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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Client Reception,接待客户,接待处,reception desk,receptionist,WORDS,appointment n.,预约(与人见面),investment n.,投资,in,sb s,place,代替某人,show sb. around,带某人转转,downtown,n./adv.,市区,entertainment n.,娱乐,招待,city sights,城市风景,accompany,vi.& vt,.,陪同,陪伴,be a shame,真遗憾,package n.,包装,oversee,vt,.,监督,检查,=supervise,check up,factory site,厂房,production line,生产线,quality control,质量检查,质量控制,run smoothly,平稳运转,move on,前进,WORDS,appointment n.,预约(与人见面),对比:,reservation,(餐厅酒店医院预约),Im calling to confirm your appointment,with,Dr. Hu,.,I have an appointment with,Mr. Chen,on Friday afternoon.,In/take,sb s,place,代替某人,Im in,Mr. Wilsons,place during his vacation.,我在,Wilson,外出度假期间代替他。,show sb. around,带某人转转,Let me,show you around our factory,.,My secretary will show you around the city sights tomorrow evening.,downtown,市区,Go downtown to have some entertainments.,去市区找点乐子。,accompany,vi.& vt,.,陪同,陪伴,=be with, be together with,accompany,sb./ sth,.,陪伴,伴随,My secretary accompanies me during my trip.,我秘书将会全程伴着我。,2) accompany with sb.,(同辈),Ally always accompanies with me whenever Im down.,无论何时当我沮丧时艾丽总是陪伴着我。,3) accompany by sb.,(上下级长辈),Children under 14 should be accompanied by adults.,十四岁以下儿童需有成人陪伴。,oversee,vt,.,监督,检查,Quality control people oversee the quality of the products and help,to keep,the machines,run smoothly,.,质检人员监督产品质量以及协助维持机械的顺利运转。,move on,前进,Lets move on,to,the workshop.,我们继续去车间那儿看看。,All kinds of client reception!,前台接待,reception desk,会议接待,conference reception,业务接待,business reception,验厂接待,factory tour reception,前台接待,reception,desk,How may I help you?,会议接待,conference,reception,Prepare,paperwork &,equipments,准备开会资料和设备,Budget,会议开支,(for fruit, drink, rent, printing, car, souvenir, etc),Arrange people& car,安排人员车辆,The venue layout,会场布置,Care for the attendants,照顾出席者,(hotel morning call,routes, etc),业务接待,business,reception,Dinner party,Drink,KTV,Bar,Tour,验厂接待,factory tour,reception,Here we only refer to receptions for clients and,foreign,boss,!,(如果是社会责任验厂的话,会要求查看你的各类证件,营业执照,银行开户证明,环保证,消防验收合格证,员工手册,工资表,考勤记录、员工档案,合同等资料的。如果是查看该厂质量体系的话,就有点,ISO,认证的味道哦!),验厂接待,factory tour reception,Be prepared in several aspects:, Basic information (the number of staff, history, certificates), Arrange cars, hotels, Staff,working attitude (suits wearing), General sanitation (smoking), Product display,Quality,control,对话练习,1-,接待外国客户,A:Mr.Bryant,? Hello, Im Mike from UBS corporation.,How was your flight,?,布莱恩先生吗?你好,我是,UBS,公司的迈克。你一路顺利吧?,B:It,was really,bumpy,. I was unable to sleep on the plane.,一路很颠簸啊,飞机上也睡不着。,A:You,must be very tired.,Let me help you with your bag,.,Is it your first time to Seattle?,你肯定累坏了,我来帮你提行李吧。这是你第一次来西雅图吗?,B:Yes,. Would you be able to,show me around,the,city sights,in Seattle?,是的。你可以带我转转西雅图的城市景观吗?,A:Of,course! Actually thats what Im going to do this evening.,当然可以!其实这就是我今晚打算做的事呢,B:Thank,you. Youre too kind.,A: Now lets go to the hotel first.,Drop off,your things and have a little rest. Ive booked a table at a Chinese restaurant.,Afterwards, Ill take you downtown to see the city sights.,How does that,sound,to,you?,B:It,sounds wonderful! Seattles nightlife must be very exciting. Thank you for you hospitality.,听起来太美妙了!西雅图的夜生活肯定很热闹。谢谢您的热情款待。,对话练习,2-,客户参观工厂,T: Here,we are in the factory. This is our director of the,assembly line, Amber.,这就是我们的工厂了,这位是流水线主管安博先生。,Amber: Nice to meet you !,B: Nice to meet you, too!,T: This way please.,As you see,that this is our assembly line, all of the equipment is imported from British. The,volume of daily output,is up to 10.000 units.,这边请,就您所见这是我们的流水线,全部设备都从英国进口。每日产量达一万件。,B: Good,. Advanced equipment,guarantees,high output! But how do you control the quality of your products?,很好,先进设备保证高产量!但你们如何控制产品质量?,T: We,emphasize,the quality of the products to our staff everyday. And we have QC people to,monitor,every step in making the product. Our,pass rate,is over 95%.,我们每天都跟员工强调质量问题。而且我们有质管人员指导每一步生产。我们的产品合格率超过,95%,。,B: 95,%,!,Im satisfied with your,production capacity,and quality.,T: Im,happy to hear that. Lets,move on to,the,next,room,很高兴听到您那样说,我们继续去下一个车间参观吧。,


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