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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Language points,Unit 3,Life in the future,1.I still cannot believe that I am,taking up,this prize that I won last year.,我还是无法相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励。,take up,1)to accept s,th.,that is offered or available,接受(,建议或能得到的东西,),1)She,took up,his offer of a drink.,他请她喝一杯,她接受了。,2)Increasingly,morewine-makersare,taking,up,thechallengeofgrowingPinotNoir.,越来越多的酿酒商开始接受种植黑皮诺葡萄的挑战。,3)to start or begin sth.such as a job,开始从事,He,takes up,his duties next week.,他下周就要开始履行职责。,2)to learn or start to do sth.,especially for pleasure,(,尤指为消遣,),学着做,开始做,Theyve,taken up,golf.,他们学起打高尔夫球来了。,4),to continue s,th.,that s,b.,else has not finished,or that has not been mentioned for some time,继续,接着讲,She,took up,the story where Tim had left off.,她接着讲提姆未讲完的故事。,take up sth.,to fill or use an amount of space or time,占用,(,时间,),,占据,(,空间,),1)The table,takes up,too much room.,这张桌子太占地儿了。,2)I wont,take up,any more of your time.,我不再占用你的时间了。,3)Her time is fully,taken up,with writing.,她把时间全用在写作上。,practice,1.Id like to,take up,the point you raised earlier.,我想继续谈一谈你之前提出的问题。,2.Im going to,take,this matter,up,with my lawyer.,我将同我的律师一起着手处理此事。,3.,写那篇论文占去了周末的大半时间。,Writing that paper,took up,most of the weekend.,2.,As a result,I suffered from“time lag”.,结果我得了时间滞后症。,as a result,结果,as a result of,由于,的结果,1)He made one big mistake,and,as a result,lost his job.,他犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。,2)Profits havedeclined,as a result of,therecentdropinsales.,由于最近销售量滑坡,利润下降了。,practice,1.,结果坏事变成了好事。,Asaresult,thebadthinghasbeenturned,intoagoodone.,2.Herhairstartedfallingout,asaresult of,radiationtreatment(,放疗,).,由于放疗,她开始掉头发。,3.Hit by,a,lack,of,fresh air,my head ached.,由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。,1)He did not enter university because of,lack of,money.,由于缺钱,他没有上大学。,2)A,lackof,prudence,(,谨慎,),mayleadto,financialproblems.,不够谨慎可能会导致财政上出现问题。,lack,n.,the state of not having sth.or not having enough of sth.,缺乏,匮乏,短缺,lack of,缺乏,lack,v.,to have none or not enough of sth.,没有,缺乏,短缺,1)The female bird,lacks,the males bright colours.,雌鸟没有雄鸟那样鲜艳的颜色。,2)Russells parents made sure that he,lacked,for nothing,.,拉塞尔的父母确保他什么都不缺。,lack for nothing,:(,formal),to have everything that you need,应有尽有,practice,1.She has the determination that her brother,lacks,.,她有决心,而她兄弟却没有。,2.,Lack,of vitamin B can produce a variety of symptoms.,缺少维生素,B,会引发多种症状。,4.I felt better,in no time,.,我立刻就感到舒服些了。,in no time:,so soon or so quickly that it is surprising,立刻,马上,1)The kids will be leaving home,in no time,.,孩子们很快就要离开家了。,2)Hesgoingtobejustfine.Athisagehell,heal,innotime,.,他会好起来的。以他的年纪,他很快就会痊愈。,3)Hepredictedthatmyhairwouldgrow,back,innotime,.,他预言我的头发“一眨眼”就会长回来。,at all times,:always,总是,随时,永远,at a time,separately or in groups of two,three,etc.on each occasion,每次;逐一,She ran up the stairs two,at a time,.,她一步两阶地跑上楼梯。,我们的代表随时准备帮助你。,Our representatives are ready to help you,at all times,.,all the time,at times,:sometimes,有时,He can be really bad-tempered,at times,.,他有时候脾气可真坏。,1)during the whole of a particular period of time,(在某段时间)一直,始终,The letter was in my pocket,all the time,.,这信一直在我的口袋里。,2)very often;repeatedly,经常,总是,She leaves the lights on,all the time,.,她总是让灯亮着。,practice,1.,有时候我会想,这一切努力是否值得。,At times,I wonder if its worth all the effort.,2.,小屋,(chalet),已收拾好随时迎接他们的到来。,Thechaletwaskeptreadyandwaiting,forthem,atalltimes,.,3.Hesgoingtobejustfine.Athisage,hellheal,innotime,.,他会好起来的。以他的年纪,他很快就会痊愈。,5.I,lost sight of,Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market.,当我们到达一个看上去像是大市场的地方时,我看不见王平了,Then I,caught sight of,Wang Ping again,就在这个时候,我又见到了王平,lose sight of:,to become no longer able to see sb./sth.,再也见不着,catch sight of,:to suddenly see or notice sb./sth.,突然看到,/,瞥见,/,注意到,sight,n.,the act of seeing sb./sth.,看见,1)She,caught sight of,a car in the distance.,她看见远处有一辆车。,2)They finally,lost sight of,land.,他们终于看不见陆地了。,We fell in love with the house,at first sight,.,我们一见到那个房子就喜欢上了它。,in sight:,inside the area that you can see,在视野内,看得见,out of sight:,outside the area that you can see,在视野外,看不见,at first sight:,the first time you see sb,初见;乍看,There was no one,in sight,.,一个人也看不见。,She never lets her daughter,out of her sight,.,她从来不让女儿走出她的视线之外。,practice,1.,我们到达海岸时一个人也见不到。,When we got to the beach,there wasnt a soul,in sight,.,2.,在人群中,我再也看不见他了。,I,lost sight of,him in the crowd.,3.,玛丽在一扇橱窗里瞥见了自己的脸。,Mary,caught sight of,her own face in one of the shop windows.,6.He was,swept up,into the centre of them.,他被卷入到这群车队中去了。,sweep up,本意为“,打扫,清扫,”,常引申为,“横扫;掠过;涌向”,等意思。,1)Lucy was just,sweeping up,as I left the building.,我离开大楼时,露西正在进行打扫。,2)The leaves were,swept up,into the air by the wind.,树叶被风刮到了空中。,practice,1.,拿扫帚把那些玻璃清扫干净好吗?,Get a broom and,sweep up,that glass,will you?,2.He started working for a gallery,sweeping up,and making the tea.,他开始在画廊做扫地沏茶的工作。,7.Then Wang Ping,flashed,a switch on a computer screen.,然后王平在电脑荧屏上的开关上闪了一下。,flash,v.,1),to shine very brightly for a short time;to make s,th.,shine in this way,(,使,),闪耀,闪光,1)Lightning,flashed,in the distance.,远处电光闪闪。,2)The guide,flashed,a light into the cave.,导游用手电筒照射洞穴。,2),to use a light to gi


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