introduction of volcanos

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 8,The underworld,1,The structure of the article,2,Some background information,3,Some language points,4,Skills of noun expansion,Division of the text and the main idea for each:,Part I(para.1),-The shape of the earth not completely round,but flattened at the Poles.,Part II(Para.2),-,The 3 layers that make up the earth,a central core,a surrounding layer of compressed rock,a thin layer of soft rock,Part III(Paras 37),-,The center of the earth,interior liquid metal proved by the behavior of,earthquakes,very high temperature at the center(3,000 F 11,000 F),Questions,What is the,shape,of the earth?,Can you tell the,movement,of the earth?,Would you please tell the,structure,of the earth?,How thin,is the out-layer”,What about the,pressure,on the central rock?,What is caused by such,a high temperature,?,Why do people presume that the earths interior is of liquid metal?,Why does the author mention the,town of Quetta in Baluchistan?,What happened,to Quetta,?Tell in detail.,Where is one of the most active,volcanic regions,of the world,?,Background knowledge,1seismic wave(,地震波,),Earthquakes can be recorded by seismometers up to great distances,because,seismic waves,travel through the whole,Earths interior,Every tremor produces different types of seismic waves,which travel through rock with different velocities:,Longitudinal,P-waves,(shock-or pressure waves),Transverse,S-waves,(both body waves),Surface waves,(,Rayleigh,and,Love,waves),In solid rock,P-waves,travel at about 6 to 7 km per second;the velocity increases within the deep mantle to 13 km/s.The velocity of,S-waves,ranges from 23 km/s in light sediments and 45 km/s in the Earths crust up to 7 km/s in the deep mantle.,As a consequence,the first waves of a distant earthquake arrive at an observatory via the Earths mantle.,地震波是指从震源产生向四外辐射的弹性波。地球内部存在着地震波速度突变的基干界面、莫霍面和古登堡面,将地球内部分为地壳、地幔和地核三个圈层。地震波按传播方式分为三种类型:,纵波,、横波和,面波,。,2,、,Balochistan Earthquake,(俾路支地震),The1935 Balochistan Earthquake occurred on May 31,1935 at 3:02am at Quettaku(,奎达市,),Balochistan,British India,(now part of Pakistan).The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.7,Mw,and anywhere between 30,000 and 60,000 people died from the impact.This ranks as one of the deadliest earthquakes that hit,South Asia,.,这场里氏,7.7,级的地震几乎将俾路支省的奎达市夷为了平地。,3,、,Jules verne(,儒勒凡尔纳,),was a,French,author who pioneered the,science fiction,genre.,He is best known for his novels,Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,(1870),A Journey to the Center of the Earth,(1864),and,Around the World in Eighty Days,(1873).Verne,wrote about,space,air,and,underwater,travel before air travel and practical submarines were invented,and before practical means of space travel had been devised,.He is the second most translated author in the world,4,、,A Journey to the Centre of Earth(,地心游记,),The story involves a German professor,who believes there are,volcanic tubes,going toward the center of the Earth.He,his nephew Axel(Harry),and their guide Hans descend into an extinct Icelandic volcano,encountering many adventures,including prehistoric animals and natural hazards,before eventually coming to the surface again in southern Italy.,地心游记讲述里登布洛克教授在一本古老的书籍里偶然得到了一张羊皮纸,发现前人曾到 地心旅行,里登布罗克教授决心也作同样的旅行。他和侄子从汉堡出发,到冰岛请一位向导,他们按照前人的指引,由冰岛的一个火山口下降,途中历尽艰险和种种奇观,经历迷路、缺水、史前生物等种种险情,也得到了地下海、史前人骨骸等惊世的发现,经过三个月的旅行,最后回到了地面,Iceland,面积为,10.3,万平方公里,为,欧洲,第二大岛。是欧洲最西部的国家,位于北大西洋中部,整个冰岛是个碗状,高地,,四周为海岸,山脉,,中间为一,高原,。大部分是,台地,,台地高度大多在,400,至,800,米之间,个别,山峰,可达,1300,至,1700,米,冰岛最高峰是华纳达尔斯赫努克山(,2119,米)。,低地,面积很小,西部和西南部分布有海成平原和冰水冲积平原,平原面积占全岛的,7%,左右。无冰川流过的海岸线不规则,多峡湾、小海湾。其他沿海地区主要为沙滩,岸外的沙洲形成潟湖。,冰岛是世界,温泉,最多的国家,所以被称为,“,冰火之国,”,。全岛约有,250,个碱性温泉,最大的温泉每秒可产生,200,升的泉水。,冰岛多,喷泉,、,瀑布,、湖泊和湍急河流,最大河流,锡尤尔骚河,长,227,公里。冰岛属寒温带海洋性气候,变化无常。因受北大西洋暖流影响,较同纬度的其他地方温和。,Language points,1,、,hurtle,:,to move very fast,especially in what seems a dangerous way:,猛冲猛投,The truck came hurtling towards us.,2,、,spin,:,turn around and around,especially fast:vi.,旋转;纺纱;吐丝;晕眩,n.,旋转;疾驰,The Earth spins on its axis.,spin in,上床;睡午觉,head/room spins,晕头转向,3,、,compress,:,vi.,受压缩小,vt.,压缩,压紧;精简,4,、,descend,:,vi.,下降;下去;遗传;屈尊,vt.,下去;沿,向下,descend into/to/from sth,5,、,in,effect,:,实际上;生效,6,、,stride,n.,大步;步幅;进展,vt.,跨过;大踏步走过;跨坐在,7,、,compensate,compensation,补偿,


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