绿色校园英文演讲ppt (2)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,THE GREENSTYLE OF CAMPUS,参与者,总结,目录,What is the green style of campus,什么是绿色校园生活?,What could we do for the green style of campus,如何做到绿色校园生活?,The non green phenomenon in campus,LOGO,校园内的非,“,绿色,”,现象,Summary,总结,1,2,4,3,What is the green style of campus?,Our mind,The western,s mind,LOGO,Which lifestyle is not the green lifetyle in campus?,The regular use of disposable goods,Litter,Waste of food and water,Trample on the lawn,Kelly,NO.1 living home,NO.2 working with lots of pressure,NO.3 stay up very late at night or only in the morning,NO.4 learning in the dormitory and cafeteria,Oshane,No.1Do not join some parties or some social life,NO.2study hard excessively,NO.3some students in order to wear beautiful clothes they are always on a diet,NO.4 Always have fast food and ignore the combine of nutrition.,What could we do for the green lifestyle?,Green environment,LOGO,Green lifestyle,Green interpersonal,relationship,What could we do for the green lifestyle of campus,Less tissue,more handkerchiefs,少用纸巾,多用手帕,switch off the lights when you leave the,room.,出门及时断电,随手关灯,Save the food and water.,节约粮食,节约用水。,Keep off the grass.,不要践踏草地,no littering,不乱扔垃圾,Exploit our time reasonable and attend the classes on time.,不熬夜,合理安排时间,Always aim at helping others out of good will,be polite to other people.,乐于助人,与人为善,Actively participate in school activities,积极参加校园活动和体育锻炼,Do not say bad words and fight,不说脏话,不打架,不骂人,举止文明,Respect for teacher,尊敬师长,按时上课,不迟到不早退,In western,they think.,Be aware of recycling the rubbish,Going to the gym to do exercise,Eating healthy food,The western students would like to go to the party,summary,我们倡导绿色生活,关注生存环境,爱护绿色家园。,We promote green living,concerned about the living environment,care for green homes.,Thank You,2014/6,LOGO,


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