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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,unit 4 we love animals,A lets learn,unit 4 we love animals,L,ets sing:,thinking:what,can you see in the video,?,在视频里你能看见什么?,Lets sing:thinking:what c,I see,animals and a farm.,a.,动物 和农场,I see animals and a farm.a.,Zoom,Zoom,Today is zooms birthday.Zoom has a big birthday party.,Many friends will come to the party.,Today is zooms birthday.Zoom,Who are they?,Who are they?,Guessing:Whats this?,Its a .,duck,Guessing:Whats this?Its a,Guessing:,How does the duck come to the party?,小鸭子是怎么来Zoom的派对的?,truck,卡车,Its in the .,Look at the,duck,.,Guessing:How does the duck c,Its a .,cat,Guessing:Whats this?,Its a .catGuessing:,Look at the cat,what is it like?,看看这只猫,它长什么样子呢?,It is,fat,(胖的),.,Look at the,cat,.,Look at the cat,what is it lik,Its a,.,dog,Guessing:Whats this?,Its a .dogGuessing:,Thinking:What is the dog playing with?,小狗在玩什么?,log,原木,Its on the .,Look at the,dog,.,Thinking:What is the dog pla,Its a .,pig,Guessing:Whats this?,Its a .pigGuessing:,Look at the pig,what is it like?,看看这只猪,它长什么样子呢?,It is,big,(大的),.,Look at the,pig,.,Look at the pig,what is it li,All friends are here?,所有的朋友们都来了吗?,All friends are here?,Its a .,bear,It is Zoom s brother.,Its a .bearIt is Zo,Guessing:,W,hy is the bear late?,为什么小熊迟到了,?,Guessing:Why is the bear lat,Thinking:,W,here is the bear now?,现在小熊在哪里呢,?,It s on the,pear,(梨),.,Look at the,bear,.,Thinking:Where is the bear n,5minutes later,all the animals are here,they will have a big birthday party for Zoom.,5minutes later,all the animals,Lets chant,Cat,cat,its a cat.,Dog,dog,its a dog.,Bear,bear,its a bear.,Duck,duck,its a duck.Pig,pig,its a pig.,Lets chantCat,cat,i,Watch the video and repeat.,看视频,听音并跟读。,Watch the video and repeat.,Lets read:,read by yourself,read in pairs,自读单词,同桌互读,Lets read:read by yourselfre,Lets chant,Lets chant,Lets chant,Lets chant,pep人教版小学英语三起点三年级上册Unit-4-We-Love-Animals课件,Game,1,:guessing game,If you know,whose dancing clothes it is,please put up your hands.,如果你知道这是谁的舞衣,,请举手。,Game1:guessing gameIf you know,Game,1,:,guessing the word,cat,duck,dog,pig,bear,Game1:guessing the wordcatduck,Game2:sharp eyes,If you know,who is dancing,stand up quickly,and,speak it out.,如果你知道,哪,个动物,在跳舞,,,请,迅速站起来,大声说出来。,Game2:sharp eyesIf you know w,pep人教版小学英语三起点三年级上册Unit-4-We-Love-Animals课件,Hide and Seek,(,捉迷藏,),It,s a,.,duck.,Hide and Seek(捉迷藏)Its a.,Hide and Seek,(,捉迷藏,),It,s a,.,pig.,Hide and Seek(捉迷藏)Its a.,Hide and Seek,(,捉迷藏,),It,s a,.,dog.,Hide and Seek(捉迷藏)Its a.,假如今天是你的生日,哪个动物会来参加你的生日派对呢?,请用句型:,Its a.,I like.,和你同桌进行讨论。,If today is your birthday,you will have a birthday party.Which animal do you want to invite?Who will come to your party?,Talk with your partener with the sentence:,Its a.,I like.,假如今天是你的生日,哪个动物会来参加你的生日派对呢?If t,pep人教版小学英语三起点三年级上册Unit-4-We-Love-Animals课件,pep人教版小学英语三起点三年级上册Unit-4-We-Love-Animals课件,pep人教版小学英语三起点三年级上册Unit-4-We-Love-Animals课件,教师与狗的图片,教师与狗的图片,pep人教版小学英语三起点三年级上册Unit-4-We-Love-Animals课件,pep人教版小学英语三起点三年级上册Unit-4-We-Love-Animals课件,What do you think of the pictures?,看到这些图片,你们有什么感受?,What do you think of the pictu,Animals are so cute,we should love the,animals and treat them as our family.,小动物们都非常的可爱,我们应该热爱他们,,要像对待亲人一样对待他们。,Animals are so cute,we should,Homework,1.listen,、,speak,、,and read the new words 5 times,。,听说、认读新单词:,pig,bear,cat,duck,dog 5,遍。,2.try to chant and do Lets chant,试着吟唱,Lets chant,。,Homework1.listen、speak、and r,Good-bye!,Good-bye!,


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