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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,The Canadian Press,光源1402班,The Vancouver Sun,温哥华太阳报,The Vancouver Sun is a daily newspaper first published in the Canadian province of British Columbia on February 12,1912.,温哥华太阳报是一家于1912年2月12日在加拿大的,不列颠尼亚省,出版的,第一份,日报,。,The paper is currently published by the Pacific Newspaper Group,a division of Postmedia Network.,本,报,目前由太平洋报业集团出版,Postmedia,负责,网络,发行,。,It is published six days a week,Monday to Saturday.,报纸,每周,从周一,到,周六,出版,六天。,HISTORY,When the Sun began operation,it was published at 125 West Pender Street,just around the corner from The Province,its rival at the time.,太阳,报,运行,并,开始,发,行,报纸,是在,Pender,街125,号,,就在,其,拐角处的省,报,,当时,是,其竞争对手。,In,1924,the Sun bought the,Vancouver World newspaper,which had been in financial difficulty for some time.,在1924,的,财政困难时期,太阳,报,买,下,了温哥华世界报,。,In 1958,the Sun and the Province joined to create the Pacific Press in response to the rising costs of producing newspapers.,在1958,太阳,报,和省,报,共同创立,太平洋新闻,出版,集团,,,以应对日益增长的生产成本,。,The paper moved to Granville Square in 1997.,在1997,年,报社,搬到了,Granville,广场。,The Globe and Mail,环球邮报,The Globe and Mail is a nationally distributed Canadian newspaper owned by The Woodbridge Company,based in Toronto and printed in six cities across the country.,环球邮报是全国,性,发,布的加拿大报纸,,,由Woodbridge公司所有,总部在多伦多,在全国六个城市印刷。,I,t is Canadas largest-circulation national newspaper and second-largest daily newspaper after the Toronto Star.,它是加拿大发行量,最大,的全国性报纸和,仅次于,多伦多,明星报,的,第二大日报。,The,predecessor to The Globe and Mail was The Globe,founded in 1844 by Scottish immigrant George Brown,who became a Father of Confederation,(,联邦,),.,National Post,全国邮报,The National Post is a Canadian English-language newspaper based in Toronto,Ontario.,全国邮报,是一,家,加拿大的英文报纸,总部设在,安大略,省,的,多伦多,。,The paper is the flagship publication of Postmedia Network,and is published Mondays through Saturdays.,本,报,是Postmedia网络的旗舰出版物,,出版,于周一到周六。,It was founded in 1998 by Conrad Black.,As of 2006,the Post is no longer distributed in Canadas Atlantic provinces and the territories.,截至2006,年,,,全国邮报,已不再分布在加拿大的大西洋各省及地区。,On October 28,2011,The Post announced its first ever yearly profit,(,利润,),.,The paper now belongs to Postmedia Network Canada Corp.,Black built the National Post around the Financial Post,a financial newspaper in Toronto which he purchased from Sun Media in 1997.Financial Post was retained as the name of the new newspapers business section.,Origins,The Posts magazine-style,graphic and layout design,has won awards.The original design of the Post was created,by Lucie Lacava,a design consultant based in Montreal.,The end,Thank you!,


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