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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2015/8/19,#,生词,4.1 vehicle body,译文及评析,回顾经典,生词,shell n.,外,壳,hook n.,勾,trunk n.,后备箱盖,deck n.,一层,层面,accessory n.,附件,cargo n.,货物,unitize vt.,使成为一单位或一整体,semi-integral adj.,半整体的,commercial adj.,商业的,商务的,rigidity n.,坚硬,刚直,channel n.,通道,渠道,途径,rivet n.,铆钉,bend vi. (,使,),弯曲,;,屈身,twist vi.,扭,搓,缠绕,rubber n.,橡胶,橡皮,pan n.,平底锅,盘层,timber n.,木料,tensile adj.,可伸展的;可拉长的;可延展的,nut n.,螺母,螺帽,thermoplastic adj.,热塑,性的,brittle adj.,硬但易碎的;脆性的,易损坏的,trim n.,装饰,装备,establish vt.,建立,成立,译文及评析,A vehicle body is a sheet metal shell with windows, doors, a hook, a trunk deck built into it and accessories. It provides a protective covering for the engine, passengers and cargo. The body is designed to keep passengers safe and comfortable,.,简单了解车身相关知识,掌握原文意思。,Build into,:,使固定于,使成为组成部分,过了一会,小男孩不哭了,睁开眼睛,用询问的目光看着越南护士。,汽车车身,为,驾驶员、乘客以及货物,提供了安全保护,,一般是由车窗、车门、后备箱盖、翼子板以及其他一些部件组成的金属外壳。车身给驾驶员提供良好的操作条件,给乘客提供舒适的乘坐条件,。,译文及评析,There are several types of vehicle body in current use: one box, two box,,,hatch back body or three box,,,unitized body or integral body, semi-integral body, separate frame construction.,该段讲述车身的分类。在这里应注意,unitized body,和,integral body,同译为整体式车身。,过了一会,小男孩不哭了,睁开眼睛,用询问的目光看着越南护士。,目前车身可以分为以下几种形式:单厢式、两厢式、舱背式、三厢式,按照车身壳体受力情况,可分为承载式、半承载式,和,非承载式三种,。,译文及评析,A separate frame must be light yet strong enough to resist various loads and road forces. Commercial vehicles normally use a separate steel frame to provide the rigidity needed to support the various loads.,结构简单,只需掌握原文内容,。,过了一会,小男孩不哭了,睁开眼睛,用询问的目光看着越南护士。,非承载式车身要求车身整体重量轻,制作材料强度大,在实际使用中,往往增加一根单独的钢架,使车身能独立承受各种载荷以及地面压力,这种车身多用于商务车。,译文及评析,Unitized body construction is lighter than separate frame construction, but noisier. Rubber mounts are used between the body section and mechanical parts to absorb vibrations. The floor pan is made of sections that support the rear.,Be used to .,被用来,.,Be made of,由,.,组成; 由,.,造成,过了一会,小男孩不哭了,睁开眼睛,用询问的目光看着越南护士。,大多数汽车采用承载式车身,与非承载式车身相比,其重量轻,但是行驶中噪音响,振动大,因此使用橡胶座椅减弱震动,提高乘坐舒适性。,译文及评析,Before the introduction of plastics, timber was used in vehicle body construction, because it is readily available, easily worked and economically competitive.,只需掌握原文内容。,Introduction:,介绍,引进,采用,过了一会,小男孩不哭了,睁开眼睛,用询问的目光看着越南护士。,在使用塑料之前,木材因其获取简单,加工方便和价格低廉被广泛用于车身结构。,译文及评析,Low carbon steel is used for general construction members. High tensile steels are used for bolts and nuts which will be subjected to heavy loads.,be subjected to,:,受到,;经受,过了一会,小男孩不哭了,睁开眼睛,用询问的目光看着越南护士。,低碳钢是用于制作车身框架,高强度钢被用于制造螺栓和螺母,用于承受重载荷。,译文及评析,The resign materials are relatively low strength, brittle but when combined with glass fiber it becomes strong materials.,掌握原文内容。,过了一会,小男孩不哭了,睁开眼睛,用询问的目光看着越南护士。,热塑形树脂自身强度低,脆性大,但当它与玻璃纤维融合时,强度变大。,译文及评析,The use of plastics for interior trim is well established, and new applications are being found for components associated with the running gear, examples including reservoirs, air cleaner housings, belt covers etc.,采用塑料内饰,可以减轻车身重量,降低生产成本。