supply,Annex II,Chapter VII,Personal Hygiene,Annex II,Chapter VIII,Regulation(EC)852/2004Food,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Provisions for food stuffs,Chapter IX,not to accept contaminated food,protect from contamination in storage and processing,label and store hazardous substances separately and securely,thaw,cool and