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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Grammar 1 and 2,时间状语从句,1.,由when,whenever,as,while,after,before,until,till,since,once,as soon as,等引导的时间状语从句。,1,When the bell rang,the guard was,waiting in his seat.,2,While ants grow they change their forms,three times.,2.,由the minute,the moment,the instant,the day,the week,the year,the first time,any time,every time,each time,the last time,all the time,from the time,by the time,immediately,instantly,directly 等引导的时间状语从句。,1,我一见到你就认出了你。,I recognized you the minute I saw you.,同学们列举一下我们所接触到的状语从句,状语从句,原因状语从句,结果状语从句,时间状语从句,地点状语从句,条件状语从句,让步状语从句,目的状语从句,方式状语从句,伴随状语从句,2,他来的那一天就访问了我。,3,We were there the week it snowed so,heavily.,He called on me the day he arrived.,雪下得很大的那一周我们在那里。,3.,其中the minute,the moment,the instant,the second,以及immediately,instantly,directly 表达的意思一样,都是“一就”可以相互替换。,e.g.,You must show the gentleman in immediately he comes.,You must show the gentleman in the minute/the moment/instantly he comes.,翻译下列句子:,你一按按钮,灯就会亮。,他一出现,便一片沉寂。,The lamp will light instantly you press the button.,Directly he appeared,there was dead silence.,4.,另外还要注意(,一就),hardly,(,),when(,),scarcely,when,no sooner,than,(放句首则倒装),e.g.I had,hardly/scarcely,got home when it started to rain.,Hardly/scarcely,had I,got home when it started to rain.,had done,did,1,我刚到他就给我打电话了。,2,我们刚到火车站火车就走了。,Hardly/Scarcely,had I arrived,when he called me.,No sooner,had I reached,the station than the train left.,5.,when,while,as 引导的时间状语从句的,区别。,1,作为“当.时”讲,when可以和延续性动词连用,也可以和短暂性动词连用,而while 和as只能和延续性动词连用。,e.g.,Why do you want a new job,when,youve,got,such a good one?,Sorry,I was out,when,you,called,me.,Strike,while,the iron,is,hot.,The students took notes,as,they,listened.,get 为短暂性动词,call为短暂性动词,is为延续性动词,listen 为延续性动词,2,when 从句的谓语动词可以在主句动词,之前,或,之后,发生或,同时,发生.而while 和as 从句的动词必须是和主句的动词,同时,发生。,When he had finished his homework,he took a rest.,When I got to the airport,the guests had left.,had finished 先发生,got to 后发生,当主从句,动作同时发生,且,从句,动作为,延续性动词,时,三者可互换。,When/While/As she was making a phone call,I was writing a letter.,3,when 还有,“正在那时”,通常用在以下句,型中。,be about to do when(suddenly),be going to do when,be doing when,be on the point of doing when,(正准备做正在那时/突然间),我正打算出去这时电话响。,我正在读书这时有人敲门。,I was about to go out when the phone rang.,I was on the point of reading books when someone knocked at the door.,4,as 还有“因为”“作为”“随着”“一,边.一边.”,随着时间的流失,天气变的越来越糟糕了。,小女孩边走边唱。,As the time went on,the weather got worse.,The little girl sang as she went.,Translate the following sentences.,5,在,将来时的从句,中常用when,且,从,句必须用一般,现在,时。,You shall borrow the book when I have finished reading it.,6,when还用在表示“一就”的句型中。,Hardly/Scarcely had I entered my room when the telephone rang.,7,while 还做并列连词“然而”表对比。和从属连词“尽管”的意思,相当与though/although。,While he is a little boy,he knows a lot.,Im working while my wife is watching TV.,8before since,It is+T+before+(did),要多久之后才能,It is+T+since+(did),做已经有多久了。,1)他要三天后才能回来。,It will be three days before he returns,.,How long will it be before he returns?,2)姥姥已经和我们住了5年了。,It has been 5 years since grandma lived with us.,How long has it been since grandma lived with us?,Was his father strict with him when,he was at school?,-Yes.He had never praised him_ he became one of top students in his grade.,A.after B.unless C.until D.when,2._ you told me,I had no idea of it.,A.Until B.When C.While D.As,Practice,3.It was foolish of you to take a taxi_,you could easily walk there in 5,minutes.,A.before B.till C.so that D.when.,Underline the correct form of the verb.,When the astronauts,returned/were,returning,to Earth,they,gave/were giving,a press conference.,2.While the fans,waited/were waiting,in the front of the hotel,the film star,arrived/was arriving,at the back.,3.While,I walked/was walking,to school,I,met/was meeting,an alien in the street.,_,_,_,_,_,_,原因状语从句,1 由because,as,since,now that 引导的原因状语从句。,As the tree was a very small one,it,doesnt take long to chop it down.,Since a lot of people make mistakes in,life,Mr.Smith wanted to give John a,chance.,Now that all the guests have arrived,lets have dinner.,Translate the above sentences into Chinese.,原因状语从句中应注意的问题,as,because,for,since 的区别,1 as作为从属连词引导原因状语从句时,语气不如because 强烈。它引导的从句常放在句首,说明原因,后面的主句则说明结果。,2 because 引导从句时,语气最强,直接回答why的问句。她引导的句子是语意中心所在,一般在句后。,(最强答why),3 for,作为并列连词,多用于书面语中,表示原因,语气最弱,往往含对所作论述提供情况或补充说明之意。它引导的句子一般在主句之后。,(解释补充推测),4 since,表示的原因是双方已知道的。,(自然原因用),2 形容词glad,sorry,afraid,pleased,satisfied,proud delighted,也可以接一个有that引导的原因状语从句,且that可省略。,我很高兴你把这见事告诉了我。,对不起,我没有做我该做的那么多。,Im glad(that)you told me about it.,Im sorry(that)I havent done so much as I should.,Complete the sentences using the words in brackets and the correct punctuation.,the story is in the newspaper/everyone,believes it is true(since),2.he was the first Chinese person to travel in space/he is a national hero(as),3.I have a telescope/I can look at the stars(now that),4.Wus parents were born in China/he was able to speak to Yang in Chinese(as),1.,Since the story is in the newspaper,everyone believes it is true.,2.,As he was the first Chinese pe


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