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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高中英语人教版写作训练,A letter of giving advice,高中英语人教版写作训练 A lett,近五年高考书面表达命题趋势分析,近五年高考书面表达命题趋势分析,2014,年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试书面表达一览表,提纲,对捐助的看法,议论文,广东卷,提纲,人物事迹,应用文(报道),广东卷,提纲,对汉语词典收录英语词汇的看法,议论文,江苏卷,图表,创业作品展评情况,应用文(通知),辽宁卷,中文提示,推荐图书并说明理由,应用文(书信),浙江卷,提纲,应用文(书信),安徽卷,回信解决同学的困扰,告诉笔友你参加高考的情况,应用文(书信),四川卷,提纲,提纲,结合个人经历解释谚语的含义,夹叙夹议,山东卷,提纲,欢迎来你校访问的美国代表,应用文(欢迎词),陕西卷,提纲,高中生应当做什么,应用文(发言稿),江西卷,120,词左右,提纲,从失败走向成功,夹序夹议,福建卷,英文提示,小事情有大作用,文体不限,湖北卷,不少于,120,词,提纲,介绍物品,说明文,湖南卷,不少于,80,词,提纲,最好的礼物,应用文(发帖),重庆卷,朋友与手机,议论文,重庆卷,不少于,100,词,提纲,写信给即将到你班学习的交换生,应用文(书信),天津卷,不少于,60,词,图画,讲述解决自行车存放问题的过程,记叙文,北京卷,不少于,50,词,提纲,告诉英国朋友自己无法按计划去云南旅游,应用文(书信),北京卷,100,词左右,提纲,十年后的我,说明文,全国新课标,II,100,词左右,图表,咨询暑假英语学习班情况,应用文(书信),全国新课标,I,词数,命题,形式,题材,体裁,项目,卷别,不少于,60,词,不少于,120,词,120,词左右,不少于,100,词,120-150,词,120,词左右,120,词左右,100-120,词,100,词左右,150,词左右,5,个句子,150,词左右,英文提示,2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试书面表达一览表提纲对捐,2008,年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国试卷,II,),书面表达(满分,25,分),假定你是李华,你的英国朋友,Peter,来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文。 请你根据下列要点写回信。,要点:,1,、参加中文学习班;,2,、看中文书刊、电视;,3,、学唱中文歌曲;,4,、交中国朋友,.,注意:,1,、词数,100,词左右;,2,、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;,3,、开头语已为你写好。,June 8 ,2008,Dear Peter,Im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.,Sincerely yours,2008年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国试卷II) 假,审题要点,一、人称:,第一人称,二、时态:,一般现在时和一般将来时,三、内容要点:,1,、参加中文学习班,可得到老师的指导以及和同学在一起学习的机会。,2,、看中文电视节目、书籍等。,3,、学唱中文歌曲,使得记忆单词更简单。,4,、交中国朋友,可得到更多的帮助。,四、词数,100,词左右。(注意事项要求),审题要点,引出话题,提出具,体建议,总 结,Here are some ,a few suggestions,First Firstly,.Secondly Then ,Furthermore Besides, Finally,Im quite sure that,I do hope my suggestions,建,议,信,构思谋篇,引出话题提出具总 结Here are some Firs,思路导引,常用套语,建议信开头常用句式,(,照应材料,表明写作意图,),1,After I read your letter in the newspaper, I am sorry to know that ,2,I am very glad to hear that you want to,3,I know you have trouble inafter reading your letter,4.I am writing to you for the purpose of ,5. You have asked me for my advice with regard toand Ill try to make some conductive suggestions.,首段:提出写信的原因,。,思路导引常用套语1After I read your le,思路导引,常用套语,表达建议(,body,),1. first,,,firstly,,,secondly,then,,,after that,,,in the end,finally,Meanwhile, whats more,2. I think it would be more beneficial if you could ,3. I would like to suggest/recommend that,4. If I were you, I would,5. In my opinion, it would be wise to take the following action.,6. When it comes to such a situation, I would like to suggest that you can,主体段落:提出建议及其理由,即针对具体情况提出具体建议和忠告,。,思路导引常用套语1. first,firstly,secon,思路导引,结尾段:表达出本人的期望或希望对方做出回应。,常用套语,建议信结尾常用句式,1. I believe you will take my advice into account/consideration.,2. I hope you will find these proposals,suggestions practical/useful/helpful.,3. I will be more than happy to see improvements in this regard.,4. I feel that it would be beneficial if you stick to it.,5. In the end, I will be glad if you find my suggestions useful.,思路导引结尾段:表达出本人的期望或希望对方做出回应。