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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,如何应对工作中的压力,How to handle work-related pressure,如何,Key Words and Phrases and Sentences,pressure,a way of working or living that causes you a lot of anxiety, especially because you feel you have too many things to do,pressure,pressure of,Im not able to cope well with the pressures of life.,pressure on,The pressure on doctors is increasing steadily.,pressure of,under pressure,Im under pressure at work.,a high,/low,pressure job,under pressure,stress,continuous feelings of worry about your work or personal life, that prevent you,Your headaches are due to stress.,stress,under stress,Janets been under a lot of stress since her mothers illness.,reduce/relieve stress,Yoga is excellent for relieving stress.,under stress,stressful,a job, experience, or situation that is stressful makes you worry a lot:,Moving to a new house is a very stressful experience,stressful,Im glad to see you so happy now that your test is over and those papers are done.,You,were,really,stressed out,last week!,Im glad to see you so happy,illness(es),a disease of the body or mind, or the condition of being ill,illness(es),Stress can cause mental illness.,Have you ever had any serious illnesses?,Stress can cause mental illnes,Do not use illness to talk about less serious problems such as headaches or colds.,Do not use illness to talk abo,Disease is a particular kind of illness, especially one that spreads from one person to another or affects a particular part of your body,infectious,/,heart disease,Disease can also be used to mean a lot of different diseases,Cigarette smoking causes death and disease.,Disease is a particular kind o,workplaceC,the room, building etc where you work,in the workplace,a report into discrimination in the workplace,workplaceC,management,the way that people control and organize different situations that happen in their lives or their work,project/time management,management,relationship,the way in which two people or two groups feel about each other and behave towards each other,relationship,relationship with,I have quite a good,/close,relationship with my parents.,special/,personal/family/social,/d,octor-patient,relationships,Theyve established a better working relationship.,relationship with,control n.,the ability or power to make someone or something do what you want or make something happen in the way you want,Excessive drinking can make you lose control of your own life.,Do you need any help? No. Its under control, thanks.,control n.,control v.,if you control your emotions, your voice, your expression etc, you succeed in behaving calmly and sensibly, even though you feel angry, upset, or excited:,Sarah took a deep breath, trying to control her anger.,Newman controlled himself with an effort.,control v.,trigger,be the trigger (point) (for something)to be the thing that quickly causes a serious problem:,The hijacking became a trigger point for military action,trigger,cope,to succeed in dealing with a difficult problem or situation:,She feared she wouldnt be able to cope with two new babies.,cope,positive,if you are positive about things, you are hopeful and confident, and think about what is good in a situation rather than what is bad,positive,positive about,Youve got to be more positive about your work.,positive attitude/approach/outlook etc,Shes got a really positive attitude to life.,positive about,relaxation,a way of resting and enjoying yourself:,I play the piano for relaxation.,relaxation,When things get tough, you just have to,hang in there,.,to stay the same or to not give up.,When things get tough, you jus,Typical triggers of stress include:,典型的会触发精神压力的事件,Typical triggers of stress inc,not enough,training and possibilities for learning new skills,培训不足,学习提升的机会不够,poor work/life balance 工作和生活不平衡,difficult relationships at work 与同事关系紧张,not enough training and possib,lack of support and lack of contact with colleagues,缺乏来自同事的支持,和同事沟通不够,organizational confusion, restructuring, job change,组织混乱,公司重组,工作变动,uncertainty over job prospects,工作前景不明朗,lack of support and lack of co,lack of control over work 对工作缺乏控制力,excessive time pressures 过长时间的压力,excessive or inflexible working hours 工作时间过长或不灵活,lack of control over work 对工作缺,too much or too little work or responsibility,太多或太少工作或责任,confusion about duties and responsibilities,责任不清,lack of job variety and interest,工作内容比较单一,缺乏兴趣,如何应对工作中的压力-49张课件,Symptoms of,job,stress,工作压力表现出的症状,physical and emotional health problems,chang,ed ways of behaving at work and at home.,身体问题或情绪问题,在工作中或家中的行为方式。,Symptoms of job stress,Physical symptoms 身体症状,easily catch,colds and other infections,容易感冒或得其他传染病,headaches 头疼,muscular tension 肌肉紧张,Physical symptoms 身体症状,backache and neckache 背疼,脖子疼,feeling exausted,过度疲劳,difficulty sleeping 睡眠困难,digestive problems 消化问题,raised heart rate 心率上升,backache and neckache 背疼,脖子疼,increased sweating 多汗,skin rashes 皮疹,be unable to see clearly,视觉模糊,increased sweating 多汗,Emotional and behavioral changes 情绪和行为变化,wanting to cry much of the time 大部分时间想哭,feeling that you cant cope 感到无能为力,short temperedness at work and at home,在上班时和在家里都容易发脾气,Emotional and behavioral chang,feeling that youve achieved nothing at the end of the day,感觉一天下来什么也没干成,eating when youre not hungry,不饿也吃东西,losing your appetite,没胃口,feeling that youve achieved n,smoking and drinking to get you through the day,抽烟和喝酒来混过一天,being unable to,to plan,think clearly,or,control work,不能对工作进行计划,工作时不能集中精力,不能掌控工作,smoking and drinking to get yo,getting less work done,完成的工作量减少,poor relationships with colleagues or clients,和同事及客户关系不好,loss of motivation and commitment,缺乏动力和敬业精神,getting less work done,How to cope with work-related tress?,如何应对这些工作压力呢?,How to cope with work-related,What symptoms do you have when you are under job pressure?,What symptoms do you have when,What do you think of job pressure?,What do you think of job press,Tips:,Work stress has an upside.,stress can strengthen you or tear you down.,In most cases, you can choose.,Tips:,work stress -,sometimes,it,means,that your career is advancing.,Think of a heavy work load as an exciting opportunity to push yourself, learn new skills and show your,courage/determination,.,work stress -sometimes it me,Complaining,reduce,your energy;,instead greet an overloaded day with optimism.,Tell yourself, “This is a challenge I am capable of handling.”,Complaining reduce your energy,What would you say when you are under work stress?,What would you say when you ar,Tips:,“stressed out and frantic” or “challenged and energized”,“快受不了了,要发疯了”,还是“很有挑战性,/,有活力的,”,Tips:,What would you do if it is impossible to talk about the positive side?,What would you do if it is imp,What methods do you use to reduce,job,stress?,What methods do you use to red,xiexie!,谢谢!,xiexie!谢谢!,


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