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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高考阅读理解主旨大意题解题策略,译林版高中英语,高考阅读理解主旨大意题解题策略译林版高中英语,And I am still hungry,for something I will never get enough of:your love,Great Hunger for Your Love,And I am still hungry,for s,主旨,01,段落大意,02,全文大意,03,作者态度,04,文章标题,主旨01段落大意02全文大意03作者态度04文章标题,-They also found that more than 80 percent of drivers said they would immediately stop using their mobile phone while driving if a loved one or someone in their top friends list asked them to.We urge everyone to act on this information.,What suggestion is made to deal with distracted driving in paragraph 4?,Use the power of public opinion,Educate drivers to self-control,Communicate more with safe drivers,Let people close to drivers remind them,策略一:抓住关键词或短语,例,1,-They also found t,Frito-Lay is the biggest snack maker in America,owned by PepsiCo,and accounts for over half of the parent companys$3 billion annual profits.But the US snack food market is largely saturated,and to grow,the company has to look overseas.,What do we learn about Frito-Lay from paragraph 2?,Its products used to be popular among overseas consumers,Its expansion has caused fierce competition in the snack makers,It gives half of its annual profits to its parent company,It needs to turn to the world market for development,例,2,Frito-Lay is the bigges,策略二:抓住首段,关注篇章结构特点,找标题,Based on home prices,median income,and mortgage(,抵押),rates these cities have,t,h,e most affordable home prices in the nation,according to the National Association of Home Builders.,C,A.To persuade peole to seek employment in these cities.,B.To introduce the economic conditions of some American cities,C.To supply information on houses people can afford to buy,D.To show that home prices in most American cities are affordable,例,3,策略二:抓住首段,关注篇章结构特点,找标题,The article is written to_.,A.analyze how insomnia(,失眠症),affects sleep,B.introduce a possible solution for insomnia,C.teach people with insomnia how to fall asleep quickly,D.promote a cooling cap among people with insomnia,精读、速读首段,找主题句抓主旨,You cant sleep.Youve tried counting sleep,drinking warm milk,maybe even taking sleeping pills.Maybe next you should try cooling your brain.,B,例,4,The article is written to_,Drowning,bicycles injuries,falls and pedestrian accidents are the most common causes of childhood injury or death.Heres what you need to know to avoid tragedy.,2.What is the point of the article?,A.To introduce factors that causes risks for kids,B.To explain why summer is a risky time for kids,C.To give tips on how to keep kids safe,D.To describe what to do to prevent accidents at home,C,例,5,Drowning,bicycles inju,策略三:抓住首段,关注,But,However,Yet,等关联词,If your parents were to surprise you with a,present on your birthday,which one would,you prefer,a trip to the amusement park or a,new pair of shoes?,About one-third of the people are likely to,prefer shoes to a fun trip.These people are,called“materialists”,namely,those who value,material goods more than experiences.,But which of the two choices makes people happier?,A.Are You a Materialist?,B.How to Acquire Happiness,C.The Best Present for the Birthday,D.Which can Make People Happier?,例,6,策略三:抓住首段,关注But,However,Yet等关,策略四:词汇语义转换,A persons chances of falling ill from a new strain(,菌株),of flu are at least partly determined by the first strain they ever met with,a study suggests.,What can serve as the best title of this passage?,A.Cure for Bird Flu Not Far Away,B.First Flu Affects Lifetime Risk,C.New Classification of Flu Pandemics,D.How Bird Flu Affects People,例,7,策略四:词汇语义转换 A persons cha,语义转换,做出合理推断,Close relationships,thought to help communication by giving speakers a common context,are actually more likely to make crossed wires than when strangers are involved,a new study suggests.,A.ambiguous language can lead to misunderstanding,B.familiarity can mess up communication,C.accurate description of identity help guess shapes,D.close relationships do not mean good communication,B,例,8,语义转换,做出合理推断 Close relationsh,With a start,I realized that perhaps the reason for the 4 a.m.wake-up noise was not ordinary rudeness but carefully executed spite:I had not tipped Raoul in Christmases past.I honestly hadnt realized I was supposed to.This was the first time hed used the card tactic.So I got out my checkbook.Somewhere along the line,holiday tipping went from an optional thank-you for a year of services to a Mafia-style protection racket(,收取保护费的黑社会组织,).,According to the passage,the author felt _ to give Raoul a holiday tip?,A.excited B.delighted C.embarrassed D.forced,例,9,With a start,I realize,策略一:抓住关键词或短语,策略二:抓住首段,关注篇章结构特点,找标题,策略三:抓住首段,关注,But,However,Yet,等关联词,策略四:词汇语义转换,策略一:抓住关键词或短语策略二:抓住首段,关注篇章结构特点,特别提醒,1,:,注意选项的概括度,所选标题必须能概括全文的,中心内容,,而非泛泛而谈的,“真理性”标题,,更不是只涉及到文本部分内容的,“以偏概全”式的标题,。,特别提醒1:注意选项的概括度所选标题必须能概括全文的中心内容,What can be a suitable title for the text?,Keeping Fit by Eating Smart,B.Balancing Ou


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