中考英语总复习 第2篇 中考专题探究 专题探究3 完形填空课件 人教新目标版

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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二篇中考专题探究,高频词汇扫描,重点短语归纳,常用句型精析,考点、易错点演练,遵义中考导学(英语),单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二篇中考专题探究,专题探究三完形填空,命题导向:完形填空主要检测学生的语言综合分析运用能力,其中包括基础知识的掌握和运用,对整个文章逻辑联系的理解和推理,在情景中辨析词义的能力以及词组短语搭配的使用能力,是一种综合性较强的题型,这是大部分考生认为难度最大的考查项目之一。它的突出特点是起点高、容量大。学生只有具备了扎实的语言基本功、较好的阅读能力及归纳判断能力,才能适应这一题型。,1,解题技巧:,第一:浏览全文,把握大意,第二:运用语境理顺关系,第三:遇到难词反复推敲,第四:注意上下连贯,合乎逻辑,第五:细心检查,避免疏漏,实战演练,2,.,阅读短文,根据其内容选择答案。,In a history class,,,our teacher,,,Mrs.Bartlett asked us to make a poster(,海报,)in groups about the culture that we were studying.She told us to write the names of three friends we wanted in one group and she would think about our_,1,_.,The next day,,,I was told to be in a group I would_,2,_want,the boy who was too weak in English,,,and the two girls who wore strange clothes.Oh,,,how I wanted to be with my _,3,_,!,3,With tears in my eyes,,,I walked up to Mrs.Bartlett.She _,4,_ me and seemed to know what I was there for.I told her I should be in the,“,good,”,group.She gently(,轻轻地,)_,5,_a hand on my shoulder(,肩膀,),“,I know what you want,,,Karma,,,”,she said,,,“,but your group needs you.I need you to help them.Only you can help them.,”,I was _,6,_ and moved.Her words encouraged me.,“,Will you help them,?,”,she asked.,“,Yes,,,”,I replied.Then I _,7,_ walked over to my group.I sat down and we started.Each of us did a part according to our interests.Halfway through the week,,,I felt _,8,_ enjoying our group.We did a good job together.My group members weren,t thought to be good just because no one cared enough about them _,9,_ Mrs.Bartlett.,4,At last,,,our group got an A,But I think we should hand the A back to Mrs.Bartlett.She was the one who should truly _,10,_ it.Mrs.Bartlett brought out the potential(,潜能,)in four of her students.,(,)1.A.classesB,books,C,choices,(,)2.A.oftenB,never,C,always,(,)3.A.boysB,girls,C,friends,(,)4.A.laughed at,B,looked at,C,lived with,(,)5.A.placedB,pushed,C,pulled,C,B,C,B,A,5,(,)6.A.usefulB,surprised,C,thirsty,(,)7.A.hardlyB,deeply,C,bravely,(,)8.A.myselfB,herself,C,yourself,(,)9.A.besidesB,with,C,except,(,)10.A.receiveB,start,C,give,B,C,A,C,A,6,.(2015,贵阳中考,),阅读短文,根据其内容选择答案,A,Nowadays,millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities.They usually go back to,_,11,_,once or twice a year.Zhong Wei is one of them.,Zhong Wei has lived in Wenzhou for the last 13 years.With a hard job in a crayon factory,he is too busy to find,_,12,_,to visit his hometown.,7,Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest,_,13,_,their hometowns have changed.Perhaps large hospitals and new roads have appeared.In many places,the government has also built,_,14,_,and sent teachers from the cities to help.,Zhong Wei thinks such developments are very good,and these changes will take place in his hometown because some things need to change in order to become,_,15,_,.,He also thinks,among all the changes,some things are,_,16,_,to change,such as the soft and sweet memories of the hometown in people,s hearts.That is why people try to find time to go back to visit their hometowns though they are very busy.,8,(,)11.A.the beautiful places,B.their hometowns,C.the big cities,(,)12.A.much timeB.much moneyC.much food,(,)13.A.whileB,which,C,how,(,)14.A.tall buildingsB.new schoolsC.big factories,(,)15.A.olderB,better,C,worse,(,)16.A.difficultB,possible,C,necessary,B,A,C,B,B,A,9,B,We had Sports Day at school on Saturday.I entered the 100 meters,400 meters and high jump for older boys.,I didn,t win the 100 meters but I came in,_,17,_,.My friend Peter came in first.I really thought I was going to beat him.But he managed to run just a little bit,_,18,_,than me over the last 20 meters and broke the tape a fraction of a second before me.Next year,I,ll beat him!,I won the 400 meters.I think I am probably a better,_,19,_,at the longer distances.Next year,I might enter the 1,000 meters.To win the short distance races,you need to get a very good start.With the longer distance races,however,you have time to,_,20,_,if you get off to a slow start.,10,Although I won the,_,21,_,it was a slow race compared with last year.I was 2 seconds behind my personal best.I know,_,22,_,.I haven,t been doing enough training.Next year,I must get into training at least a month,_,23,_,Sports Day.I will run for half an hour every morning.,I thought I was going to win the high jump but I,_,24,_,the bar in my third jump.My left foot touched the bar just enough to knock it down.I need to,_,25,_,more if I am going to win this event next year.,(,)17.A.firstB,second,C,third,(,)18.A.fasterB,slower,C,happier,(,)19.A.jumperB,runner,C,walker,B,A,B,11,(,)20.A.hand upB,show off,C,catch up,(,)21.A.400 metersB.100 metersC.high jump,(,)22.A.whatB,why,C,how,(,)23.A.duringB,after,C,before,(,)24.A.knocked downB.broke downC.went down,(,)25.A.studyB,work,C,practice,C,A,B,C,A,C,12,


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