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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2019-6-4,#,(,第,1,课,时,),义务教育广州版小学英语教材,MODULE 2,What,will,you do?,本课时教学内容与目标:,能巩固日期的两种表达方法,并看图用一个句子描述计划,Will,和,be going to,的转换练习,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec,25,th,What is the date?,It is,the _ of _.,目的:复习日期,步,骤:玩游戏,让学生看日期大声说出来,鼓励学生说出第二种表达方法,使,用提示:任意点击,即可显示月份,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec,22,nd,What is the date?,It is,the _ of _.,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec,3rd,What is the date?,It is,the _ of _.,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec,31,st,What is the date?,It is,the _ of _.,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec,10th,What is the date?,It is,the _ of _.,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec,1st,What is the date?,It is,the _ of _.,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec,3rd,What is the date?,It is,the _ of _.,What is the,date,?,January 1,st,March 8,th,April 1,st,May 1,st,December 25,th,September 10,th,October 1,st,June 1,st,.,November 12,th,October 3,rd,January 1,st,is my favourite date.,I read some books and enjoy my day.,June 1,st,is my favourite date.,I,will,get many toys and planes.,October 1,st,is my favourite date.,I,will,go camping and play.,_ is my favourite date.,It is my birthday and I eat a cake.,Look at the,girl with long hair.,What is she going to do?,She,is going to _ on _.,Oct 23rd,Fri,What are their favourite dates?,What will they do?,目的:联系日期,复习计划,实现,be going to,到,will,的转化,步,骤:老师通过问题和板书的转化进行,will,的渗透,并不用一开始就讲授语法知识,使,用提示:无,Look at the,girl in a pink blouse.,What,will,she do?,She,will,_ on _.,Jun 2,nd,Thur,Look at the,boy in a green T-shirt.,What,will,he do?,He,will,_ on _.,Sept 1,st,Wed,Look at the,girl with long hair.,What,will,she do?,She,will,_ on _.,Feb 23,rd,Mon,What date is it?,How does he feel?,What,is he going to,do?I think he,is going to,目的:在日期和计划叠加人物的感受,步,骤:问答形式进行,之后可以生生问,对话,使,用提示:无,What date is it?,How does he feel?,What,will he,do?I think he,will,What date is it?,How does he feel?,What,will he,do?I think he,will,What date is it?,How does he feel?,What,will he,do?I think he,will,have a music test,school open day,目的:,步,骤:抽空留白,让学生自由发挥,使,用提示:无,Wendy and Tom are cousins.Wendy is in Beijing and Tom is in Australia.Tom is coming to Beijing for holiday and visit Wendy.,Here is their plan for April.,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,have a PE test,fathers birthday,go for a picnic,go swimming,Tom,April,()1 Tom,will,have a maths test on April 1,st,.,()2 He,will,go for a picnic on Saturday,April 18,th,.,()3 Toms fathers birthday is on April 22,nd,.,()4 On April 10,th,Tom,will,go swimming.,F,T,F,F,will=be going to,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,Wendy,April,Wendy,will,_ on _.,Some advice for the trip,Beijing is a big and beautiful city.There are many shops and restaurants.The Great Wall is famous too.What will Tom do in Beijing?,Things we do outdoors,go,mountain climbing,go camping,play on the,beach,go swimming,1,4,3,2,目的:学习新词汇,步,骤:让学生连线,虽然有新词汇两个,但是学生可以通过图示,排除法等完成练习,使,用提示:点击图片可以进行新词汇学习,Things we do outdoors,附加的:有需要就用,go,cyclying,go ski,ing,go sunbath,ing,go picnic,ing,go hik,ing,Things we do at home,Things we do in the mall,目的:听力练习,使用提示:点击金太阳进行练习,Weekend is coming.,What,will,Tom do?,Sun,June 1,st,Mon,June 2,nd,Tues,June 3rd,Wed,June 4,th,Thurs,June 5,th,Fri,June 6,th,Sat,June 7,th,Will,Pam visit the museum on June 1,st,?,Will,_ _ on _?,Will,_ _ on _?,memory game,Yes,.will.,No,.wont.,Jack,go swimming,July 3,rd,Kate,Peter,Pam,目的:练习,will,的一般疑问句,步,骤:玩记忆游戏,看图记忆,一生提问,一生回答,使,用提示:点击左上,memory game,,遮蔽框就出现或消失,Review,will,in Baiyun Hill,My parents,go mountain climbing,next week,line up game,will,in Baiyun Hill,My parents,go mountain climbing,next week,=,are going to,in Baiyun Hill,My parents,go mountain climbing,next week,with his friends,is going to,Her father,tomorrow,visit Nanjing,line up game,is going to,with his friends,Her father,visit Nanjing,tomorrow,=,will,with his friends,Her father,visit Nanjing,tomorrow,I can _ on the,beach,.,I like to play on the beach.,play on the,beach,play on the,beach,P24,使用提示:让学生 造句 点击箭头可以回原来页面,之后直接跳转到,24,页,I like to,go mountain climbing,on _.,m,o,u,t,n,a,i,n,山,climb,ing,go,go,mountain climbing,P24,


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