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Lesson 10 Exercise,冀教,版,六年级下,New words,锻炼;练习,分(钟),小时,New words,What is exercise?,Riding a bike is exercise.,Walking is exercise.,Playing ping-pong is exercise.,Running is exercise.,Exercise helps make your body healthy and strong.,Language points,1.,Riding a bike,is exercise.,骑自行车是锻炼。,句中的主语,riding a bike,是一个动名词短语。,其中,riding,是动名词形式,起名词的作用,,作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。,例,:,吃蔬菜对你有好处。,Eating vegetables is good for you.,动名词在句中除了可以做主语外,还可以充当其他句子成分,,如:,(,1,),作表语,放在,be,动词的后面。,例,:,我的爱好是画画。,My hobby is drawing.,(,2,),作宾语,放在实义动词的后面。,例,:,我喜欢打乒乓球。,I like playing ping-pong.,(,3,),作定语,修饰名词,放在名词之前。,例,:,这是一个游泳池。,Its a swimming pool.,2.exercise,作名词时,既作,不可数名词,,意为“,锻炼,”,也可作,可数名词,,意为,“,练习,练习题,”,。,do exercise,做锻炼(不可数名词,),do morning exercises,做早操(可数名词),拓展:,exercise,还可作动词,意为“锻炼”。,do eye exercises,做眼保健操,例,:,我一天锻炼,60,分钟。,I exercise sixty minutes a day.,How many minutes does Danny exercise?,How often do you exercise,Danny?,I walk to school,in the morning,and I walk home after school.,Thats twice a day.How many minutes do you walk?,About five minutes.,I think you need about an hour of exercise a day,Danny!,Okay!Im going to watch more sports on TV!,No,Danny!You have to play sports for exercise!,Language points,I,walk to school,in the morning,and I,walk home,after,school.,我早上步行去学校,放学后步行回家。,walk to school,go to school on foot,walk home,go home on foot,school,是地点名词,所以,walk,后面有介词,to,。,home,是表示地点副词,所以,walk,后面的介词,to,要省略。,步行回家,2.,How many,minutes do you walk?,你步行多少分钟?,How many,是对,可数名词,的数量提问,;,How much,是,对,不可数名词,的数量提问。,询问,某人做某事用多少分钟,的,句型,:,How many minutes+do(does)+,人,+,动词原形,+,其他?,3.Im,going to,watch more sports on TV!,我会在电视上看更多的体育节目!,be+going to+,动词原形,表示“,计划、打算做某事,”,,属于一般将来时态。,例,:,我打算明天跑步。,Im going to run tomorrow.,4.You,have to,play sports for exercise!,你必须进行体育运动来锻炼。,辨析:,have to,和,must,有无时态变化,主观,/,客观,一般翻译,have to,有,客观要求,不得不,must,无,主动需要或有义务去做,必须,1.I _leave school because my poor family.,(不得不),2.I _ clean my room because its too dirty.,(必须),p,r,a,c,t,i,c,e,have to,must,3.,我妈妈病了,我不得不待在家里。,My mother is ill.I _ stay at home.,4.,我必须努力学习。,I _ work hard.,must,have to,Lets do it!,Exercise helps make our bodies healthy and strong.I run for 20 minutes every morning.Ping-pong is my favorite sport.I play ping-pong three times a week.,Read and write.,Thats an hour and a half a week.I play basketball twice a week.Thats two hours of exercise a week.How many minutes do I exercise a week?,exercise,How often?,every day,How many minutes(a week)?,120,three times a week,twice a week,140,90,I exercise _ minutes a week.,Im healthy and strong.,How about you?,350,_,_,_,_,_,I,_,_,_,_,_,times a week.Thats 150 minutes of exercise a,I walk for 30 minutes every morning.Basketball,is my favorite sport.I play basketball twice a,week.Thats 40 minutes a week.I dance five,week.,


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