常用套语,List the key points,1,、参加中文学习班,take a Chinese course joinChinese languageclasses go to a Chinese class,You can take a Chinese course. Its important necessary to take a Chinese course .,Taking a Chinese course is good for you.,List the key points1、参加中文学习班,2,、有和同学一起学习的机会,have a chance to do sth;,do sth with sb; practise sth with sb,You will have a chance to learn Chinese with your classmates.,You can practise Chinese with your classmates.,2、有和同学一起学习的机会,3,、,看中文电视节目、书籍等。,watch Chinese TV programs ; read books in Chinese.,Watching Chinese TV programs and reading books in Chinese can also help your Chinese.,(It also helps watch TV and read books , newspapers and magazines in Chinese.),3、看中文电视节目、书籍等。,4,、学唱中文歌曲使得单词更简单。,Its a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs and it can make remember Chinese words easily.,Learning and singing Chinese songs will help you remember Chinese words easily.,It should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs. By doing so youll learn and remember Chinese words more easily.,4、学唱中文歌曲使得单词更简单。,5,、交中国朋友,可得到更多的帮助。,make friends with sb; get a lot of help,help sb with sth,You can make Chinese friends and they can help you with your Chinese.,You can get a lot of help by making more Chinese friends.,You can make more Chinese friends. Im sure that they will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese.,5、交中国朋友,可得到更多的帮助。,Model,Dear_ ,(1) Im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice,on _.,(2) Here are a few suggestions . (3)First, it is important,to _. (4)as youll _ . (5) Then ,it also helps _.,(6)Furthermore, it should be a good idea to _ .,(7) Because _ (8)You can also_ .,(9) Im quite sure that _.,(10) Please _ next time. Im looking,forward to _.,Best wishes,Sincerely yours,Signature,称呼,(,1,)、提出写信的原因,(,2,)、过渡句引出建议,(,3,)、提出建议一,(,4,)、建议一的理由,(,5,)、提出建议二,(,6,)、提出建议三,(,7,)、建议三的理由,(,8,)、提出建议四,(,9,)、建议四的理由,(,10,)、表达出本人的期望或希望对方做出回应,Model,Model 称呼Model,定稿誊写,Dear Peter,Im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.,Here are a few suggestions . First, its,important to take a Chinese course , as youll,be able to learn from the teacher and practise with your fellow students. Then , it also helps,watch TV and read books , newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possible.,Furthermore, it should be a good idea to,learn and sing Chinese songs. Because by,doing so youll learn and remember Chinese,words more easily. You can also make more,Chinese friends. Im quite sure that they will,tell you a lot about China and help you learn,Chinese .,Please try and write to me in Chinese next time.,Best wishes,Sincerely yours,Li Hua,定稿誊写,如何给阅卷人以好的第一直观印象,整体三部分,Heading,点题;一两个句子;概括性;暗示性,2. Body,中心记述部分;层次分明,3. Ending,小结;呼应主题,如何给阅卷人以好的第一直观印象整体三部分Heading,假设你是李华,你的笔友张明来信说他英语学的不大好,请你给他写一封回信,提一些建议,帮助他学好英语。,内容提示:,1.,一定要做好课前预习,2.,课堂上认真听讲,记好笔记,3.,课后认真独立完成作业,4.,每天进行英语听说练习,5.,加强课外阅读扩大词汇量,词数:,100,词左右,Homework:,假设你是李华,你的笔友张明来信说他英语学的不大好,请你给他写,


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