,过了一会,小男孩不哭了,睁开眼睛,用询问的目光看着越南护士。,车身内饰大部分是有塑料制造而成,随着汽车的发展以及塑料材料的不断更新,在齿轮相关部件中也有很大应用,例如水箱、空气滤清器外壳和皮带轮外壳等。,Thank You,生词,4.2 Automotive Electrical and Electronic System,译文及评析,生词,electrical adj.,与电有关的,电的,用电的,chemical n.,化学的,Conductor n.,导体,opposite adj.,相反的,对立的;对面的,induce vt.,引起,导致,wire n.,电线,导线,plunger n.,活塞,柱塞,lever n.,操作杆,杠杆,leisure n.,悠闲,安逸,audio adj.,声音的;录音的,bluetooth n.,蓝牙,buzz n.,流行,重要,cradle n.,吊架,支架;摇篮;发源地,seamless adj.,无,(,接,),缝的;,(,两部分之间,),无空隙的,不停顿的,headset n.,耳机或听筒,stereo n.,立体声音,speaker n.,扬声器,adapter n.,适配器,Speakerphone n.,喇叭,扩音器,trendsetter n.,创新风的人,wireless adj.,无线的,infrared adj. ,物,红外线的,译文及评析,The purpose of the battery is to store electrical energy. It does this by converting the electrical energy supplied to it into chemical energy so that when an electrical current is required the energy change is reverse.,简单了解电池的相关知识,掌握原文内容。,过了一会,小男孩不哭了,睁开眼睛,用询问的目光看着越南护士。,在汽车电子电器系统中,蓄电池以充电方式使其内部活性物质再生,将电能转化成化学能,当需要电能时,通过放电将化学能转化为电能。,译文及评析,Lead,acid batteries are able to supply high surge current, which means that the cells maintain a relatively large power-to-weight ratio. This feature, along with their low cost, makes lead,acid batteries attractive for use in motor vehicles.,Along with,:,沿着, 与,.,一道, 随同,.,一起,过了一会,小男孩不哭了,睁开眼睛,用询问的目光看着越南护士。,由于铅酸电池结构元具有相对大的比质量,所以它能够提供高电流,而且其制作成本低,使得铅酸电池是车用做广泛的电池。,沿(顺)着;连同,一起;与,一道;随同,一起,译文及评析,Nickel-hydrogen batteries are also popular with car manufacturers. The specific property of the nickel,hydrogen batteries is its long life: the cells handle more than 20,000 charge cycles on 85% efficiency.,结构简单,需掌握原文内容,。,Be popular with,:,为,.,所喜欢;受,.,欢迎,过了一会,小男孩不哭了,睁开眼睛,用询问的目光看着越南护士。,镍,-,氢电池在汽车上的使用同样广泛,它使用寿命长,结构元比铅酸电池能多进行,20000,次充放电循环,效率高达,85%,。,译文及评析,The charging system provides electrical power for the ignition system and the cars electrical accessories. In other words, the charging system maintains the batterys state of charge.,Provide for:,供给,考虑到,为,.,做准备,In other words :,简言之, 换句话说,即,过了一会,小男孩不哭了,睁开眼睛,用询问的目光看着越南护士。,充电系统功能是为汽车点火系统和电器元件提供电力,总而言之,充电系统是让蓄电池保持充电状态。,译文及评析,Normally a car has brake lights, fog lights, high beam and low beam, signal lights, reverse lights and puddle lights. The quality and the performance of these lights are in the interest of the safety of the driver and his passengers.,Be in the interest of:,为了, 为了,.,的利益,过了一会,小男孩不哭了,睁开眼睛,用询问的目光看着越南护士。,一般情况下,汽车照明系统有刹车灯,雾灯,远光灯,近光灯,信号灯,倒车灯和水坑仪表指示灯。照明系统的质量以及性能是汽车安全行驶的保障,对驾驶员和乘客的安全性有很大影响力。,译文及评析,You can accessorize your car with a range of high quality car electrical accessories which will make your driving experience full of leisure and comfort, like Audio & Video Accessories, Phone Car Accessories, Bluetooth Car Accessories and TV Accessories. Auto accessories can truly make an impressive difference to your car.,Accessorize/ksesraz/:Vt.,装饰,补充,Vi.,穿戴装饰品,A range of:,一系列, 一套,一些,过了一会,小男孩不哭了,睁开眼睛,用询问的目光看着越南护士。,在汽车上,通过安装一些档次和质量较高的配件,如收音机、音响、车载电话、车载蓝牙以及车载电视,可提升其汽车的操作舒适性,自动化设备简化了汽车的使用。,Thank You,


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