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,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,会计学,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,会计学,1,中职英语基础模块下册,Unit,会计学1中职英语基础模块下册Unit,Guess:,People spend too much time in watching TV so that they forget to eat,sleep and even learning.,Couch,potato,What is it?,第1页/共44页,Guess:People spend too much ti,What is it?,Guess:,People waste too much time and money in front of the computer screen.Especially students often stay up too late playing computer games in the internet cafes,Mouse potato,第2页/共44页,What is it?Guess:People waste,Ways of getting information,TV,Internet,Cellphone,Radio,Newspaper,Books,第3页/共44页,Ways of getting informationTV,Unit 4,The Information Age,Period 3 Reading,5,第4页/共44页,Unit 4Period 3 Reading5第4页/共4,1,2,3,TV and the Internet,topic sentences,summary,advantages of TV,disadvantages of TV,advantages of Internet,disadvantages of Internet,第5页/共44页,1TV and the Internettopic sent,Both,TV,and,the Internet are,certainly,great,wonders,of modern,science,and,technology,.,Both and 两者都,adv.,无疑地,n.,奇迹奇观,n.,科学,n.,技术 工艺,第6页/共44页,Both TV and the Internet are c,TV,brings,the world,into,our home,in,sight and in sound.It tells us,what is going on,across the country and all over the world.Sitting at home,we can visit,places of interest,enjoy music or TV plays,see movies and even watch live sports games.Television makes our life more colorful.,把带回(到),发生了什么事?,名胜古迹,第7页/共44页,TV brings the world into our,But some people often,spend,too much time,watching,television sitting on a sofa.We call them,“coutch potatoes”,.In the evening,they do nothing but,turn on,the TV,slowly,go through,all the channels and finally,settle on,the one they like.Well,lets watch this.Theres nothing better.,spend(in)doing,花费,.,做什么事,(沙发土豆)电视迷,细查 穿过,选 定,打开,第8页/共44页,But some people often spend,Turn相关的短语归纳,Turn on 打开,Shall I,turn on,the light?,Turn off 关闭,Dont forget to,turn off,the lights before you,go to bed.,Turn up 开大,I cant hear the radio very well,could you,turn it,up,a bit?,Turn down 关小,Please,turn down,the television.,第9页/共44页,Turn相关的短语归纳Turn on 打开第9页/共44页,This is a,typical,evening for couch potatoes.Many children also watch too much TV and sometimes even,forget to do,their homework.So,parents and teachers,are worried about,this.,adj.,典型的,忘记做某事,对感到担心(焦虑),第10页/共44页,This is a typical evening for,forget,Forget to do sth 忘记做某事,Forget doing sth 忘了做过某事,I forget to close the window.,I forget closing the window.,第11页/共44页,forgetForget to do sth 忘记做某事第,worry,Be worried about,He is worried about his mothers health.,Worry about,Dont worry about your son.,Dont be worried about your son.,第12页/共44页,worryBe worried about第12页/共44页,Now,the Internet is,getting,more and more popular.Can we go shopping or book tickets,without,leaving home?Can we see a doctor,without,going to the hospital?Can we study,without,going to school?,系动词,变得,第13页/共44页,Now,the Internet is getting,With the help of,the Internet,people can,communicte with,people far away and do almost,all kinds of,business in the office or at home.By,surfing the Internet,people can easily get news and,a variety of,information.The Internet has changed the way we live,work,learn and play.,在,.,帮助下,与,.,交流,各种各样,多种的,网上冲浪,上网,第14页/共44页,With the help of the Internet,However,some people are not using it,in a good way,.These netizens,get addicted to,online games,online entertainment or even online,chatting with,some strangers.They waste too much time and money in front of the computer screen.They are called,mouse potatoes,Moreovr,some students often,stay up late,playing computer games in the Internet cafes.,上瘾,与,.,聊天,网虫 电脑迷,熬夜,第15页/共44页,However,some people are not,The Internet addiction,mostly,resulting from,playing online games,is doing,a lot of,harm to the growth and development of teenagers and,interfering with,their studies.Please,step out of,the Internet cafe and,come back into,the real world.,第16页/共44页,The Internet addiction,mostly,Get/be addicted to,Get/be addicted to doing sth,The children are addicted to computer games.,He is addicted to gambling.(赌博),Be used to(习惯于)/look forward to(期望)/get down to(着手做)/object to(反对)+doing.,第17页/共44页,Get/be addicted toGet/be addic,Result from,His bad health resulted from smoking.,Result from 源自,Interfere with 妨碍,干扰,Dont interfere with the activity at English corner.,Make use of 利用,Make good use of 善用,We should make good use of the water in the lake.,第18页/共44页,Result fromHis bad health resu,If we make good use of TV and the Internet,we will benefit a lot from them.,第19页/共44页,If we make good use of TV an,Pick out difficult words and sentences when you read,Both and 两者都,Bring into/in把带回(到),What is going on 发生了什么事?,Be worry about 对感到担心(焦虑),Communicate with sb 与某人交流,交谈,Surfing the internet 网上冲浪,上网,Get addicted to 对上瘾,Stay up late 熬夜,不睡觉,Do harm to 对有害,对无益,Do well in 对有益,对有好处,Step out of 远离,逃离,Come back into 回到,Make good use of 利用好,Benefit from 从中受益,Task one,第20页/共44页,Pick out difficult words and s,Task two:,Match the main idea of each paragraph,Fast reading,第21页/共44页,Task two:Fast reading第21页/共44,Task two-matching,Paragraph 1,


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