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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,分类写作,六、感谢/祝福信,全国高考英语二轮突破,分类写作六、感谢/祝福信 全国高考英语二轮突破,recall those beautiful days,回忆那些美好的日子,have an injection,打针,help me with my lessons,帮助我的功课,fail in the examination,考试不合格,blessings,祝福,express ones sincere gratitude,表达真诚的谢意,a feeling of anxiety,焦虑感,take a deep breath,深深呼一口气,calm down,冷静下来,【必备词语】,recall those beautiful days 回,applause,掌声,remind sb.of.,使某人想起,express ones thanks for,表达某人的感谢,hospitality,好客,strict discipline,严格的纪律,treat sb.,款待某人,motherly care,母亲般的关怀,return ones kindness,回报某人的善意,【必备词语】,applause 掌声【必备词语】,1.Thank you very much in advance.,先谢谢您!,2.May all your dreams come true!,祝您梦想成真!,3.May our friendship last till the end of the universe!,祝我们的友谊天长地久!,4.Im writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude to you for teaching me the English song.,我写信来表达对你教我英文歌的衷心感谢!,5.Without your help,the performance couldnt have been that successful.,没有您的帮助,表演不会有那么成功。,6.We all miss you and are very grateful for what you did for us.,我们都很想念您,也很感激您为我们做的一切。,【好句朗诵】,1.Thank you very much in adva,7.How is everything with you lately?,您最近如何?,8.Id like to express my thanks for your hospitality and kindness when I was in America.,我想感谢您对我在美国时的好客和友好。,9.Best wishes to you and your family.,给您和家人致以良好的祝福!,10.In addition,what has impressed me most is.,而且,最让我感动的是,11.I hope someday you will come to visit China and I can return your kindness.,我希望有一天你能够来中国,我可以回报你的友好。,【好句朗诵】,7.How is everything with you,1.I am writing to express my thank for your advice.,1.thank,改为,thanks,2.Thank you for doing so much to make my trip interested.,2.interested,改为,interesting,【单句改错】,3.Without your help,I couldnt pass a driving test.,3.a,改为,the,1.I am writing to express my,4.I would like you to know how grateful I am to you for your kindness and generous.,4.generous,改为,generosity,5.Please accept my heartfelt thanks for you kind letter of sympathy.,5.you,改为,your,【单句改错】,6.Nothing has given me more pleasant than the letter you sent me on the occasion of my illness.,6.pleasant,改为,pleasure,4.I would like you to know ho,7.I thank you by the deep concern you have shown about my health.,7.by,改为,for,8.Your friendship like a warm fire in the icy winter,which will remain a comfort and give me strength.,8.like,前面加上,is,【单句改错】,7.I thank you by the deep con,9.With your help we were able to visit the National Park and several other places of interesting.,9.interesting,改为,interest,10.Your kindness and hospitality will forever be cherished in our memorize.,10.memorize,改为,memory,【单句改错】,9.With your help we were able,【,2008,全国,卷:生日祝贺,/,感谢照顾,】,假定你是李华,从小喜爱大熊猫,(panda),,一直通过有关网站,(website),关注三年前在美国圣地亚哥动物园出生的大熊猫“苏琳”和她的母亲“白云”。现在苏琳即将三岁。请根据以下要点给动物园工作人员写一封信:,1.,自我介绍;,2.,祝贺苏琳生日;,3.,感谢工作人员;,4.,索取苏琳三岁生日照。,【真题满分佳作赏析】,【2008全国卷:生日祝贺/感谢照顾】【真题满分佳作赏析】,满分佳作(一),Dear Sir/Madam,Greetings from China!,Im Li Hua,a student in Sichuan.Ive been a panda lover since I was a child.About three years ago I was delighted to learn that Baiyun gave birth to her daughter Sulin and Ive been watching her grow on your website.Now shes going to be three.Id like to wish her a happy birthday and to express my thanks to you for your hard work,because of which Sulin and her parents are living a happy and healthy life in the US.,By the way,could I have a photo of Sulin taken on her third birthday?Thank you very much in advance.,Yours truly,Li Hua,满分佳作(一),满分赏析,用到,I was delighted to learn that,这个宾语从句句型;,give birth to(,产子,),使用得当,像这种短语如果用错,会给老师留下不好的印象,可能使作文降低一个档次。,用到表示感谢的句型,to express my thanks to sb.,;后面,because of which,介词加,which,的定语从句使句子显得更加高级。,Thank you very much in advance,是表示感谢的套语,,in advance(,提前,),显得语气真切。,满分赏析,满分佳作(二),Dear Sir/Madam,Greetings from China!,This is Li Hua,a student in China.Ive been fond of pandas since my childhood.Since three years ago,when the panda Baiyun gave birth to a baby panda Sulin,I have been visiting your website to keep myself informed about how things are going for them.If I remember clearly,she will turn three soon.I want to say happy birthday to her and express my thanks to you for your hard work,with which she has been brought up and has been living happily with her parents in the US.,By the way,I wonder if I could have a photo taken of Sulin on her third birthday.Thank you very much in advance.,Yours truly,Li Hua,满分佳作(二),满分赏析,短语,be fond of,,表示“喜欢”,比简单的,like,显得更好,符合“短语优先”的原则。,to keep myself informed about sth.(,让我对,情况有及时的了解,),,用得非常地道。,express my thanks to sb.for sth.,作为表示感谢的句型,运用准确;,with which,的定语从句更显语法功力。,I wonder if I could,这样的句型表示请求,更显语气委婉礼貌。,满分赏析,【2007,湖南卷改编:毕业祝福,】,作文原题,假设你叫李华,王平是你的同窗好友,请根据下列要点,用英文给王平写一篇毕业留言。,要点:,1.,简要表述王平在你心目中的印象;,2.,用一到两个相关事例进行具体描述;,3.,对王平表示美好的祝愿。,【模仿翻译】,【2007湖南卷改编:毕业祝福】【模仿翻译】,作文翻译,亲爱的王平,,是时候说再见了。,是时候回忆我们一起度过的美好时光了。你正是在我需要的时候给我帮助的那个人。,还记得两年前的那个晚上吗?我突然生病时,是你背着我到附近的医院。我打针时,你把我照顾很好。后来,你设法帮助我学习。没有你的帮助,我考试不会通过了。,我依然有数百个故事和你分享。我依然有数千个祝福给你。愿你所有梦想成真!愿我们的友谊直到永远!,你的,,李华,作文翻译,Dear Wang Ping,Its time to say good


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