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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,T.S.Eliot,By,XXXXXX,Life&Major Works,Birth and family background,:born in a wealthy family of America,parents were well cultured,Education,:received a good education when he was,yound,especially classical literature;studied in Harvard in 1906;studied in Paris and Oxford after getting his M.A.degree,Marriage,:suffered intensely,unhappy(working as a teacher and a bank clerk while composing poetry),1948:received the Noble Prize for literature,T.S.Eliot(1888-1965),First period,1911,The Love Song of,J.Alfred,Prufrock,-,first,masterpiece of Modernism in English,1917,Prufrock,and Other Observations,Second period,1922,The Waste Land,-,a representative work,of the High Modernism of the 1920s,1925,The Hollow Man-,the spiritual and,emotional aridity of modern men,Third period,1930,Ash Wednesday,1943,Four Quartets,-Noble Prize for,literature in 1948,1932 Literary criticism:,Selected Essays,The,Uses of Poetry,On poetry and Poets,etc,1958,Verse plays:,Murder in the Cathedral,The Waste Land,By T.S.Eliot,I.THE BURIAL OF THE DEADApril is the,cruellest,month,breedingLilacs out of the dead land,mixingMemory and desire,stirringDull roots with spring rain.Winter kept us warm,covering 5Earth in forgetful snow,feedingA little life with dried tubers.Summer surprised us,coming over the,Starnbergersee,With a shower of rain;we stopped in the colonnade,And went on in sunlight,into the,Hofgarten,And drank coffee,and talked for an hour.Bin gar,keine,Russin,stamm,aus,Litauen,echt,deutsch,.And when we were children,staying at the archdukes,The Waste Land,(Extract),丁香花,王宫花园,,位于慕尼黑,市中心,斯坦贝尔格湖,,在慕尼黑南部,德语:我绝非,俄罗斯人,我来自立陶宛。,大公爵,My cousins,he took me out on a sled,And I was frightened.He said,Marie,Marie,hold on tight.And down we went.In the mountains,there you feel free.I read,much of the night,and go south in the winter.,雪橇,Summary:The first section of The Waste Land takes its title from a line in the Anglican(,英国国教的,),burial service.It is made up of four vignettes(,片段,).The first is an autobiographical snippet(,片段,)from,the childhood of an aristocratic woman,in which she recalls sledding and claims that she is German,not Russian.,Form:433 lines,mainly,free verse,(partial rhyme schemes),Consists of five discontinuous segments;,The central theme-,desperation,;,Many quoted lines in German,French,Italian and references and allusions to English writers as Spencer,Shakespeare,Middleton,Milton and Goldsmith;,Result of the poets long years of meditation and feeling;,A picture of the,spiritual ruins in Europe,shortly after the end of WWI and expressed,the disillusionment of a generation of intellectuals,.,The Waste Land,一、死者的葬礼四月最残忍,从死了的土地滋生丁香,混杂着回忆和欲望,让春雨挑动着呆钝的根。冬天保我们温暖,把大地埋在忘怀的雪里,使干了的球茎得一点点生命。夏天来得意外,随着一阵骤雨到了斯坦伯吉西;我们躲在廊下,等太阳出来,便到郝夫加登去喝咖啡,又闲谈了一点钟。我不是俄国人,原籍立陶宛,是纯德国种。我们小时侯,在大公家做客,那是我表兄,他带我出去滑雪撬,我害怕死了。他说,玛丽,玛丽,抓紧了呵。于是我们冲下去。在山中,你会感到舒畅。我大半夜看书,冬天去到南方。,(查良铮 译),荒原(节选),Thank you!,


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