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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,How to Paraphrase,Paraphrase?,在“对译”解决问题比较困难或不够通顺时,可以先把汉语转化为结构上可以与英语相互转换的汉语,然后再对译为英语,我们可以称之为“两步翻译法”或间接对译。实际上;文件翻译绝大多数都是通过直接或间接的对 译来完成的,这是翻译最常用的手段之一。口译灵活性高些间接对译多于直接对译但译文和原文相比结构面目全非者毕竟是少数。从这个意义上讲,对译就是翻译的基础。,对译是指不改变原文结构,仅在必要时调整语序的翻译方法。它是一切口笔译活动的基础,是最简单、最基本、最有效、最实用的翻译方法,也是用得最多的翻译方法,只要能够熟练掌握这个技巧,就能解决大多数翻译问题。,美国是最发达的资本主义国家,中国是最大的发展中国家,.,The United States is the most developed country and China is the largest developing country.,名词与动词转换,例,1,:,The trigger for rapid catching up in China was Deng Xiaopings liberalization of the economy,(,n.,),beginning in 1978.,中国之所以能够迅速赶超,是因为,1978,年邓小平开始让经济自 由发展(,V.,)。,形容词与名词转换,例,2,:,The cultivation of a good corporate culture is an absolute necessity,(,n.,),in the development of the small and medium-sized enterprises.,培育良好的企业文化在中小企业发展过程中是绝对必要的(,adj.,)。,形容词与动词转换,例,3,:,We sought a better(adj.,比较级,)understanding of your culture though a number of events including“The Chinese Year”.,通过举办“中国年”等活动,我们加深了(,V.,)对贵国文化的 理解。,介词、副词与动词转换,例,4,:,We came,across the ocean and through skyscrapers and busy streets,only to join you in the tranquility of life here.(prep.),我们越过大洋,穿过高楼,穿过大街,来到此地,只是想和你们共享 生活的那份 宁静,副词与名词转换,例,5,:,People in enterprises must be mathematically(adv.)informed if they are to make wise decisions.,企业管理人员想要作出明智的决策,就必须掌握相关的数据,(n.),。,形容词与副词转换,例,6,:,All peace-loving people demand the complete(adj.)prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons.,所有爱好和平的人民都要求全面禁止核武器,彻底销毁核武器。,(adv.),ARE YOU READY?,Its time for exercise!,当然,大多数情况下翻译并没有这么简单,还有很多情况下翻译不是直接转换的结果。但是,即使不是直接的转换,也是有章可循的。请看下面的译例:,直到,15,世纪以前,中国的科学技术在世界上保持了千年的领先地位。,a.Chinas science and technology had been in a leading position in the world for one thousand years until the 15th century.,b.China had been a world leader in science and technology for one thousand years until the 15th century.,c.China had been leading the world in science and technology for one thousand years until the 15th century.,How to restructure,1.,句内重构(,1,)主位、述位 系统功能语言学认为,句子一般都包含一个基本结构,主位结构。而主位结构又由主位和述为构成。主位是信息的起点,是句子的开始,述为是句子的信息中心所在,是新信息,是交际对象所未知的内容,.,如“,People from the information industry and viewers in general have different views towards the development of television and internet.”,一句里,“,People from the information industry and viewers in general”,是主位,“,have differentinternet”,是述位。主位 选择体现了说话人所选择的信息传递模式,主位结构的合理构建使语 言不只在结构上符合语法规范,在信息上也具有可接受性。主位、述位理论对口译中的语言对译具有重要意义。,例,7,:这个项目是两家公司在政府积极协调下为现实共赢于,2003,年共同开发的。在听到该句并完成解码理解后,译员首先迅速确立主位,然后 根据不同的主位选择不同的述位加以匹配。下表中列举了对本 句话可能采用的各种主、述位。,主位 名词词组 非名词词组 这个项目 两家公司,2003,年 政府 政府协调 于,2003,年 为实现共赢 在政府协调下 是,开发,见证,协调,帮助,公司或政府,公司或政府,公司或项目,述位,The project was developed by the two companies in 2003,under the coordination of the government,to achieve a,winwin,outcome.The two companies developed the project in 2003,under the coordination of the government,to achieve a win-win outcome.,The year 2003 saw the two companies develop the project,under the coordination of the government,to achieve a,winwin,outcome.,The government coordinated the two companies in their development of 2003 project to achieve a win-win outcome.,The government coordination helped the two companies in their development of the 2003 project to achieve a win-win outcome.,In 2003,the two companies/the government,To achieve a win-win outcome,the two companies developed the 2003 project with government coordination.,With government coordination,the companies/the project,主语、宾语互换,例:,The bilateral trade between China and the US,(,S,),will be further strengthened by the talks held this week in Beijing.,本周,中美将在北京举行会谈,这一会谈旨在进一步促进中美 双边贸易的发展(宾)。,保留原句主语,改换说法,例:,Some of the migrant workers are paid for this work.,有些农民工拿钱就是做这个工作的。,状语的位置,例:在美丽的金秋时节,我很高兴能在既古老神秘又充满 现代活力的古都(修饰语集中)西安,迎来参加“,2001,中国 西部论坛”的各位嘉宾。,In the autumn,I am very happy to welcome the distinguished guests to the China West Forum in the ancient capital Xian,an age-old and mysterious city full of modern-day dynamism,(修饰语分散),.,状语的位置,(,英语中,状语位置灵活,较长的常在句末;汉语中,状语常在动词之前,状语分句常在主句之前。英语 往往先果后因,先结论后分析,先假设后前提;汉语相反。,),例:大家知道,随着现代科学技术的发展(状语分句常在 主句之前),人们生活水平提高了,很多体力劳动被机器所 代替。,As is known to all,the living standard of human beings has risen to a high level and much human labor has been replaced by machines,thanks to the advances in modern science and technology(,状语句子较长,置于句尾。也可置 于句首。,).,同位语的位置:,(,英语中,较长的同位语往往在名词之后,较短的在名词之前;汉语中同位语一般都在名词之前。,),没有人怀疑中国已经成为世界经济增长引擎(同位 语无论长短都在名词之前)这一事实。,No one denies the fact that China has been the economic growth engine for the world,(较长的同位语在名词之后),.,语段,两个或者两个以上的句子构成语段。在语段层次,文化差异和 发言者的个体因素给双语对译带来一定困难。,1.,思维调节 英汉文化差异导致英汉两种语言在表述思维上存在较大差异。英汉思维主要差异有:英语逻辑思维,汉语形象思维;英语分析思维,汉语综合思维;英语形式逻辑思维,汉语辩证思维;英语直线思维,汉语曲线思维;英语对立思维,汉语“统一式”思维;英语客体中心思维,汉语主体中心思维。,在语言表现上,英语句式结构多为 前重心,头短尾长,而汉语句式多后重心,头大尾小。这两大差异使得两种语言在句子内部安排上存在位置差异,在 语段层次上依然存在类似差异:一般来说,英语先主观表态,再客观陈述;先结果再原因;先结论再分析;先假设再前提;先结果再让步。而汉语的顺序往往相反。因此,在口译的过程中,译员有时需要对发言者的源语思维进 行适度调节后,再以听众比较习惯的目标语思维进行翻译。,例:,It could be a fascinating experience for us to contribute a bit to the extraordinary development of Shanghai.The city is taking o


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