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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5,Foreign delicacies,美国饮食文化图片欣赏,The three stylies of,cooking all over the,world are the Chinese,food as a representive,of Chinese cuisines,the western-style food,as a theme of French,dish and calledMoslem,food.,British,Food,Fast Food,快餐食品,Fast-food chains,,,American-style,,,are currently on the increase all over the world,Most of these places work on a similar principle,There is a long counter,,,above which is displayed a list,(,often with pictures,),of the items available,,,and behind which several people,(,often students working for the minimum wage,),are serving,Individual queues form in front of each assistant,Chinese delicacy sorts,Due to the geographical、climate,customs are different,formed the,different local flavor.(由于地理、气,候、习俗的不同形成了不同的地方风味),Chinese food is divided into four,categories.(中国菜系分为四大类别),Table Manners,Table manners,are the rules of,etiquette,used while,eating,which may also include the appropriate use of,utensils,.,A,Knife,fork and spoons are all part of what?,A.a cutlery set.,B.a plate set.,C.a train set.,C,Which of the following is considered bad table manner?,A.Eat with your mouth closed.,B.Remember to thank your host for the invitation.,C.Eat with your mouth open.,C,What should you avoid to talk about during dinner conversation with other guests?,A.Books,B.The weather.,C.Politics.,B,Near the end of the,programme,what did Jonathan do during the interview?,A.He had a wardrobe malfunction.,B.His mobile phone rang during the interview.,C.His false teeth fell out.,Chinese delicacy sorts,Due to the geographical、climate,customs are different,formed the,different local flavor.(由于地理、气,候、习俗的不同形成了不同的地方风味),Chinese food is divided into four,categories.(中国菜系分为四大类别),Shandong cuisine(鲁菜),Shandong cuisine originated in the Spring,and Autumn,and the Waring States period,formed in Qin and Han Dynasties.After Song,Dynasty,the Shandong cuisine became the,northern food representive.,Election materials(选材):prawn(明虾)、conch(海螺)、salted fish(鲍鱼)、oyster and yellow(蛎黄)、kelp(海带)and so on,Skill(技法):quick fry(爆炒)、steam(蒸),Dishes(菜品):fried carp with sweet and soul,sauce(糖醋鲤鱼),braised intestines in brown sauce(九转大肠),grilled prawns(烤大虾),saute bean curd(锅塌豆腐),crucian crap in milk(奶油鲫鱼),fried carp with sweet and soul sauce,(糖醋鲤鱼),Sichuan cuisine(川菜),In Chengdu,Sichuan is two Chongqing local,cuisine as representative,pay attention to the,election materials,specifications are uniform,distinct,sharp coordination.Sichuan cuisine as one of the eight big cuisines in China,Chinas culinary history occupies an important position,.,Skill(技法):stir and mix(拌)bittern(卤)frying(煎炸)salt(腌)braise(烩)bake(烤)dry or warm by the fire(烘)and so on,Dishes(菜品):Mapo Tofu(麻婆豆腐),spicy diced chicken with peanuts(宫保鸡丁),spicy shredded fish(鱼香肉丝),stewed Thin Beef Slices(灯影牛肉),Cantonese cuisine(粤菜),Cantonese,cuisine of drawing the,attention of the long cooking skills,diversity is fickle,singular extensive,materials .In cooking to fry,explosion,stewed,fried,grilled him,pay attention to clean and light,fresh but not vulgar,tender but not,born,oil and not greasy,there are,Seasonal strong,and strong,in winter and spring.,粤菜注意吸取各菜系之长,烹调技艺,多,样善变,用料奇异广博。在烹调上以炒,爆为主,兼有烩、煎、烤,讲究清而,不,淡,鲜而不俗,嫩而不生,油而不腻,,,时令性强,夏秋尚清淡,冬春求浓郁。,The flavour or taste of food(口味):,five,c,outure(,s,hannon,loose,soft,fat,thick),six flavor(acid,sweet,bitter,salty,spicy,fresh).,五滋:香、松、软、肥、浓,六味:酸、甜、苦、辣、咸、鲜,Dished(菜品):roast suckling pig(烤乳猪),pork with preserved vegetable(梅菜扣肉),fried beef in oyster sauce(蚝油牛肉),roast suckling pig,(烤乳猪),Jiangsu cuisine(苏菜),Jiangsu,China one of the,four famous dishes,referred to,as,vegetables.Mainly in,Nanjing,Yangzhou,Suzhou,Huaian,Xuzhou,Haizhou six,local,cuisine.When the,Southern,Song Dynasty,vegetables and,different,genres as Southern,food of the big two.,江苏菜,中国四大名菜之一,简称苏菜。主要以南京、扬州、苏州、淮安,、,徐州、海州六种地方菜组成。南宋时,苏菜和浙菜同为,“,南食,”,的两大台柱。,The flavour or taste of food(口味):,crispy boneless without losing its shape,tender and crisp and does not lose its flavour.,酥松脱骨而不失其形,滑嫩爽脆而不失其味。,Dishes(菜品):,stewed Pork Ball(清炖狮子头),beggars Chicken(叫化鸡),Thank you,


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