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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/2/13,#,Unit Four What can you do?,Part A,Part B,Lets learn,Lets talk,Lets try,Lets spell,Lets learn,Lets talk,Lets try,Read and write,Lets check,Lets wrap it up,欢乐记单词,轻松学语法,Lets learn,dance,sing English songs,do kung fu,play the,pipa,draw cartoons,A B C D,A,返回首页,返回首页,Lets talk,Miss White:Well have an English party,next Tuesday!,What can you,do for the party,children?,Zhang Peng:,I can sing English songs.,Miss White:Wonderful!How about you,John?,John:,I can do some kung fu!,Miss White:Thank you,John.,返回首页,What can you do,Wu Yifan?,I can draw,pictures.,sing,dance,draw pictures,clean the classroom,do some kung fu,返回首页,句型学习,询问某人能做什么,What can you do?,此句是,what,引导的特殊疑问句,其回答是直接回答内容,I can,,而不用,yes,或,no,。当表示为某件事做准备时,用介词,for,,例如:,What can you do for the party?,聚会上你会做什么?,What can you do?,I can draw cartoons.,I can do some kung fu,too!,我来练句型,What can you do?,I can,do some kung fu,play the,pipa,sing English songs,dance,draw cartoons,返回首页,Lets try,What can Mike do?,Listen and tick.,返回首页,Lets spell,/,u:,/,/,/,b,oo,k l,oo,k ball,oo,n f,oo,d,f,oo,tball g,oo,d z,oo,n,oo,dles,发音要领:,字母组合,oo,发,/,/,时,声带振动,舌后缩,舌后部向软腭抬起。双唇收圆并放松,稍向前突出。发,/,u:,/,时,声带振动,舌后缩,舌后部向软腭高高抬起。双唇呈小圆形,并向前突出。,返回首页,Lets learn,B,swim,speak English,play basketball,cook,play ping-pong,Hi!,Hello!,Hi!,返回首页,返回首页,Lets talk,Mr Ma:Good afternoon,children.,Today,well learn some kung fu.,Children:Cool!,Mr Ma:,Can you do any kung fu,John?,John:,Yes,I can.,Mr Ma:Wonderful!,Mr Ma:,Can you do any kung fu,Oliver?,Oliver:,No,I cant.,Mr Ma:No problem.I can help you.,返回首页,Can you cook?,Yes,I can.,Can you cook?,No,I cant.,cook sing English songs speak English do some kung fu,make a puppet/robot/sing the birthday song,返回首页,句型学习,用,can,询问某人是否会做某事,Can you?,情态动词,can,意思是“能,会,可以”,后面跟动词原形。,肯定回答:,Yes,I can.,否定回答:,No,I cant.,否定句:主语,+cant/can not+,动词原形,+,其他成分,.,He cant do any kung fu.,他不会练武术。,Can you swim?,Yes,I can.I can do some kung fu,too!,I can speak English and Chinese.I can sing English songs.I,can dance.I can swim.I can cook.I can play ping-pong.,I cant do any kung fu.I cant play the,pipa,.,返回首页,Lets try,Can Mike do any kung fu?,Listen and tick.,返回首页,Read and write,Who can be my friend?,Do you want a new friend?Try me!I am Robin the Robot!I am friendly and funny.I can speak English and Chinese.I can do some kung fu.I can play ping-pong,but I cant swim.,What can you do?Pease send me an email at,.,Robin,返回首页,Lets check,Listen and tick or cross.,Play basketball,Play ping-pong,John,Zhang Peng,Fill in the blank.,Zhang Peng and John_ together.,返回首页,Lets wrap it up,加不加,the,?,the,是定冠词,在英语学习过程中,我们看到有时候句子中要加,the,,,有时候又不加,the,。为了使用正确的英语,同学们要记住下面几个基本的情况。,加定冠词,the,的情况:,1.,用在世界上独一无二的事物前。例如:,the sun,太阳,2.,特指上文提到过的人或事物。例如:,My mother gives me a bag.The,bag is red.,我妈妈给了我一个书包。书包是红色的。,3.,指双方都知道的人或事物。例如:,Open the door,please.,请把门打,开。,4.,用在乐器名称的前面。例如:,Play the piano,弹钢琴,5.,用于专有名词前。例如:,the Yellow River,黄河,返回首页,不加定冠词,the,的情况:,1.,国名、人名等专有名词前不加,the,。例如:,This is Tom.,这是汤姆。,2.,表示三餐的名词前不加,the,。例如:,I have breakfast at 7:00.,我七点,钟吃早餐。,3.,表示玩某种球类运动的名词前不加,the,。例如:,play football,踢足球,4.,在某些固定短语中不用加,the,。例如:,at night,在晚上,巧学妙记,加不加,the,看打扮,球类名词前常无定冠词,乐器类名词前常有定冠词修饰。真所谓:打,球,的运动员总是衣,冠不,整。演奏,乐器,的艺术家总是衣,冠,整齐。,返回首页,大显身手,用,the,或,/,完成句子。,1.She can play,ping-pong.,2.I cant play,pipa.,3.Sarah has a storybook and,book is under the desk.,4.What do you often do on,weekend?,5.His name is,Robin.,6.Do you often play,basketball?,返回首页,欢乐记单词,返回首页,世界很精彩,人民才艺多,,有人说英语(,speak English,)很流利,,有人唱英文歌(,sing English song,)很动听,,有人跳舞(,dance,)超动感,,有人弹琵琶(,play the,pipa,)极悦耳,,有人经常练功夫(,do kung fu,),,有人烹饪(,cook,)技术高,,有人画漫画(,draw cartoons,)很逼真,,有人游泳(,swim,)速度快,,有人打篮球(,play basketball,)样子帅,,有人打乒乓球(,play ping-pong,)技术好。,轻松学语法,返回首页,语法一:询问某人能做什么的句型,句型结构:What can+主语+do+其他?,答语:主语+can+动词原形+其他.,例:,返回首页,语法二:询问某人是否能做某事的句型,句型结构:Can+主语+动词原形+其他?,肯定回答:Yes,主语+can.,否定回答:No,主语+cant.,例:,Unit1 How tall are you?,B.Read and write,Spring is coming.,What changes can you find?,The sky is clear,er,.,The sun is bright,er,.,The river is clean,er,.,The grass is green,er,.,The tree,s,are tall,er,.,The weather is warm,er,.,The flower,s,are,more,beautiful.,Tips:多音节形容词比较级,在形容词前+,more,。,Pre-reading,Can you think of any other changes?Look and tick!,Wu Yifan and his family are going on a trip to the countryside.Wu Yifan has a story to tell Robin.,Who is in the story?,Little Duck and Old Tree.,2.What are they talking about?,They are talking about,shadow,.,While-reading,Task 1:Listen and answer,1.What happens?,A.Little Duck has a question.,B.Old Tree has a question.,2.When is the ducks shadow longer?,A.In the morning.,B.In the afternoon.,Task 2:Read and answer,lower,longer,older,taller,Task 3:Read again and finish the dialogue,Open your book and read aloud!,Task 4:Read and imitate,1:Do you agree with Old Tree?,2:Can you answer Little Ducks question?,Whats your answer?,Post-reading,Task 1:Think and discuss.,in the morning,shorter and shorter,at noon,the short,est,in the afternoon,longer and longer,higher and higher,lower and lower,3.Please circle the


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