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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 Road safety,help others at weekends,Lyn,dogs,a volunteer,(志愿者),drive cars,Invitation,Dear,Miss Chu,:,Congratulations! You are a member of the Road Guider,(,道路引导员,),.,We hope you can try your best to tell others the traffic rules.,Would you like to join me?,How can we cross the road safely?,We must,We mustnt,30 seconds non stop talk,VS,游戏规则:男女生分别在,30,秒内说出我们如何安全过马路,哪一队说的方法又对又多则获胜!,Test 1,a zebra crossing,First,Then,Look for a zebra crossing,Wait for the green man,Look at the traffic lights,Test 2,How can we cross the road safely?,To,stay safe, we must follow some,rules,.,No zebra crossing,Wait on the pavement,Look out for cars and bikes,First look left, then right and then left again,Cross the road with other people,But sometimes you cannot find a zebra crossing.,What must we,not,do on the road?,On the road,mustnt play football,mustnt run,mustnt play,To,stay safe, we must follow some,rules,.,Lets review,What mustnt do?,a zebra crossing,No zebra crossing,Hong Kong,Look and say,You must look for a zebra crossing.,Look and say,You must wait for the green man.,Look and say,You must wait on the pavement.,Look and say,You mustnt skate on the road.,Look and say,You mustnt play football on the road.,Look and say,You must drive on the left side of the road.,Hong Kong,Look and say,Do you know?,In,,,people drive on the left side of the road.,Thailand,New Zealand,Japan,Singapore,the UK,Australia,情态动词,You must look for a zebra crossing.,You mustnt play football on the road.,You must drive on the left side of the road.,You must wait on the pavement.,You mustnt skate on the road.,You must wait for the green man.,Discuss the,differences,between,must,and,can,.,(,讨论一下,must,和,can,的区别。,),must,表示“必须”,mustnt=must not,表示“禁止”, 有很强的劝告语气。,can,表示“可以”,有能力有权利做某事。,Cant= can not,表示“不能”,You,keep quiet in the cinema when you watch a film.,Here is the red man. We,stop and wait.,If you,find a zebra crossing near you,y,ou,wait on the pavement.,-,you play football?Yes, I,.,-But you,play it on the road.,-,I go to school today?-Yes, you,. Its Thursday.,-Im thirsty.,I have some cola? -No, you,but you,have some juice.,must,mustnt,can,cant,must,must,can,cant,Can,can,mustnt,Must,must,Can,cant,can,Think and say,Match and say:,Classroom rules,1 We must not eat or drink in the classroom.,2 We must keep quiet.,3 We mustnt play in the classroom.,4.We must not chase,(追赶),each other.,5.We must not be late for school.,6. We must not draw on the desks.,7. We must listen to our teachers in class.,1,3,4,5,6,Classroom rules,Lets make together,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,Rules in different places:,Library rules,Cinema rules,Hospital rules,Park rules,选择一个地点;谈论规则;每人写,1,条,。,Rules make our life more beautiful!,Homework:,Finish the list and make it more beautiful.,2. Revise the knowledge according to Ticking time.,Thank you!,


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