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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,人教版英语选择性,必修第一册,Unit 4 Body Language,Review,人教版英语选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Langu,Step 1 How do I know my student?,Step 2 Words and Expressions,Step 3 Useful Structures,Revision of Unit 4,Step 1 How do I know my studen,Revision of Unit 4,Step 1 How do I know my student?,1,2,3,Revision of Unit 4Step 1 How d,Revision of Unit 4,Step 1 How do I know my student?,1,He is looking at the teacher,but no eye contact,no expression,with a blue tooth earphone in his ear.He is listening to his favourite music.He is distracted.,Revision of Unit 4Step 1 How d,Revision of Unit 4,Step 1 How do I know my student?,2,He is raising his fist.He is excited.He is cheering himself up.,Revision of Unit 4Step 1 How d,Revision of Unit 4,Step 1 How do I know my student?,The boy is whispering and the girl is covering her mouth with her hands,trying to restrain her smile.They are sharing something else,not what the teacher is talking about.,3,Revision of Unit 4Step 1 How d,Revision of Unit 4,Step 1 How do I know my student?,Match the body language with the meanings.Write the letters A-J on the line.,_1.Looking up and making eye contact A very interested,_2.Leaning over to look at ones watchB bored,_3.Two friends leaning heads togetherC interested,_4.Leaning forward and looking at the teacherD sad or worried,_5.Looking up,but no eye contact,no expressionE distracted,_6.Looking awayF writing notes,_7.Chin on hand,looking at the windowG serious problems,_8.Looking down,arms or legs crossedH like they are asleep,_9.FrowningI daydreaming,_10.Hair not brushed,red eyesJ anxious,afraid,or,experiencing anxiety,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,Identify meanings of students body language,Revision of Unit 4Step 1 How d,Revision of Unit 4,Step 1 How do I know my student?,The structure of the passage,Part 1 consists of Paragrph 1&2,putting forward a question,and giving the authors answer.,Question:,How to know what s going on in students minds?,Answer:,Looking at their body language,Revision of Unit 4Step 1 How d,Revision of Unit 4,Step 1 How do I know my student?,The structure of the passage,Part 2 consists of Paragrph 3,4&5,interpreting students body language.,1.Whether the students are interested in a lesson or not,Students body language,Meaning,looking up and making eye contact,interested in a lesson,lowering his head to look at his or her watch,bored and counting down,two friendsleaning heads together,writing notes to each other,looking up without eye contact,their eyes barely moving,daydreaming,Revision of Unit 4Step 1 How d,Revision of Unit 4,Step 1 How do I know my student?,The structure of the passage,Part 2 consists of Paragrph 3,4&5,interpreting students body language.,2.Whether the students are distracted or not,Students body language,Meaning,looking anywhere but the teacher,daydreaming,lwith their chins on their hands,staring out of the window,distracted,looking at the ceiling,distracted,Revision of Unit 4Step 1 How d,Revision of Unit 4,Step 1 How do I know my student?,The structure of the passage,Part 2 consists of Paragrph 3,4&5,interpreting students body language.,3.Whether the students are troubled or not,Students body language,Meaning,having their arms or legs crossed,angry,afraid or ecperiencing anxiety,wearing a frown,sad or worried,hiding their face in their hands,embarrassed or ashamed,hair not brushed,red eyes,daydreaming,Revision of Unit 4Step 1 How d,Revision of Unit 4,Step 1 How do I know my student?,The structure of the passage,Part 3 Reacting to body language is an important component of being a teacher.,Revision of Unit 4Step 1 How d,Revision of Unit 4,Step 2,Key Words and Expressions,1.educate vt.&,vi.,教育;培养;训练,He _(educate)at Yale and Stanford.他是在耶鲁和斯坦福接受的教育。,educator n.教育家;教育工作者;教师,The best way to teach whether as an _(educate)or parent is to praise,positive actions and ignore negative ones.,最佳教育方式,不管是作为一个教育工作者还是父母,都是表扬积极的行为,忽,略负面的行为。,education n.教育,A good _(educate)is the gateway to success.良好的教育是通往成功之路。,educational adj.教育的;有教育意义的,:有教益的,Watching television can be very _(educate).看电视会使人受到很多教益。,educated adj.受过教育的;有教养的,The new CEO is an _(educate)and decent man.,新的首席执行官是一位受过良好教育,的,,正派的人。,was educated,educator,education,educational,educated,Revision of Unit 4Step 2 Key,Revision of Unit 4,Step 2 Words and Expressions,2.tendency n.倾向,趋势;癖好,;,复数 tendencies,a tendency to/towards.,的倾向,There is a tendency towards regional cooperation.有一种地区性合作的趋势。,There is a tendency to do.,有发生某事的倾向,Today there is a tendency for people,_(drop),out of social activity.,现在,越来越多的人倾向于不参加社会活动。,tend,vi.,&,vt.,趋向,倾向;照料,照顾,tend to,do.,倾向于;往往会,Weeds tend,_(,displace,),other plants.,杂草越来越多,有取代其他植物之势。,Mother being ill,he had to,_(,照顾,),her at home.,母亲病了,他得在家照料她。,to drop,to displace,tend,Revision of Unit 4Step 2 Words,Revision of Unit 4,Step 2 Words and Expressions,3.lower v.变恶劣,,,放下,降,低,,贬低 move downword,Two re


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