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,UNIT 9 SECTION B,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2019/8/18,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2019/8/18,#,Unit,9,Can,you come to my party,?,人教,版八年级,英语上册,Section B 3a-Self Check,A:Can you with me?,B:Sure,Id love to.,Sorry,I have to,Im(doing),B:When is it?,A:Its the.,Review,colorful weekend,activities,play the piano,climb mountains,go to a party,surf the Internet,(1)-,Whats today?,-,Its,Monday the,2nd,.,(2),-,Whats tomorrow?,-,Its,Tuesday the,3rd,.,(3)-,Whats the day after tomorrow?,-,Its,Wednesday the,4th,.,(4)-,Whats yesterday?,-,Its,Sunday the,1st,.,Sunday,Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday,Saturday,1)Whats today?,2)Whats yesterday?,3)Whats tomorrow?,4)Whats the day,after,tomorrow?,People always hold a party on December 25,th,.Will you?,Calendar,opening,concert,headmaster,event,n.,开幕式,落成典礼,n.,音乐会,n.,校长,n.,大事,公开活动,guest,calendar,daytime,n.,客人,n.,日历,日程表,n.,白天;日间,Words and expressions,Dear Parents,I would like to invite you to,the opening of,our new library at No.9 High School.The opening will be,on,the morning of Wednesday,January 8,th,at 9:00.After this,you can,enjoy,our school concert.Then lunch will be,in,the school hall at 12:00.,Read,the invitation and answer the questions.,3,a,Please,dress smartly,.I would also like to invite each parent to bring one book as a gift for the new library.Please reply in writing to this invitation,by,Friday,December 20,th,.,Larry Smith,Headmaster,1.Who is making the invitation?,_,2.What is the invitation for?,_,3.When will the event happen?,_,_,The headmaster.,For the opening of the new library.,O,n,the morning of Wednesday,January,8th at 9:00.,4.What will happen after this?,_,5.Do parents have to bring anything?,_,6.How should people reply to this,invitation,and when?,_,_,After this they can enjoy the school concert.,Yes,each parent need to bring one book.,They should reply in writing to this,invitation by Friday,December 20th.,1.,Please,reply in writing to this invitation by Friday,December 20th.,1),reply in writing,表示“以书面的形式进行回复”。其中,reply,相当于,answer,,,但要比后者更加书面化且正式许多。此处介词,in,表示方式,相当于汉语“用,方式(形式)”的意思。,Language points,2)reply,用作动词时,不直接跟宾语,须由介词,to,引入宾语的内容,构成,reply to,结构。例如:,Did you reply to these,letters?,3,),在此句中,介词,by,意为“截止至,;到,为止,”。介词,before,也有“,之,前”的意思。但区别于,before,不包含其后的时间,而,by,则包括。试比较,:,You,should get your homework ready,by,Friday.,Remember,:Friday is the last day!,你,应当最迟于星期五把作业准备好,。,记住,:周五是最后一天,!,Can,you come and meet me,before,Friday?,Ill,be away early Friday morning,.,你,能礼拜五前来见我一面吗,?,我,周五一大早就走了,。,Write,an invitation to a party or any,other,event.Reply to your partners,invitation,.If you turn down the invitation,give,a good reason.,would like to,;,will be;,after,this;,please,;,reply,Use the following,words and phrases,:,3,b,本题,要求写两个小作文,一个是邀请他人参加聚会或活动的信函;另一个是答复伙伴的邀请信。,首先,认真阅读邀请信所包含的内容:,聚会或活动的类型;举办的时间与地点;客人是否需带礼物;客人是否需答复此信;何时及如何答复此信。,参照,3a,写一个包含上述内容的邀请信,注意运用提示词语。,写作指导:,1.Making invitations,发出邀请,“Do,you have any plan next Friday,night?We,are having some friends over for a dinner p,arty,.Would you like to join us?”,“Are you free next Friday night,?”,“,Are you doing anything Friday night,?”,“,Would you be interested in coming to our,house,that night,?”,“,How do you like to join our party Friday,night?”,“,Would you like to,.”,2.Accepting invitations,接受邀请,“Id love to,thank you.”,“Thats very kind of you,thanks.”,“It sounds great,thank you.”,“That will be lovely,thank you.”,“Thats great,thank you.”,“What a good idea,thank you.”,3.Declining invitations,拒绝邀请,“Thats very kind of you,but actually,Im planning,to see my grandma next Saturday.”,“Im really sorry,but I have to do something,else,on next weekend,.”,“,I really dont think I can make itI am,supposed,to be at airport picking up my,friend,next Sunday morning.”,Remember:,当你拒绝他人的邀请时,要特别注意礼貌。通常你要给个理由,说明为什么无法接受邀请,或者道歉。,One possible version:,Dear parents,Id like to invite you to the opening ceremony for the new students at No.10 Middle School.The opening will be on the morning of Wednesday,September 4th at 8:00.After this,you can visit our school.Please dress smartly.I would also like to invite each parent to think of some words to encourage your child to study hard at school.,Please,reply in e-mail to this invitation by Monday,September,2nd.Our e-mail address is Number10MS.,I,look forward to hearing from you all.,Huang Zongsheng,Headmaster,A:Can you go shopping with me next week?,B:Sure,I,d love to.When?,A:Well,what are you going to do on,Monday,evening,?,B:I must study for the English test.,What,about,Tuesday,evening?,Student,A,look at your calendar on the right.Student B,look at yours on page 81.Find a time when you can both go shopping.,4,Student,As,calendar,MONDAY FRIDAY,Daytime:school,Daytime:school,Evening:,Susans,party,TUESDAY,SATURDAY,Daytime:school,Evening:study for,math,Morning:play tennis with,Dad,Afternoon:do homework,WEDENDAY,SUNDAY,Daytime:school,Morning:visit grandparents,Evening:go to a concert,THURSDAY,Daytime:school,Evening:help parents,A:Hi,Peter.,you come to my party,_the,weekend?,B:


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